Deserved or not, Delta is garnering an unfavorable reputation in regards to pet care, most recently after a dog it lost in between flights in Atlanta was found dead. Before that, Delta lost a dog belonging to one of our readers in Mexico City.
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Sorry for the lost of a pet, As a pet owner myself; I know how hard it can be when losing someone who is part of the family...
To mention, no one gives two shits about us as consumers or in any way you want to look at it... Unless something happens to them directly nothing will happen...
For example, look at DR. Death aka Nolte or how ever it is spelled...
He had claims on him for years and a lot of them yet when someone finally did something about it, the board who issued his practice license only made him do community service or to take a class... Then after that there had been even more death's yet he still is a vet and still has his own practice...
It is truly a damn shame people are this way and because of money mostly anyway... Makes me sick...
I mean not to be off topic but, our world is so jacked up that someone breaking into your home to cause harm or to steel, gets hurt and then sues the person in which they were going to harm or rob, and they win... WTF is that crap?
People only care and want it changed when someone gets hurt or dies, but no one wants or thinks to fix or change things before someone is hurt or dies..
Is it an extreme coincidence that both dogs were lost on connecting flights to Germany, through Altanta?! Perhaps there should be an investigation into the airport as well as the airline.
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