As I mentioned earlier in a comment on the Bricks, here's what we're subjected to for years now, yet Code & Compliance hasn't done a thing to keep this property up. I wonder why?
If the Daily Times wants to go around shoving projects down the taxpayers throats, perhaps they should do stories about ALL of the buildings around Salisbury that are abandoned. I'm sure I have hundreds of them in my files. How about the Allfirst Bank on the Plaza.
How about the Vernon Powell building on the Plaza.
The ONLY reason the Bricks is a big deal is because Jim Ireton controlls the Daily Times. They did articles on the Bricks two days in a row. Do as I say, not as I do, right Greg Bassett?
This City simply needs a new Mayor, period. We're all subjected to abandoned buildings and homes throughout Salisbury. In time we will figure out what can be done but we'll do so through investors and NOT more grants. In other words, not off the taxpayers backs. I'd rather do it right with people who are INTERESTED in Salisbury and NOT with easy grant money to create an Inner City.
Look at Ireton's pattern Ladies & Gentlemen. He's not doing anything, other than Section 8, affordable and subsidized housing units, even Downtown. We'll see what the Voters want come April. I'm banking on the fact that the citizens want it done right and that's why they'll vote for me.
Is the old Daily Times building owned by PRMC now?
anonymous 11:27, aka Daily Times Employee, YES the property is now owned by PRMC. The POINT here is NOT who owns the building but the FACT that we are all subjected to having to see it every day of the week for several years now.
The manufactured DT's article is about NEIGHBORS allegedly claiming they are tired of seeing the abandoned Bricks. Not just one article but two articles over a two day period.
The Daily Times abandoned Downtown Salisbury. They went from 200+ employees down to less than a dozen. ANY person who follows what these horrible business people are shoving down their throats is simply mentally challenged.
What I have delivered is facts, not made up, oh look, we found someone to say they don't like the building so we can make an article up about it.
Ireton and Bassett are simply out to hurt Cohen, Campbell and Spies.
Look up the FACTS. Salisbury is overloaded with subsidized housing units, it's a fact.
The only people that support Ireton are the section 8 people , that includes Shields and Laura M.
Ireton, like Louise Smith, got elected by portraying himself as a champion of the single family home owner and promised to oust all of the corrupt rotten Tilghman apples that were running the show. He portrayed himself as an advocate for the little guy and pretended that he disagreed with the actions of the slumlords. Well WTF happened Jimmy? YOU LIED. You will not get re-elected you miserable lying liberal POS. Everyone got fooled by Louise, and yes we all got fooled by you, too. BUT it will only happen ONCE.
has the city owned all these buildings pictured for over five years
the DT did not sell the building to PRMC as they were not the owner of the carrol st bldg check your sources
the daily times building is a dump but the powell building and allfirst are signs of good ole american craftsmanship at its best!!!! darn shame to let these building go to far as the bricks goes it looks as good as the rest of the trash around it.what a shame salisbury has became a entitlement city and we all know were we are headed with that. but the ole saying says!! give it and they will come!
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