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Friday, May 29, 2015

Please share this and if you see him, contact police IMMEDIATELY

I am so ashamed to say that this is even any relation to me. A few days ago the man on the left, Joey Hundley, assaulted...

Posted by Erin Todd on Thursday, May 28, 2015


Anonymous said...

No need to be ashamed. She is doing the right thing. Only those who may be apologists for this monster need to be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

There is no shame in doing the right thing, this idiot needs to be caught and put away for a long time and the more people you bring his attention to the sooner he will be where he belongs!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see the appropriate sheriff or police department issue a statement.

Anonymous said...

I hope he ends up vasectomized...the hard way.

Anonymous said...

He will use the defense "I was hit as a child so it is OK"
It is never right to hit a child of any age.

Anonymous said...

Or, mentality challenge, a dope addict, an alcoholic or the devil made me do this. Some how some way, he'll find a way to blame someone or some thing else. This man is a pig.

Anonymous said...

Your mentality is why kids bring guns to school. Disrespect parents. Etc. No fear! We feared our parents and the switch,barber strap etc. Not cops or teachers. I was more worried about what my parents would do to me if I messed than anything. Nowadays kids don't even know what a spanking is. And look at the country today! The bible says to use the rod of correction. And as a country we have to much government and idiots like you instead of God. We've lost our favor with the lord.

Anonymous said...

I hope he is arrested soon and maybe he will resist arrest and get two broken jaws. He deserves it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why is this not being reported elsewhere? Praying for the innocent baby. That sicko (refuse to call him a father) needs to be found and held accountable!