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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Today's Survey Question

Were You Ever Bullied As A Child?


Anonymous said...

many times. twice being held upside down by my ankles. once over a toilet in elementary scool.

once was held down and spit on by a bully after he'd eaten numerous oreo cookies. really gross. don't laugh. i see why these kids do what they do. it's very demeaning.

Anonymous said...

yes, got in a few fights. won a few, lost a few. nowadays, it all seems to have been taken to a higher level though. adults need to step in. schools need to step in.

Anonymous said...

yep. though it was annoying, i survived. its a normal thing to pick on folks different than us.

Anonymous said...

yes I was until I finally stood up for myself and confronted the person. After that we became very good frieds throughout high school and after.

Anonymous said...

yes. I wasn't very big and of above-average intelligence that seemed to make me a target. Thankfully, I developed a sense of humor that helped socially.

Anonymous said...

My daughter was constantly hounded in school by a big girl that would get her against the wall and throw balls at her. The school failed to intervene after I called numerous times so I went at recess time and sat and watched. The recess teacher failed to stop it again for the last time. I got out and went to the fence. She said can I help you? I said yes. You can stop my child from being bullied or I will pull in this parking lot everyday and the next person that hits my child or does not protect them will see me climbing this fence and they will be eating dirt. I made a point and it stopped.

Anonymous said...

Yes, many times. Being the shortest in school wasn't always fun but once I stopped letting the Bully see how it bothered me it stopped. I was shoved around, beat up (several stitches), put in lockers, my lunchbox was taken away and returned empty or not at all. I still get verbally attacked or teased but I laugh it off. I live in a neighborhood where two men don't approve of my friends so they try to make my life as miserable as they can. I smile and turn away. They need to grow up or mind their own business. I won't be surprised if they comment due to me signing my name.


Anonymous said...

For a time, I was bullied(multiple times in middle school I was jumped by 5-6 high schoolers at once). To be honest, most of it I brought upon myself. But the majority of kids, at one time or another experience being bullied and bullying. You win some, you lose some. No biggie.

Anonymous said...

It's part of life get over it!

Anonymous said...

12:09 PM

Someone hurt you deeply didn't they?

Anonymous said...

I was bullied for being fat by both kids and my stepmother. Now I'm of average size and my stepmother is a size 26. What goes around comes around.

Alex said...

Yeah, one guy back in Russia because I am half-jewish. But a castiron radiator and his cracked skull taught everyone else not to do it.

Other than racial and sexual discrimination, kids here need to stop being so soft. When I was picked on at school, my father told me to stop crying and punch the bully in the face. You might get your butt kicked, but it will teach others to respect you.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:09 - Hope you are not raising children. Hope someone makes your life a living hell and then tells you to get over it!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was and when I look back on it I am convinced that because of how I was raised, I didn't kill myself. I was raised that suicide is the biggest sin of all because you don't have a chance to ask for forgiveness after the sin.
That alone is probably why I am alive today beause it was real bad.
I was short and was definitely no beauty queen and was not an athlete. I was smart but I was no geek and I was shy and quiet. My last name didn't help any either because it was very easy to make into something besides what it was.

Anonymous said...

I had red hair and I guess that made me unussual so I got picked on and bullied. The worst bully ended up bullying the wrong person when he was about 17 and ended up dead.

Anonymous said...

Yes in second grade. I was heavy and there was a boy who picked on me and called me names. He went so far to rip my blouse one day. It hurt me, but eventually he moved on to other things and left me alone. It makes me cry to this day when I think about it and that was 50 plus years ago.

Kim said...

I was. I was short and fat and smart, and so that made me a target. I got over it, and I am probably stronger for it, but it still hurts me to think about it. I really hope that the people that bullied me are getting what they deserve. As we all know, Karma is a you-know-what!

Anonymous said...

Yes. But I learned quickly to fight back. I became the bully who kicked bullies butts especially when they messed with my little brother. They were scared of me. Even today as an adult, I will wipe a bullies butt. Can't say the "A" word.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 'til my mom (no dad in the house) convinced me to stand up. She said, " time, give him your best shot. Bullies are basically just cowards."
He was bigger and older,but I did just that the next time he confronted me, and that was the end of it. A life lesson.

Anonymous said...

Yes I was bullied. Not until middle school though. Kids can be so mean! As a parent of a 4 year old, I hope I can help make my child's generation one that shows respect and love for others.