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Friday, April 08, 2011

Rep. Andy Harris Opposes Potential Government Shutdown

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The following is a statement from Rep. Andy Harris regarding the possibility of a government shutdown:

“We shouldn’t need a government shutdown.  At the same time, Marylanders sent me to Congress this year to end Washington’s spending spree in order to get the economy moving and build an environment for positive job growth. 

Nearly 50 days ago, the House of Representatives passed a reasonable budget that would reduce the federal spending this year by a mere two percent.  I believe those in charge, the Senate and the President, must work with the House of Representatives to control spending. The American people expect us to solve this problem, and we must deliver.”


McGruff said...

This is exactly right.
The House passed a budget that the Senate (REID) refuses to take up.
The House even passed another 1 week extension to prevent a shutdown.
The senate refuses to act.
The Democrats refused to pass a budget last fall, and still refuse. All they offer is a blank sheet of paper and criticism.
They call the republicans names, accuse them of starting a civil war and starving seniors-- all while they plan to hold military families hostage with a shutdown to try to make republicans look like the bad guys.

That's really special, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

just shut it all down

Anonymous said...

I say shut it down too.

I'll tell you something else that may interest you. I lived through a Federal Government shut down the last time this occurred under Clinton.

All of the non essential federal workers that were laid off - when it came time to go back to work - every one of them received back pay for the time they were furloughed.

I say shut it all down and this time don't pay them a dime!!!

Please - everyone reading this message please contact Andy Harris and Barbara Milkulski to express your desire to not compensate the federal workers in the event of a layoff.

Concerned Tax Paying Citizen said...

MULKULSKI I have wriiten to about Obama Care and other things of interest. Mulkulski is supported and voted in by those who want a hand out and not have to work for it. She has always written me back and stated:I do not agree with your thoughts and I will vote for this and la,la,la. Forget writing her, you waste your time.

Anonymous said...

Hoho! Sounds to me that Andy suddenly recognizes that Glen Beck has been fired, Sarah is down in the polls, and so is the Tea Party!