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Monday, July 11, 2011

Salisbury City Council Majority Votes Out Lord's Prayer AND Pledge of Allegiance

The Salisbury City Council voted tonight to eliminate in the Rules of Order the Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. This means that IF those visiting the meeting want to recite any of the above they must do so before the meeting becomes official.

Councilwoman Debbie Campbell was the ONLY Council Member to vote NO. Other Council Members stated that at least it wouldn't be removed completely.

Say goodbye to America as we always knew it Folks. Knowing that Julie Brewington was there, I'm sure she was ecstatic about the removal of the Lord's Prayer, since she can't recite it anyway, proven with her performance (or lack thereof) of such at the beginning of an AFP meeting last year.

I hope Mayor Ireton is proud of his participation and the screen he threw out there tonight with a prayer vigil. You truly have to wonder, just where are we headed any more.

Publishers Notes: I made a mistake above. Julie Brewington forgot the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, not the Lords Prayer. My apologies to Julie. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Sure, Joe. The end of America as we knew it...get real.

I don't know about you but the recitation of the Lord's Prayer sure didn't seem to create a "Christian" attitude during most Council meetings.

I personally disagree with the removal of the PoA. I expect that at the next turnover of the Council there might be a move to add it back.

But the end of America - hardly.

WV: urets

Anonymous said...

I'm ashamed of all of them especially the mayor. I'm proud to say I'm an American, a Christian, and that I DO NOT live in Salisbury!

Anonymous said...

Ya, I remember the AFP meeting when that Brewington woman forgot it. How sad.

Anonymous said...

I won't argue about religion but I will damn sure argue over the pledge of allegiance. If they think putting the prayer and pledge as an informal part of the meeting is the right thing to do then I'll tell you what I think is the right thing to do. Vote their asses out of office. How can these hipocrits sit their asses in a GOVERNMENT BUILDING, hold a GOVERNMENT MEETING and make the pledge of allegiance an informality? The next council or this council, could at any time remove it completely from the agenda and nothing can be done about it. No public scrutiny. No council vote. Just gone.

This city has officially gone to hell in a handbasket. No prayer. No pledge. Just a bunch of damned liberals that don't know their asses from first base.

C Gilbert said...

If you are not willing to Pledge Allegiance to the American flag you can get out of my country.

Anonymous said...

What in the hell is wrong with these people. I fought in the Armed Forces to have these protected always. What is wrong with a pledge to support the nations flag? I guess the next thing is they will want to remove the American Flag from all Gov't bldgs! As for prayers, I'm saying one tonight with the City Council and Mayors names in it, for sure!
The older I get the more I think I must have "moved" to a different country than the one I grew up in!!

Anonymous said...

I used to think Salisbury smelled like a chicken plant. Lately its smelling like those parts of the state just west of the bay.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I moved out of the city years ago.Removing the Pledge of Alligence is a real embarrasment.

Anonymous said...

Not very American, are they?

Anonymous said...

Although I am a strong Christian, I can understand omitting the Lord's Prayer, since not all Council members and attendees at meetings are Christian. However, the Pledge I don't understand at all. No matter what our religion, we are all Americans. They have gone too far!

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 9:38, no, not very American. Just like most democrats.

Anonymous said...

Our council and mayor are both an embarrassment to us all. Everywhere you go, Salisbury is the laughing stock of conversations. The council and mayor are why we are moving. This sure isn't the place I grew up in.

Anonymous said...

Shows the depths to which what had been a fine city has sunk.

First deserted at night, then became sparse during the day, to the point where there is noting Salisbury has to offer anyone. Now they clowns have eliminated God and country from their act. Such a pity and a waste.

Anonymous said...

How's that All American City thing sounding now, people.
It should be revoked.


Anonymous said...

This is a very misleading article.

The council will be doing both prayer AND the Pledge before the meetings.

I thought the solution to this was very nice. Everyone got something. Even those who want a moment of silence get a turn.

Why aren't you beating up on your beloved Delmar? They don't do either!

I have always said the Lord's Prayer, but I have no problem with the compromise Council President Cohen was able to achieve. It was respectful of everyone.

Anonymous said...

shame about the pledge, a helluva lot of good people have died for that flag. look at the message this sends to the kids. its terrible, how can they expect any of the young people to defend our country if need be in the future. im really disappointed, but not surprised. thanks sjd

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think it's more respectful to do it before the gavel bangs. Sort of like the ceremony before the baseball game or NASCAR begins. Seems more dignified.

Anonymous said...

C Gilbert, the council is still saying the Pledge of the Allegiance to the Flag. They are still praying, too.

Joe, where do you get this stuff? Did you not watch the meeting on PAC14? I think it's a pretty clever way to get around the ACLU!!!

Anonymous said...

The thing that is bothersome is that they felt this was more pressing than many of the other issues the city faces. I guess this vote means that crime will go down and city revenues will now increase.

Anonymous said...

I guess this means that the council prisident must take it upon his/her self to decide whether or not to perform the Pledge and/or the Lord's Prayer at any given meeting...I think the president will become a target one way or the other.