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Monday, August 22, 2011

Perry Becomes Millionaire While In Office

Texas Governor Rick Perry, who has never been paid a government salary of more than $150,000, became a millionaire while in public office through well-timed sales in the Texas real estate market.


Anonymous said...

the clintons became well off too.

Anonymous said...

It's a loooong list if you name 'em all on both sides of the aisle. In short, so what?

Anonymous said...

LOL and he believes in creationism
he may be rich but aint too bright

Anonymous said...

Obama spent trillions and has nothing to show for it.

lmclain said...

"Well timed"??? Is that what they call it? Inside info and bribery. Campaign payoffs and kickbacks. He "just happened" to know where ALL the good deals were, and it "just happened" to coincide with political office? Lying. Cheating. Stealing. THAT'S what I call it. I guess the IRS was busy storm trooping the middle-class for $300-400 that they didn't notice anything suspicious. How many politicians getting RICH(er) in office does it take for those goons at the IRS and the FBI to scratch their tiny, bald heads and wonder just how the hell does that happen??

Anonymous said...

If you look at the majority of politicians in office today they have become millionaires on less than a 200,000 per year salary, why not reveal the names of ALL of them and not just Perry. Steny Hoyer, Elijah Cummings, Chris Van Hollen etc--they too have all become millionaires while in office.