Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that the Supreme Court's ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby — allowing some companies to refuse to cover employees for specific birth control methods if they conflict with the business owner's religious beliefs — was "deeply disturbing."
Clinton, a potential Democratic presidential candidate in 2016, said she hopes the court's ruling sparks a "real outcry" across the nation.
"This is a really bad, slippery slope," Clinton said during an appearance at the Aspen Ideas Festival.
liberal air-head at best...
She's right; this will bite the Conservatives in the ass.
Wait until you have a Muslim boss making insurance decisions for you based on his religious beliefs.
Yes, this long, slippery slope started 230 years ago in the Bill of Rights! Imagine, freedom of religion and the right to privacy!
Oh, the horror!
If you don't like the decision...don't work at Hobby Lobby. Maybe try getting a job as a community organizer or Democrat fund raiser.
What do expect from an old woman.
The decision upheld a specific law signed by Mrs. Bill Clinton's husband. What an idiot; just playing to the low info crowd.
She is disturbing in every way. map
I will not work for him.
Ruling pertains to IUD's and "morning after pill, which they feel are abortion related. Has nothing to do with birth control pills.
Yes, Holly lobby went to court over a limited number of birth control treatments, but this ruling means any closely held company can eliminate any coverage they say they religiously object to.
A company can drop all birth control or all HIV treatment or blood transfusions. The ruling DOES NOT limit this to just what Holly Hobby was suing over.
Thank you, 803, so you're saying that Freedom of Religion and the right to privacy won! excellent!
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