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Thursday, January 06, 2011

U.S. Constitution 4th Amendment Is Dead In America

No probable cause but this representative of the government walks onto someones private property looking for evidence of a crime? Or looking to make sure the owner wasn't doing something wrong?


Anonymous said...

And they wonder why people go postal!

Anonymous said...

well he was moving dirt, possibly building something. if its vissible from the road, the building dept can come check on it.
might not have had a permit, ect ect.

i couldnt hear everything she said, so i have no idea what prompted her to come look but if had nothing to hide he wouldnt have minded.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE keep us posted as to the outcome of this. Wow, this is better than any soap opera!

Anonymous said...

this girl must work for salisbury NSCC

Anonymous said...

It would of been another one of those days, but both of them would have been moved. Unlease the rage.

Anonymous said...

wow. notice how the deputy stays at the property line but the woman enters the property anyway? I hope he follows thru with a lawsuit. I would be curious to know the outcome.

lmclain said...

The cop said those famous words of the "sheep" trainers..."if you're not doing anything wrong, then what do you have to hide?". A government agent, backed up and protected by another ARMED agent, claims she has the RIGHT to violate the law and do whatever she pleases on PRIVATE property. And has the gall to tell the property owner she will stay "as long as she needs to"....Constitution? Law? It mean NOTHING. And yet, we are supposed to respect "law and order"! She has an ID with NO LAST NAME!! Public officials who won't even identify themselves TO THE PUBLIC?! And if he attempted to forcibly remove her, he would have been shot. And what do the "sheep" say now??

Anonymous said...

I believe I would have been subject to whoop her ass. If the deputy didn't know the law are wasn't sure as he indicated then he should have convinced her to leave until he/they understood right from wrong.

Anonymous said...

ppl like that piss me off. hope he becomes a victim of a crime.

Anonymous said...

This has been on the internet for a long time. The guy was warned and being investigated numerous times about the digging of an illegal sewage system without a permit. This is one of the many nutjobs that think they can do whatever they want and then scream 4th amendment when someone challenges them.

Anonymous said...

This video made my blood boil. That woman and the sheriff should both be fired immediately and be charged with criminal trespass and burglary. They should also see prison time. The audacity of the woman was amazing. Typical government worker. No rules or laws just their own ego to dictate what they will do. The people of this town need to stand up!

Anonymous said...

I 100% agree. With the new law passing in California that makes it legal for the authorities to search your phone with no warrent we are already headed in that direction. I think by 012 probably almost every state will have that same law. It is absolutely ridiculous that our government will just impose their will as they feel like us American's are blind. THIS COUNTRY WAS BUILT ON THE BACKS OF HARDWORKING PPL TRYING TO MAKE A BETTER LIVING NOT BIG WIGS IN THE CAPITAL DICTATING AS THEY PLEASE.

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone get a a good long look at this video... this is where we (yes even the Eastern Shore) are headed....
Good for this man for standing up for himself and his property! This man has done a lot of homework.

Anonymous said...

Do you know why the State Trooper Helochopter is circling around western wicomico & Vienna area? They have been for about 10 minutes now.

Thanks, Michelle

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable ! I hope there will be a follow up on this story. The cop was clearly a buffoon and the women has to be a left wing loon!

Anonymous said...

That's how it all starts. First an inch then a mile.

What happens when it's you or your property?

Anonymous said...

I would have thrown her off my property. If it got me arrested-so be it. I'm sure there are many more that would do the same....

Anonymous said...

Granted this guy is "out-there", but he's right. Those government officials have no right to trespass onto private property. If they have "probable cause", they can get a search warrant. If she does find that a crime has been committed on the property, none of the evidence will hold up in court. And she's a government official? What a dumbass.

Anonymous said...

I think health inspectors and auch may have the right to do that. If they ride by and see that there is construction going on and no permit has been pulled then dont they have the right to investigate that with out a warrant. It seems as though he was digging an aweful big hole. Not saying I agree with it but it would be interesting to see the follow up on this one

Anonymous said...

amazing. the funny thing is the worthless SHERIFF KNEW he was right. would NOT come on his property. he basically was willing to let the lady and her agency get sued!

wow. again we see how many persons in government and law enforcement are actually ignorant of rule of law

Anonymous said...

i couldnt hear everything she said, so i have no idea what prompted her to come look but if had nothing to hide he wouldnt have minded.

11:52 AM

That wasn't the point. I don't want people wandering around my property either. You show the mentality that government folks like. Others are not so willing to forfeit their rights.

Anonymous said...

I think the deputy and gov't worker should both be fired. Only idiots still believe the whole "you shouldn't mind if you have nothing to hide" deal. Things are getting worse and worse all the time and soon we will have no rights at all.

Anonymous said...

11:52 no doubt you are employed by a government agency. You spoke true words of an employee of the state/county!!

Anonymous said...

You all are clueless of the law. She has every right to enter and so does the deputy to protect her safety. Wake up people, this is the typical nut job, he obviously lied about what he was doing. But no wait the government is wrong. People like this and you all buying into the dramatic bs are what hurts this society. Why even post this old junk anyway.

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:52 How about a cavity search ? If you have nothing to hide then it's no big deal right!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok......if she drove by and saw something going on...go get a warrant and come back. It's a 4th amendment issue and she represents the government. A warrant is required.

Anonymous said...

I did not know that the 4th ammendment allows you to install your own septic system, and to think of all the permit fees and contractors I wasted money on a couple of years ago. Hell anybody should be allow to "just move a little dirt around" without having to answer to some health dept. worker with no last name.

Anonymous said...

Under The Patriot Act of 2001 and The Homeland Security Act of 2002, if your government, determines anything or anyone to be a risk to national security, laws can be circumvented and constitutional rights ignored.

According to activist Nancy Talanian, the established Homeland Security Act exacerbates three issues in the United States:

1.Reduced Privacy
2.Increased Government Secrecy
3.Strengthened government protection of special interests

You only have rights as long as they decide to allow them. Your original Constitutional Rights, your true rights as an American citizen are gone, be certain.
The only game the government and liberal media do not yet control is right in front of you. The internet. What we do and say today will be controlled all to soon. The subtlety at which our lose of rights encroaches, never seems to be to ominious, just constant in their removal of all we once took for granted. Don't let their little, "We only want to do this or that and it's all to benifit you crap", know that they're after the bank. Your rights, your country, your very freedoms.

Anonymous said...

for those of you who think this is right you have no idea. I personally had an issue with he health department and posted no trespass signs at the direction of another government official within the building enforcment because they really only had a bone up their ass and no real reason to hassle me. they could not come on my property and were informed if the did so they would be arrested. problem went away immidiatly. pics from the property line is all they got. thank god that hag is gone. hope he enjoys his new found riches when he gets done with them.

Anonymous said...

If your judges werent in bed with Law enforcement,there would be a clear line drawn.

Anonymous said...

I would, also, love to know the outcome. She is wrong and the Deputy is wrong. I am completely flabbergasted that the Deputy does nothing!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I would, also, love to know the outcome. She is wrong and the Deputy is wrong. I am completely flabbergasted that the Deputy does nothing!

6:17 PM

The deputy knows he is wrong. That is why he stayed at the end of the driveway.

Anonymous said...

If I were the landowner - I would file suit. I would ask for millions.

Then - once I got the verdict - and money - I would seek a Writ of Mandamus and present it to the local Council.

In the end - the Council would probably call for the resignation of both the officers and health department official.

By my observation - these officials need a scoulding reprimand.

Anonymous said...

Wow - if this guy lived around here - in Maryland - he would literally die.

We lost our 4th amendment rights over 20 years ago.

Anonymous said...

What do you think the Salisbury housing neighborhood housing department does every day? Exactly what this gal did on this video. We don't have any rights anymore, big brother government has them all. The cities inspectors even get cinder blocks to stand on to look over six foot fences into back yards hoping to find something they can write you up for.

Anonymous said...

OK you have all had your say!! Remember that poor girl that was kept in a tent in California and had a baby by that terrible man. We really have no idea why that woman did what she did. IF this man had NOTHING to hide, why was he acting like that. Hey, you never know what lurks. HOWEVER, She should have gotten a warrant, and then come back!!! The place looked like it needed to be condemned. I leave in the county and if he were my neighbor, I might be suspicious too. I have lived on the Eastern Shore all my life. I think the man was definitely hiding some wrong doings, but they sure went about it all wrong. JMO

Unsilent Majority said...

You people are all morons but will be the first to complain that the government did nothing if this homeowner (or should I say trailer owner) pollutes the local waterways with his illegal sewage. A bunch of knee JERK reactions for watching a video with one point of view. Here you go:

Right of entry - 410 IAC 6-10-4

Sec. 4. The board, the local health department, or their authorized representatives may enter upon public or private property at reasonable times and upon presentation of credentials to inspect facilities, equipment, or records, investigate allegations, determine soil characteristics, conduct tests, or collect samples for the purpose of obtaining information necessary to the issuance of a permit pursuant to 410 IAC 6-10 [this rule], or to determine whether any person is subject to, or in violation of 410 IAC 6-10 [this rule] or any permit or order issued pursuant thereto.

Think she had the right to be there but that Sheriff is an idiot for not knowing himself that she can go. He should have done some research before going on that call.

Joe, you disappoint me with the age of this video. LOL

Anonymous said...

Tell you what, since many of you are jumping to conclusions about what's going on in this video...

When this nutjob moves in next to you, puts 3 extensions on his place, packs 40 illegals in it, keeps an open sewer pit in the backyard that he dug himself, all without permits and ignoring several warnings...

Don't call those awful people at NSCC.

You wouldn't want them violating your new neighbor's fourth amendment rights.

This stupid clip doesn't show "the rest of the story." You complainers would be the first to call in government help or take the law into your own hands.

That said, where the heck were your complaints about the Patriot Act and the Constitution when it was George Bush who put that into place? (I wrote my elected officials about its danger.)

Hmmm, thought so.

Anonymous said...

You all are clueless of the law. She has every right to enter and so does the deputy to protect her safety. Wake up people, this is the typical nut job, he obviously lied about what he was doing. But no wait the government is wrong. People like this and you all buying into the dramatic bs are what hurts this society. Why even post this old junk anyway.

3:03 PM

You are either a complete idiot or a city police officer, or maybe both.

But I guess that deputy has no clue about the law either since he didn't enter the property and 'protect her' like you suggest. Right?

On second thought, I was wrong in suggesting you were a complete idiot. That was an understatement.

Heil! fool.

Anonymous said...

9:25 PM

I agree with you. Doesn't matter if he had something to hide or not. They should have went through proper channels.

Even IF he was doing something wrong and she got some evidence of it on her camera, I'm pretty sure it would not be admissible in court because it was obtained ILLEGALLY.

But I'm no lawyer so that would remain to be seen.

I would be curious to know what would have happened IF he physically stopped her from entering his property.

The deputy did not enter, unless he entered after the camera was turned off, we may never know.

So that indicates to me that he knew, or was at least unsure, it was illegal to enter against homeowners repeated requests not to do so.

I would be very curious to know the outcome of this situation. Not so much if he was doing anything wrong or not, but more so if what they did was legal.

I don't think it was but really counts is what the courts say.

Joe I don't know where you got this story but could you follow up on it for us? Or at least share the link where you got the story?

I know you're busy with the Legg's trial but if you could squeeze it in it would be appreciated. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

9:39....The fact is that there is no exigency here. The state or county law you cite is unconstitutional under the 4th amendment. No one is saying the woman shouldn't have done her job but if you have probable cause - you have probable cause. GET A WARRANT! States have an affinity for writing laws that run bias to the U.S. Constitution. Especially states that are liberal communist states like Maryland. If that officer (representative of the government) had gone onto the property and took pictures - whether or not it was posted against trespassers - the pictures and everything else observed or seized would have been thrown out during a suppression hearing before the court. The health officer is a representative of the government as well. Anything she sees and photographs she takes of unlawful activity will be used as evidence in any subsequent prosecution. She should have gotten a warrant and the state or county law should be amended to reflect the warrant requirement in order to alleviate any future "misunderstanding" related to Constitutional Law.

Anonymous said...

9:39 PM

Even if you're accurate in your description of that law, I don't think you are for the record, which state is that law from? The state where this happened or the state in which you reside?

Anonymous said...

9:39 PM

What would the age of the video have to do with questions at hand? If it is that old maybe it has been resolved and we can find out the disposition. Joe?

Anonymous said...

The only people who think this kinda of government is ok are
1- On welfare
2= Commie socialist
3= leftist mental cases
4- renters
5= Dont have a pot to piss in
6= Illegals
7= Siver spoon fed mommy boys
8- Draft dodgers
9= Politicians
10 Progressive democrats

All evidence obtained in this search is out with no warrant unless it was in plain sight..