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Monday, August 22, 2011

Smoke a Joint, Lose Your Child?

People caught with small amounts of marijuana in New York State are supposed to receive no more than a $100 fine, the equivalent of a traffic ticket. Instead, in New York City, many such people are being accused of child neglect, even if they are never charged with a drug-related violation. And some have even lost custody of their children.

Hundreds of child welfare investigations have been initiated as a result of marijuana arrests, though the parents who were caught were not charged or convicted of any crime, the New York Times reported Thursday in a front-page story.



Anonymous said...

good. the parent obviously cant make a sane decision for themselves, how can they make sound decisions for their child?

word verification - fight nice!

Anonymous said...

Do either of you drink alcohol? If so, other then being illegal, what does marijuana do to your body that drinking alcohol doesn't? In fact I would venture to guess you become more intoxicated and have more harmful effects on your body if you consume alcohol then if you smoke a joint. America sets such double standards, oh it is ok to go out and have a drink but you cant smoke a joint because it will harm your body? No more then a pack a day of cigarettes that most smokers intake. Absolutely ridiculous that it can be used as a medical device but its to harmful for public use. WEED DOES LESS HARM TO YOUR BODY THEN ALCOHOL AND CIGARETTES YOU DO THE MATH AS TO WHY IT IS STILL ILLEGAL.

Anonymous said...

Marijuana hurts families. It is a gateway drug.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:47pm ----

I call BS on that statement!

Please do us all a favor and get that stick out of your behind!

Anonymous said...


It is a gateway drug for people, that is their problem. Weed doesn't cause you to do other drugs, morons who want to ruin their life do that on their own. How is alcolhol not considered a "gateway" drug then, it causes just as many people to experiment? Weed doesnt hurt families, selfish people who do not care about their families do that on their own as well. Weed is illegal because the government wants it to be and that is it. No facts, nothing to prove how it is any more harmful then anything we ingest on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

Weed makes you stupid.

Anonymous said...

3:33 Ample evidence of that truth in the comments of 2:28, 2:50 and 3:08. You know it's illegal, yet you use it. You break the law when you obtain it, possess it and use it. Most kids in this age smoke weed before they drink alcohol because "weed's easier to get than booze." How can that be, you ask? They get it from their friends, their siblings or ..wait for it.. from their parents! Do you think your kids don't know you're smoking? Do you not believe you're giving them tacit approval to use it themselves? After all, mom and dad use it. It must be okay. And marijuana IS a gateway drug. Not because it will cause you to move on to more powerful drugs, but because of the associations you make when you use. The odds are that if you smoke weed, you hang out with others who do also. Often, these associates do other things and you are exposed to these things and may decide to "try" these things yourself, and so on and so on... There are multiple studies (not that you care to read them if you can even concentrate long enough to read one) that demonstrate that marijuana is, in fact, both harmful and addictive. The "medical uses" you mention are dubious at best and the same effect can be had through the use of a pill made from marijuana that doesn't make one "high." But the truth is you smoke weed to get "high," to escape from reality and, eventually, because you don't feel "normal" if you don't smoke it. Yes, alcohol causes a huge amount of harm to society and probably should be illegal, too. More harm, actually, than all the other drugs combined. But you can't justify your bad behavior by pointing to the bad behavior of others, especially when one is legal and the other isn't. I'm sure I've wasted my time posting this, but the truth is the truth even when you're in denial.

Anonymous said...


as a matter of fact, i dont drink alcohol. i also believe that alcohol needs to be outlawed as well!

Anonymous said...

4:15 your right I will drink and smoke to that!!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could own my own body. That would be so cool.

I also wish the kids owned their own bodies too, and could decide what to put into their bodies and what not to put into it (vaccines).

Imagine a reality where people actually owned and controlled (had a right to) their own bodies! Wow. What a wonderful fantasy.

But not here in Amerika.

Anonymous said...

Do whatever you want with your body-just don't expect the government (i.e, taxpayers) to pay for any consequences you have from your behavior.

Anonymous said...

It is no different then having a glass of wine after the kids are in bed.

They both help to relax you. Why are we so uptight in America?

I am telling this is totally our downfall!

Anonymous said...

If marijuana were legal, then you are right, it would not be any different. But, it is illegal. That is the difference. People who buy illicit drug put their children at risk in a number of ways.

Anonymous said...

It only leads to harder drugs because one must go to the cocaine/ LSD/ Quaalude/ Reds store in order to buy the stuff. Legalize it, Let them grow 20 in the back yard, tax the retail sales to those who don't grow, and let it go. I won't participate, because I am trying to run a business, and that can't be done if one smokes it, but that just makes me able and the others not! Kinda like too much alcohol...

Anonymous said...

Pot leads to mental disorders ask any doctor, Well at least honest ones who don't smoke it.

Anonymous said...

I know a few mothers that do harsher stuff and still have their kids.

Anonymous said...

748 that is BS! Doctors have conflicting views. Whether they smoke or not there is no actual hard evidence that weed is more harmful that alcohol and/or cigarettes. Actually those who have stated cigarettes are more harmful are completely correct because cigarettes are MADE to be addicting. They contain tons of harmful chemicals that do damage to the body. Weed grows naturally. Anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid and OBVIOUSLY knows anything about it. There is NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING, added to weed to make it addicting or stronger. It is a natural plant just like ginger which is served with sushi as an example. Get over yourselves people. If you know nothing about the drug then you have no right to say that it should stay illegal. And if you say it should be illegal you make it quite clear by that statement that you know nothing about it anyway. Especially when prescription medication and alcohol and cigarettes are being consumed by MILLIONS of Americans everyday and nothing is being said about that. All three of those are much worse than weed. Weed makes you "hungry, happy, and sleepy." That is it.

lmclain said...

You goose stepping Nazi's. Start thinking for yourself. You have no GOOD arguments, so you resort to "it turns you into a werewolf", "it makes you stupid", "its a gateway drug", "studies have shown"....WHOSE studies?? OTHER governemnt and anti-drug people with an agenda?? LOL.. THINK for yourselves. I'm going to tell you (again) that, right here in Wicomico County, there are police officers, lawyers, doctors, teachers, architects, business owners and other VERY SMART (there goes your "stupid" argument) that smoke pot EVERY DAY. I'm not advocating the use of it by children, any more than I would suggest kids get to drink Jack Daniels. But ADULTS? You nazi's have no right to impose your own "I'm so perfect, why aren't you" view of life upon ANYONE. The TRUTH is, MILLIONS of Americans smoke pot. Millions have been put in prison for it. Billions have been spent trying to stop it. Stop trying to ruin the lives of millions of productive (oh yes, productive, as in "working for a living"), stable, and otherwise law-abiding men and women (GUARANTEED some of them are your neighbors). Your arguments are fallacious, disengenuous, and misguided. Try thinking for yourself instead of saluting every time the Commandant clicks his heels.

Anonymous said...

8:31 this is 10:42 I salute your speech LOL. I agree wholeheartedly.

Anonymous said...

My son's marijuana use has devastated my family. It has turned him from a great kid with good grades and goals for the future to a d student with no ambition other than to hang out with his "friends". From my personal experience there is nothing beneficial about being a pothead. It has only brought us misery.