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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


White House hands out copies of Obama's long-form birth certificate to reporters


Anonymous said...

Copys are crap. Lets see the real thing. You can fudge a copy of anything.

Anonymous said...

If it's real, it's about time. Why didn't he do this years ago? The WH called this whole matter a distraction when they could have put it to rest by releasing it years ago. Again, if it's real. This whole administration is a joke and an embarrassment.

Cory said...

I dont wanna see a copy i want the real actual one shown and i want it looked at by an independent party to prove its not counterfeit

Watcher said...

That is not the long form! it even says "Certificate of Live Birth". I have no doubt one way or the other that he is an American(just not a very good one) but the point here is he campaigned on transparency, looks quite opaque to me. More importantly is that if he is allowed to get away with not producing a real "Birth Certificate" anyone outside the U.S.can and will try the same thing. This could be dangerous for all.

Anonymous said...

If you don't believe it now, you'll never believe it.

Anonymous said...

I travel all over the world to perform my job and it is very embarassing to discuss U.S. politics with colleagues. The extreme conspiraciy theory Americans make the country look absolutely foolish. We are a laughing stock overseas. Americans would rather focus on this foolishness that take care of the problems that face our country.

Anonymous said...

Same document he's been pushing on us for the last 2 years. Average Joe couldn't get a job at the post office with that document. But he's our president B.S

Anonymous said...

I wish Donald Trump would run for president. Everything he says makes sense. What we have in office now is beyond being a joke. I refuse to even say his name anymore much less refer to him as president. He deserves no respect and he's brought it on himself. Even the Royal Family's snubbed him.

Anonymous said...

You people are completely insane and the living proof of why abortion should be legal.

Anonymous said...

Now let's hope someone pushes (come on, Donald Trump) for more information about this character! Where are his passports, college info such as how did he get into the best schools, who paid, etc. There are many more pieces of this man's life that he needs to share with the citizens of the great USA! The real deal on his mansion in Chicago, etc. So much more we need to know that he has spent millions trying to keep secret!

Phil said...

10:03, another Obama supporter. Like we need another one. And another reason abortion should be made legal. How do you like your change now?

ICE said...

The illegals I am familiar with are heavily involved in IDENTITY THEFT, and alter driver's licenses, birth certificates and so forth. Obama is just doing what the other illegals have always done. ALTER THE DOCUMENTS

Alex said...

Well ICE you solved the mystery! That Barack Hussein has been working on forging his documents every day for the last 2 years. In fact, he and his baby mama Michelle did it right in the oval office afer shooting dice and drinking forties behind the White House.

Anonymous said...

Now Alex they don't drink forties anymore. Now they can afford the good stuff being we are payin for it.

Anonymous said...

This one is different in the fact that names, signatures and dates are on it.

And Alex, your racism is showing.