Parents got a call tonight about a threat that was made on social media.
It's being kept under their hat to the point the students had no clue what's going on. Parents that are getting this call want answer. Joe I hope you can post so we can figure out what happened.
This is the call and email parents got tonight.
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how many times do students and parents decide to put up with this crap before they take their children OUT of this Dangerous, Failing system???
That's pathetic. Another incompetent move by the principal. We parents want to know. why when there is a threat in our school nothings done.atleast a safe in place until they deal with the student who made the threat. This is not the first time that principal did not act like she took it seriously.
Bring back reform school
Bring back the SWITCH.
School vouchers. Make schools accountable again.
Blame the parents of the unruly children. Blame the government for stepping in and telling us we cant discipline our children without CPS being called. The school system is not failing, every thing around it is.
11:29, school vouchers? Historically, they are given to lower income families with students in failing schools. So, lets say we have them, where would you suggest a student to go? Salisbury Christian, Worcester Prep?
11:09 Problem is the kids that get bussed in to Bennett and Parkside are carrying .38’s and glock 9’s.
So you want teachers to carry willow branches against bad actors with powder and lead?
No. Expulsion is the only answer. Reform schools are in order.
Fund alternative schools that have blatant in your face, kick your butt security that curb bad behavior unrelentlessly.
Force these problem children to submit to society or else.
the principle savage is an illiterate do nothing ra ra pos! time for hanlan, and her merry band of mental midgets to go! they should have never been hired! have you ever spoken with an individual and half way through the conversation realized they were dumber then a rock?
So does anyone have a clue what happened??? I agree that Principal Savage has no clue how to run a High School. I am surprised any teachers are left in that school. She does not have a backbone and NEVER bakes her staff. She is scared to death not to agree with every parent. Mrs Nathan needs to come back.
Does anybody know about a teacher at BMS getting fired this week for inappropriate searches????
Da ruma is he was searching the net and got picked up on it. You hear something else?
Hanlon's contract comes up for renewal this summer. We need to challenge the school board or else just shut up.
I wish we this site has a simple Agree/Disagree button. I like a lot of what is said. But we need action. What about a parent march asking for cleaned up behaviors by kids. If parent involvement of these lost children aren’t going to improve we shouldn’t have to subject our families to this. We need change!
The parents dumped him so everyone can shut up about parents now.
Arm chair critics amaze me.
Something was posted on his FB.
Someone saw and reported it.
The authorities investigated and went to the school.
The school cooperated and took action.
This all JUST happened.....
No one commenting above really knows how and what went down but you all act as if you do.
Dont blame the school...the acted immediately.
Don’t blame the parents, they abandoned the kid.
Don’t blame the authorities...they acted.
Sometimes sh#happens.
What you all SHOULD be doing is thanking them.
Quit being armchair critics unless you can speak with some knowledge.
The authorities might have acted but parents should have been made aware and I don’t care what kind of threat it is, if it is a threat in any school it should be taken serious. There should have been a safe in place ordered until it was known for sure all was good. The principal Savage has dropped the ball several times. She says the safety of students is first priority,but she doesn’t act like it. When there are fights she just stands there and does not do anything. She is scared to death of these kids. She needs to go. Bring Nathan back.
Several fights at SMS this week (surprise surprise) that involved a substitute teacher getting hurt and requiring surgery. But we haven’t heard about that one. I just don’t understand how hard it is to punish and hold accountable the parents of these children who wreak havoc on the normal operations of a school day. The same way the students were “charged” at Bennett high school is the same way PARENTS need to be held accountable for the ones who aren’t 18. It’s beyond ridiculous. If the public only knew what really happened on a day to day basis, at mostly every school in this county, even elementary, the school system might be shut the hell down.
I agree with 655. Reform school!
With all the problems that are happening in our schools, failing test scores and more than anything the high incidence of crime. Crime has never been this high in the Wicomico County School System until Donna Hanlin was hired as the Superintendent. Now we have an elected school board and the 7 elected miscreant voted unanimously to reappoint her as the Wicomico County BOE Superintendent. Donna Hanlin is the weakest and the worst Superintendent in the history of the Wicomico County Board of Education. The seven BOE members were too lazy and too weak to do a search for a new Superintendent.
The seven members of Wicomico County’s Board of Education unanimously reappointed Dr. Donna Hanlin today. She will serve another 4-year term as Superintendent.
In 2022 we have the choice to vote these clowns out of office. These so-called Republicans are a major disappointment to the Party. John Palmer, Ann Suthowski, Gene Malone and Tanya Laird Lewis. Tonya Laird Lewis has to get through the upcoming 2020 race to get re-elected and then run again for re-election in 2022. We are going to work overtime to make sure she doesn't get through the November election. BUH BYE Tonya!!
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