Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele is suggesting that critics of his controversial tenure could be closet racists, according to an interview published Tuesday.
Speaking to “Washingtonian” magazine, Steele wondered why his Democratic National Committee counterpart doesn't get the same criticism he does, The Hill political Web site reported Tuesday.
There was no online version of the interview, but The Hill offered some of what Steele said.
"I don’t see stories about the internal operations of the DNC that I see about this operation," Steele said. "Why? Is it because Michael Steele is the chairman, or is it because a black man is chairman?”
The RNC has experienced significant staff turnover since Steele became chairman, especially in the communications shop.
Republican leaders have told Newsmax and other publications that Steele’s penchant for off-the-cuff remarks that tend to insult conservative icons like Rush Limbaugh are unwanted distractions in a year in which Republican could conceivably recapture both the House and the Senate.
[Also read the Newsmax exclusive: “Michael Steele Has Lost the Support of His Party” Here ]
Steele is a rino and this is the year for conservative to kick the rino's out with the dumbocraps.
RACE CARD? Look who is sitting with that non american in the white house today.
Most of the criticism comes from his own racist party.
Closet racists in the republican party? Shocking news.
Maybe Steele will realize that the GOP elected him because "well, those democrats have got a black man, thats popular. Lets get us one too"
Simialr to McCain's, "hell they got a high profile woman running, let me find a woman too!"
How many of us out here don't see race until someone points it out or wants an advantage because of it?
Steele is a good man and has had to defend himself 24/7 from his own party lynching crew from the beginning.
As a lifelong resident of Maryland, I'm just glad he didn't get elected to represent us in the Senate, and that he's too busy to seek another elected office. I hope the Republicans keep him just where he is for years to come.
Steele for President in 2012
Slavery was abolished in 1865.
No slaves or slaveowners are still alive.
We have an African-American sitting in the highest seat of the land.
Michael Steele is a perfect candidate to get Obama out of the White House. He visited Salisbury a few years back - quite impressive gentleman.
You are so right, she wouldn't read it, someone would burn it first, But there should be a share button!
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