"Power line down on Whitehaven Road. Delmarva Power just spent 2 hours splicing a broken wire on Whitehaven Road. No face masks in this weather, cranking wires into place. These are some tough guys out there. Line is up and with any luck we might have power.They are headed back to the sub station."
that's good to hear. I am SO paranoid about losing power, for I am claustrophobic enough as it is, I should have thought ahead enough to get a Valium prescription just in case.
Anonymous 1:49 - Just relax and take deep breaths , then call a friend . It will be ok !
Light a scented candle then read a good book, do a jigsaw puzzle or find a word book, make some snow cream! Take some beautiful photos of the snow and try to just enjoy the beauty of mother nature.
For waht they're getting paid, they should be out there fixing the downed power lines. That's their job!
Power back on in Bivalve.....
Power back in Nanticoke , from 10:00 am to 2:30pm. Amen!
The linemen are kicking ass.
I was worried about Nanticoke . They just love SBY NEWS . Let the fun begin !!
Thanks Delmarva Power!!!
Light a candle and read a book sounds like good advice but alot of us out here have NO heat when the electric goes off so we cant just relax.Regardless of how much money they make,I am grateful for the linemen out there working in this weather to restore power to everyone.I wouldnt go up in a bucket in this weather for any amount of money.Be glad they are out there.
yes, thank you Delmarva Power. Can anyone remember when there were offices in Westover, Cambridge, Federalsburg, St. Michaels, Oxford, etc? Salisbury is the only office to service this entire area. Pepco Holdings own them and the big wigs make all the dough and sit inside. Pepco's earnings were over $300 million last year. The line crews and trouble and service men have been drastically cut over the years. These guys are working 16+ hour days sent home and expected to be back in 8 hours. They are not even getting 8 hours sleep. When Uncle Sam gets done taking his share they might take home half of what they made while their families are waiting at home for their husbands and fathers to come home. Thanks guys. also...thanks to the dispatchers who are taking all the calls.
Damnit, stop all the whining about Delmarva Power! One thing's for sure - I can't talk about the upper level execs, but the linemen & maintenance crews work hard, and kick a$$ to keep things working. I have a neighbor who is out everytime something goes down - He goes out. I saw one of his fellow linemen pull up outside the other day in the first storm, sit on the rear of his truck and change into dry socks and boots - so he could go at it - AGAIN. My hat's off to them, they have a dangerous & tuff job. And i've never seen them running away from it!!
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