Awkward ending to Main St Gym Charter Fishing Raffle, Sunset Grill, Ocean City,
Friday evening was the scheduled drawing for Main St Gym’s Summer Fundraising Raffle. The prize was a 6 person charter fishing trip aboard the “Pumpin Hard “. The fishing trip valued at $2400, was donated to the Main St Gym by ” Pumpin Hard” owner and Main St Gym board member, Dan Burt of Salisbury.
The drawing was done at 9;00 pm at the Sunset Grill, up on the band stage. After the large bin of tickets had been flipped, stirred and shaken for sometime, Zack Burt , son of Dan Burt, held the tub high overhead as Susie, the hostess for the Sunset Grill, groped and dug around before pulling out a single ticket that she handed to Coach Hal Chernoff, Program Director of the Main St Gym. As he prepared to read the winning name, many in the crowd called out their own numbers in hopes of winning the trip out on the high seas.
“And the winner is…………… John Awkward of Salisbury MD”, Coach Chernoff announced. John Awkward is employed by Bank of Delmarva at the Eastern Shore Dr, branch. He is married to his wife Kelly and has two sons that love to fish, Mathew age 10 and Taylor age 11.
Awkward who also to loves to fish, said he has been wanting to take his two sons, on an offshore fishing trip for a couple years now, but
a day 50 miles offshore on a nice big charter boat can be a little costly.
“I am so stoked” said Awkward, “last night I told my wife, Kelly, how great it would be to if I won the trip, so I could take the boys out and few hours later Hal called to tell me my ticket was pulled. I know all about the Main St Gym Youth program and what they do in the community and think it’s a great program. I take my kids to all the fights they hold at the gym and we always have a blast so I didn’t hesitate for second to purchase some tickets” added Awkward.
Coach Chernoff wrapped the evening up buy saying, “The raffle was real success and I need to thank everyone that helped make it so, including Dan Burt for his generous donation of the fishing trip on one of the top producing boats in the entire Ocean City fleet, to Buddy Trala ,owner of the Sunset Grill for all his help and allowing Main St Gym to do the drawing at best marina bar and restaurant in Ocean City, to the Main St Gym board members and friends that sold tickets, Peninsula Printing for their help with the tickets and last but not least, all of people that supported the Main St Gym Youth Program, with the purchase of the tickets, thank you all”.
Way to go guys!
CP & E
Congrats John. You're gonna enjoy that one.
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