President Obama will discuss jobs and the economy with black leaders tomorrow, including the Rev. Al Sharpton.
This will be Sharpton's second official trip to the White House.
Also in tomorrow's meeting will be Benjamin Jealous, President of the NAACP, Marc H. Moiral, President and CEO of the National Urban League, and Dr. Dorothy I. Height, chairwoman of the National Council of Negro Women.
what would sharpton know about a job or any jobs, he's just a race hustler and a poverty pimp!
Next week he is hosting a meeting with just white people. There will be representatives there from the NAAWP and the chairwoman of the National Councel of White Women. They will discuss preserving jobs for white people.
Where's Harry Alford?
Welcome to Black America. Thanks Liberal whites.
What's the point of this posting Joe? You don't seem to care if a group of white people visit.
anonymous 8:14, why don't you ask "The Hill," they wrote the article. Or are you trying to make Joe Albero out to be a racist again. What's your agenda Mr. Anonymous?
I thought the duties of the president included improving the lives of all americans, not focusing on specific groups? This is a prime example of the events that prevent U.S. citizens from moving on beyond racial issues. People need to improve THEMSELVES and work towards a better life. Get an education, morals and a since of pride and work ethic and anyone who has the desire to accomplish these things can have a better life, and job, without making it into a segregated issue...
Sharpton shaking down obammma?
I thought this was going to be a post-racial president. Another lie from our worthless leader. The pot of racism has been stirred up to the point that it is starting to stink again. It's just part of their strategy-divide and conquer. If they keep the public divided into all these different groups and keep the groups pitted against each other, there will be no one looking at the real problem and that's how they stay in power.
Obama has one meeting and you guys swear he wants to paint the country black. Give it a rest already.
The NAAWP will be the next guest!
Anon 9:21 I wonder what your opinion will be when the focus shifts from the black community to the hispanic. Will you still be lacadazical about the "meeting"? The Minority voice is quickly changing........
Maybe now someone will file for an impeachment of this racial president! A meeting with the most racial people in all of America.
Nothin like an Al Sharpton post to bring sbynews' racist readership out of the woodwork.
Putta sock in it, anom 10:48. I am an sby news reader, i am black, and certainly not a racist. But a Republican? Hell yes, and proud to be. Now go do something constructive. Like throwing snowballs at Al. Maybe you'll get lucky and hit him with one.
Here's my comment: Al Sharpton izza jacka$$. That's a quote.
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