They must enjoy getting pounded by Salisbury News. I'm actually starting to believe Greg Bassett & Co. really don't understand or believe that we're much bigger than the Daily Times any more, but it's whatever.
In today's Our View, the DT's goes after the City Council once again, yet they clearly were told, (once again) one side of the story. Let me spell it out for you Mr. Bassett.
The Mayor tried to pull a fast one on the Council by trying to mortgage that property WITHOUT their knowledge. When the Council saw what the Mayor was trying to do they shut it down immediately.
Because the Mayor and his chosen two continue to play games, (just as the former Mayor and Council did) they won't have it any more. If some of you are wondering why Jim Ireton is so pissed off any more it's because this Council is too smart for his games and the games of former administrations.
Then they get the Daily Times to spew their hate towards the Council and while the Council majority seem unpopular, they're actually out there covering your rear ends financially.
How the Daily Times can continue to publish such garbage, acting as if there are millions upon millions of dollars floating around to blow on more section 8 housing is beyond me. Their claim is that people have been looking at an empty building for too long. Tough Crap! Spend a day in Detroit Mr. Bassett and maybe you'll come home to a beautiful City. However, you keep pushing our representatives to blow money on something we can't afford, we'll look like Detroit in no time and it will be your fault.
The Daily Times has no vested interest in these kind of projects. I could see if THEY were putting their money where their mouth is but instead they sit back and try to control the entire City with more garbage.
Here's another thought Mr. Bassett. Why don't you have a reporter spend some time researching how many affordable housing units there are in Salisbury. Then check out if the County has ANY. Then compare Salisbury, (per capita) to other Cities in Maryland and see just where we stand. Don't sit there and state Salisbury desperately needs more housing units like this in that area.
What we need Mr. Bassett is a Mayor who can bring JOBS to Salisbury. We need to become less dependent and more independent. Or are you trying to tell us all that Obama has screwed us so bad that we better start renovating properties for section 8 housing because it's NOT going to get any better any time soon.
The Bricks is a dead issue. Mayor Ireton needs to learn to pick his battles carefully because Salisbury News reaches far more local people than the Daily Times and we'll continue to crush them every time they spew this crap.
I agree. Their old building looks like crap but prmc owns it now and the city won't touch them.
So Bassett owns a building? Why doesn't he act then and turn his own building into "affordable housing" if he feels there is such a dire need for it. That's exactly what any prudent concerned person would be doing and not waiting around for tax payers to foot the bill.
Seems to me all Bassett likes to do is bloviate instead of acting on what he believes are important issues. If he were truly concerned he would do something with his own building to alleviate this supposed affordable housing shortage.
Bassett doesn't own a building. The Daily Times owned a building in Downtown Salisbury they sold quite a few years ago to PRMC. The building is run down and continues to be an eye sore to the community, yet the DT's ignores it.
WE are subjected to looking at an abandoned building for years too, yet the DT's ignores any mention of that load of crap building.
I think I'll go take a walk down there today and take some pictures of it just to remind people what the DT's and PRMC can do to our community.
Basset is clueless. There are more than enough affordable, income based, Section 8 units and homes available for rent in the city. The city should not be competing with landlords and investors anyway.
But could we expect anything else from him? The word "research" is foreign to the DT's.
There was a detailed architectural drawing over 8 -10 years ago that showed the "future" expansion of PRMC that included an overhead walking ramp from PRMC to the Daily Times Building. The Drs and PRMC bought everything they could including the old ice house. Did you also know that last week a paper stating all of the salaries for PRMC appeared on doors. The CEO of John Hopkins makes around $600,000 a year and runs 6 or 8 facilities well new CEO Napella also makes $600,000 a year. PRMC has been in bed with the DTs for years.
Great Point Joe. I guess it all depends on who they are trying to protect over at The Daily Lies.
PRMC purchased that bulding for expansion purchases. The decision to expand in the front of the hosiptal has been discussed, even the possibilty of closing a part of Carrol Street. There are eviromental issues with the property that has to be completed
before any recommendations are presented to the board.
The Daily TImes can buy the Bricks form teh city and use their money to create the units. Everyone will win.
Fine idea, 10:45. Make the first floor a PRMC satellite clinic for the neighborhood.
or maybe Ireton and Bassett could put together a group of investors, who like themselves are concerned about this made up (lie) affordable housing shortage and together turn it into apartments.
When's the new sheriff from Gannett supposed to get in town?
Bassett, stfu! The area is just sick of your opinion on everything.
Re: The Bricks
It has an interesting pattern to the brick exterior.
Was probably a more viable property when lots of traffic passed by before Rt 50 was relocated. That's life; that's progress.
The first mistake was accepting it as a donation.
The second was getting involved in trying to re-make it via grants, subsidies and remote management.
Surplus it; sell it to someone who will put their time and money into and ....get it back on the tax rolls.
FYI mayor, then you'll get a bit more cash to spend and won't be cut short when the O'Malley gravy train dries up.
Sell the bricks. The city does not need to be involved in the rental business. $200,000 per unit is not affordable housing. It should not even cost half that for a affordable rental unit.
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