As people cheer the presence of two women on the just-released list of presidential and vice presidential debate moderators, another question is lingering in the air: why are the hosts all white?
On Monday, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced that Candy Crowley, Jim Lehrer and Bob Schieffer have been chosen to moderate the three debates in October between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. ABC's Martha Raddatz will host the vice presidential debates.
The selection of Crowley and Raddatz was music to the ears of people who had demanded the inclusion of women on the list. Yet, as Tampa Bay Times television writer Eric Deggans noted
, it will be the first time since 1996 -- when Lehrer moderated every single debate -- that there has been no person of color questioning any of the candidates for the White House.
Who cares. Just ask the right questions, map
Why not all white? There's no evidence to exclude anyone else. Maybe there were/are no available non-white candidates? I mean, why fast track Obama into Harvard just because he's not white? Where does all this thinking end?
Why all liberals?
They are all liberals just to make it even....Obama is going to need all the help he can get from these people.
Better question-why all Progressive Leftist Democrats?
Perhaps they are being coached on just what questions to submit. I do agree, we should have a member of the new black panther group with this group. That would be really fun!
White guilt.
For crying out loud!!! What difference does their color make as long as they're capable of doing the job??? Get over it, America. I'm sure if there were a "person of color" that asked a wrong question & didn't get the desired answer, then they'd say they were discriminated against.
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