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Monday, February 27, 2012

Pelosi’s ‘Message to Church:’ ‘Catholic Women…From 14…Or Younger…Are Practicing Birth Control’

( - House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) used her closing remarks at a special hearing called by the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee on Thursday to summarize what she described as a “message” to the Catholic Church: Your teaching on birth control “isn’t even accepted by the laity churchgoing people themselves.”

To illustrate her claim, Pelosi, who is Catholic, said that "an overwhelming number" of American Catholic girls from age 14 “or younger” are using birth control. Pelosi cited no source for this assertion.

After asserting that “over 300,000 people” had complained that no woman had testified on a panel in the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that had discussed the Obama administration’s regulation that will force all health-care plans—including those provided or purchased by Catholics and Catholic institutions--to cover sterilizations, contraceptives and abortifacients, Pelosi was interrupted by the Georgetown Law School student she had called in to testify to rectify the matter.



Anonymous said...

I don't understand the hooplah. It's not like forbidding anyone access to the healthcare they want nor is it about whether employers should be health insurance brokers (they should not). It's also not about forcing anyone to undergo a medical procedure against their will.

The deal is, Catholics have a policy. Health insurance companies should be able to cater to that policy. Making some law that forces health insurance companies to provide a service and therefore force all their customers to mutually pay for that service through their premium payments is unconstitutional. Congress cannot force anyone to buy or pay for a specific product. Religious groups, or any group for that matter have the right to participate in any business that suits them, and to opt out of any business that they choose not to.
So, that just makes birth control, abortion, vasectomies, toe surgery, or anything else a choice between provider and customer. If that means there should be a health plan available for sale that does not provide or charge for certain services and the customer would have to pay cash for an elective procedure, so be it! FREEDOM. FREE MARKET SYSTEM. This is why Obamacare is unconstitutional in the first place. Fighting over the details of 2500 pages of unconstitutionality will take years, and should be ignored while we concentrate on repeal and getting our economy back on track.

Anonymous said...

Nancy, some are not, and you cannot legislate those who wish to follow religious beliefs. Just because a few do something doesn't mean everyone has to do it. Didn't your Mom ever say to you,"Just because everyone else jumps in the lake doesn't mean you have to do it"? And hey, Nancy, why is your hair and clothes all wet?

Anonymous said...

the objection is the requirement to provide it.