At the time there was no way I could get out her way so I picked up the phone and called Todd Wampler, (Owner of Station 7 Restaurant) and asked him if there was anyone out that way that could pitch in and help this woman out.
Without any hesitation Todd said, what's the address Joe. I gave it to him and asked him if he could please let me know if they were able to take care of her.
Within no time at all I received a call back from Todd explaining how he and one other individual from Station 7 had gone to her home and cleared the snow.
So Thank You Todd & Station 7 Restaurant. Good people doing good things for others!
I'm gonna have to ride out there and eat sometime.
not today tho
Joe it's great to know that there are still really good people in the world. Something no one on the news channels ever reports on!
When this is all over and the roads are safe, let's all set a time and date to go there for dinner! We can have a Meet and Greet dinner and relax, kick back and enjoy! We can call it, JOE'S party! Joining Others Enjoying Sharing!
ok..so far that was the best I could come up with using the letters in Mr. joe's name...lol
Cindy W.
Cindy W - I like how you think . I am there . Joe does everything for everyone , it is time someone did something for Joe . The good guys do win !!!!
3:15 PM Had a great Idea. And for those who haven't been to Station7, you are missing out on one of the best restaurant on Delmarva.
Tom Sawyer
Joe, I was Am the woman who you sent those gentleman out to rescue. I cannot express enough my gratitude in thanks. I indeed have a daughter who has severe seziures as well as CP, My son lost his leg in an industrial accident in berlin just before christmas. Again Thank You and God Bless you and your contacts..
Whoever the dumb idiot was who came out and plowed out there is to blame. This is not the only case of this. I know for a fact that the guy that came through there and cleared it, blocked the storm drain so the water backed up in the street and caused an ice skating rink. Not to mention that if he had just taken a few extra minutes to push it down where there were no houses then there would be a lot of people who would not have had ice and snow that trapped them in their own driveway. I am grateful to the guy at Station 7. Thanks for helping this lady out in her time of need. Also to everyone hiring a professional company, please be careful who you use. I've seen and experienced first hand how quickly they can tear something up as they don't know what they are doing just to make a quick buck.
My name is Garrett Ehrisman and it was my house that you sent Todd and the other gentelmen to help clear off the snow.I have known Todd for a few yrs now and he has always been there for someone that needed help. Thank you very much Todd and Rob. it really means a lot to me that there are people out there with common since and decency to do things out of the kindness of there heart. Thank you also Mr. Albero it really means alot to my family.
Todd, Rob and the entire Station 7 crew are amazing. Station 7 is definatly the best thing to come to Pittsville. Friendly environment, awesome food and great entertainment. My family and I eat there frequently and we've never had a bad experience. This is not the first time that Station 7 has responded to a call in need. Thanks for everything Station 7.
They were there at the Shorebirds Stadium serving food as well, no charge! These are "Good People" Folks.
Station 7 is wonderful. Good People, we are lucky to have them in the community. I will continue to support their excellent restaurant.
Thanks Todd, Carol and Rob!
Helping in the community is nothing new to the crew at
Station 7 whether it be an auction/fundraiser for a family in need or serving hot food to volunteers. It seems that whenever there is a need Station 7 comes to the rescue. Thanks Station 7
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