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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Robin Smith: Legal Plunder as Law Enforcement

Tell that to the American citizen stripped of $58k seven months ago with no crime.

Most will skim this headline and think, “Nah, this doesn’t apply to me.”

Well, yes it does.

If you own property that could be stolen from you and then used in some type of criminal activity, your property, once recovered, doesn’t have to be returned to you. If you simply possess a large amount of cash and are stopped and searched, the money can be taken and held for an administrative review to determine if, indeed, it was lawfully obtained or possessed. It may not be returned.

So, in reality, there’s a real possibility your life may be impacted by the issue of civil asset forfeiture. Regardless, it’s an issue that emphatically demonstrates the metastasizing cancer of bureaucratic government.

What is civil asset forfeiture and why should you care?

Civil asset forfeiture is the confiscation of property by law enforcement at the federal, state and local levels when that property is alleged to have been derived from or used in the commission of a crime. Unlike criminal asset forfeiture, property is seized and held from individuals or entities without a conviction or even formal charges filed. In short, there is no requirement of proof of guilt, a conviction or even formal charges. It’s entirely legal, and there’s often little recourse against it.



Anonymous said...

Oh but everyone here on SBY wants Civil Asset forfeiture, and eminent domain!!!! That is what they claim becasue they want to take a piece of property a guy owns becasue he was nice enough to let you all use a road that was put there years and years ago, then when it washed out, he said no more and you all complained like the clowns you are not knowing a damn thing about anything saying we should take his land!!! All so you won't be inconvenienced another 10 minutes on yuor daily drive to or from town...

I highly recommend to you all to watch this council video of them trying to take someone's land via eminent domain... They spend thousands if not millions to try and get this guy but he had good lawyers and the money to keep fight, some of which most of you people do not have the means to keep fighting... They wanted his land for a water line, but the point here is they were more mad they could not take this guys land than it was to have the water line... They can easily go around the property, they spend thousands if not millions trying to get this guy when that money could have been used to just put the damn water line in around his land... They will go to all lengths to waste and spend money to get you than to just give up and to the right thing and go around... Then they demonized the guy for having money and was able to keep fighting!!! Notice how the women says she is mad that he had money to fight and typical people do't and they would have just taken the land in the first place!!!! This what will happen when you open the doors to just one instance of eminent domain... 9 out of 10 times it is becasue you all or the council is being selfish...

Here is the video:

lmclain said...

It is NOTHING more than official armed robbery, condoned and codified by your "leaders", done by men with guns who WILL kill you for resisting (just like any OTHER criminal would).
You are not arrested, you are not charged, and you are not "innocent until proven guilty".
You just lose whatever property or money you have...don't like it?? You could travel back to Texas or Oklahoma (from Vermont) to PROVE YOUR INNOCENCE (read that "innocent" part again).
Or, you could complain to the cop about the strong arm robbery he is committing. THEN, the fun really begins. They don't like answering questions from their victims. They WILL shoot you in front of your kids, no problem at all.
PLEASE don't say "it hurts criminals!!". You reveal just how short-sighted and stupid you are and tell everyone that you don't really know anything about our history, our laws, or our Constitution.
You are too busy cheering and showing the Gestapo how much of a "goot ci-di-zen" you are...
I'm going to buy more ammo today. Highway robbery? It's a crime no matter what badge or mask you wear.
Two Sets Of Laws.
Keep cheering.

Anonymous said...

All so Mike Lewis and his ilk can buy more toys for him and his deputies to play with. If they can steal the money from citizens without cause, they are probably corrupt in how the stolen goods are spent. Think there's any kickbacks going on when they spend their ill-gotten gains? For a Sheriff that breaks the law, to enforce the law, I have no doubt.