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Friday, April 08, 2011

So Whose Fault Is All This Mess?

When someone gives you a check and the bank informs you that there are insufficient funds, who do you get mad at?

In your own life, you get mad at the guy who gave you a check that bounced, not at the bank.

But, in politics, you get mad at whoever tells you that there is no money.
One of the secrets of the growth of the welfare state is that politicians get a lot of mileage out of making promises, without setting aside enough money to fulfill those promises.
When Congress votes for all sorts of benefits, without voting for enough taxes to pay for them, they get the support of those who have been promised the benefits, without getting grief from the taxpayers. It's strictly win-win as far as the welfare-state politicians are concerned. But it is strictly lose-lose, big-time, for the country, as deficits skyrocket.

Anyone who says that we don't have the money to pay what was promised is accused of trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare or Obamacare-- or whatever other unfunded promises have been made. It is like blaming the bank for saying that the check bounced.
It is the same story at the state level as in Washington. The lavish pensions promised to members of public sector unions cannot continue to be paid because the money is just not there. But who are the unions mad at?
Those who say that the money is not there.

Read on..


Drew said...

The money is not there because it goes to all the Bush wars. How do we pay for them without a tax?

Anonymous said...


I can see it mow. Twenty years from now you libtards will still be saying it is Bushs' fault.

Your boy Obama has been POTUS for over two years. He was going to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, yet two years later we are still in Iraq, he has greatly expanded Afghanistan and now we learn that Gitmo is going to stay open and military tribunals will be held there. Oh and I forgot, he started another war in Libya, and now there is even talk of sending in U.S. troops. So it looks to me like he has three wars going and that makes him 50% more of a war monger than Bush.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget about cash for clunkers, the Fannie and Freddie bail out, the billions given to GM,etc....

Oh, I guess Bush did that too!

Anonymous said...

Nothing will ever be solved until we ALL stop worrying about who to blame and instead focus on how to fix it. ENOUGH already.

Anonymous said...

Leave us not to forget Social Security and MediCare....both promises made long enough ago that we can't recite the actual promise...which has since become an implied contract that taxpayers are forced to sign up pay for their parents - with our children taking care of us. Now our government took some of that money and used it as they saw fit - without repaying...coupled with our children not wanting to continue to pay...we have a system that will skip a generation....

Anonymous said...

To 11:50. Cash for clunkers did one good thing. It got rid of a whole bunch of Obama bumper stickers.

Anonymous said...

"who's fault is it?"

Everyone of you that have ever voted democrat!!

Anonymous said...

This subject is a major concern for me personally. Let's for clunkers, free cell phones and all the other pointless spending that has transpired in the last 2 years. People need to live within their means. NOONE is entitled to anything for free. If you want something, then get off your butt and work for it. One of our largest problems in this country are the countless thousands of people who are fully capable of working, but choose to sit on their butts and sponge off of those of us who go out every day and bust our rumps. I am all for assisting those who are truly in need, but it really fustrates me seeing WORTHLESS people milking the system and taking MY hard earned money. For example, I was in a local Royal Farms store the other day and got behind someone using their Independance Card to buy alcohol and smokes. Why the heck should I be paying for that? Like I said, I am all for helping those who truly need the help, but until people are ready to start helping themselves, this country is doomed unless something is done immediately! If this offends you then so be it because you are probably one of the enablers.

Anonymous said...

I spoke with a federal officer today , he said " Obama doesn't have a clue , and his staff is dumb as a brick".
His best friends are Sharpton and that other idiot preacher.

Anonymous said...

That's productive, 3:05. Is that the best you've got?

That Other Guy said...

2:01 You are so right. Another example of the negative results of this situation with the independance cards is the debate right now over Planned Parenthood. No one is arguing that they provide invaluable services, for those that honestly need it. It's the fact that there is no garuntee that the federal monies will go where they are supposed to. If money is provided for Cancer screening, etc. who's to say it isnt accidently spent on a woman's 6th or 7th abortion? Now where is that money when someone who really needs it comes in? When people misuse government programs in this way it presents a bad image for the whole program. There certainly needs to be more accountability with these programs.

Anonymous said...

Amen 5:20....

from 2:01