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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dem. Senator Jay Rockefeller Suggests Eliminating FOX, MSNBC

"There's a little bug inside of me which wants to get the FCC to say to FOX and to MSNBC: 'Out. Off. End. Goodbye.'

It would be a big favor to political discourse; our ability to do our work here in Congress, and to the American people, to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and more importantly, in their future."



Anonymous said...

I have a better idea, let's get rid of Jay rockefeller and anyone else with a (D) after their name. What an idiot...

Anonymous said...

Actually 10:44, I doubt that Rockefeller's point was actually to advocate for stifling free speech but simply pointing out the fact that the 24hour news cycle and talking heads have whipped the politicians and the voters into such a frenzy that common sense and logic often fail to win the day.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Anon 10:48. TEAM SANITY!

Anonymous said...

we need to keep both. fox of course brings us news the others don't seem to want to "touch" or maybe don't want us to know. (remember for years and years the networks "controlled ALL the news" and gave us only what they thought we should know. we missed out on so much and didn't even realize it. fox isn't perfect but they are certainly far and away the tops in all the ratings so someone must like and trust in their content. as far as msnbc aka mspms, they get the lowest of all the ratings and this is totally understandable but it's fun to watch them "melt down" and "implode" on a daily basis. so i say they need to stay on the air just for an outlet to "laugh" and see what the left is up to.
i suggest rockefeller step down as senator as he has passed his usefulness. he probably hasn't read the history of our great nation and doesn't realize our politics has ALWAYS been testy and raucus. many times in the past it was much worse than it is today. by the way this is the way it was intended.

Anonymous said...

10:58 - 11:35;
You're just mad because the people are becoming informed about what's really going on in our government and are taking action to stop you. Your game is almost over...

Anonymous said...

if you get rid of fox, you have to get rid of more than just msnbc. you would have to get rid of the entire media. which may not be that awfully bad.

Anonymous said...

12:08, you prove my point. Notice I haven't said a thing about political stances yet you go on a political attack. So let me clarify: no matter who is in charge, as long as we are having open and academically honest policy debates, all of us win!

Anonymous said...

How typical of a democrat to want to destroy a legitimate business.

Anonymous said...

10:58 is right. The comment is about pushing extreme rhetoric. Both sides do that and it turns constructive people off.

Look at Salisbury. You've got a mayor that screams at landlords and landlords who circulate vile really vile election literature while trying to act like saints.

Then there's your council president who treats two members of council like lepers, lets her buddies speak at work sessions, but bangs the gavel at everyone else.

The list is long. You people in Salisbury have lost the ability to talk "normal" to each other.

Peaceful in Parsonsburg

Anonymous said...

I don't care what he intended to say about the 24 hour news cycle or the culture of misinformation. The point is the government is manuvering to take over more and more of the information that you receive. You are easier to control if they control the message. Hey the media got Obama elected because the controlled the message. Not one media outlet covered this guys past associations. He is a Karl Marx communist. CHavez and castro have all controlled the info that the citizenry receive and therefore they maintain power. Progressives would love to control all media. We are moving that way. mark my words

Anonymous said...

1:31, actually I seem to recall just as much coverage of "Obama's socialist backgroud" as I actually heard of his policy stances. And I think people elected him because they were tired of Bush/Republ., wanted healthcare fixed, were tired of the Iraq war, and were losing their jobs left and right. And please show us the gov.'s moves over the last 2 years that have limited the public's general access to info. in the media.

Anonymous said...

3:04 You are out to lunch if you think Obama's past got the exposure that it should have. Additionally, Bush was not running for president. A person who loves America and our traditions would not have in good faith voted for Obama if they truely knew what his plan for the fundemental transformation he wants. He has broken dozens of campaign promises and he has a different vision or image of the USA than most of us. That is the main reason as people get to know him, they reject him. He does beleive that life for him would be so much easier if we all got our information from NPR and the huffington post. If we did, we would be worshipping the ground he walks on which is what he desperatly wants. HIs ego is writing checks we are all going to have to cash

Anonymous said...

We just need to change the labels these station carry. Take the word "news" out of any description of either.They are, for better or worse, opinions not news. Fox claims that they report and the people decide. I'm pretty sure Glen Beck has already decided. As far as msnbc Keith Olberman should just change his name to Obamaman. For the 60 percent of the population that can see past the b.s. rhetoric on both sides it's nice to be able to just change the channel

Anonymous said...

4:29, I love how you guys hurl insults and brash opinions but lack the facts to back them up.

A. Obama's past: the #1 cable news channel and the most popular radio shows were 24/7 on the anti-Obama narrative as well as several books. What more do you need? Sorry the news tries not to report circumstantial evidence as fact.

B. I know plenty of veterans and current service members who voted for Obama.

C. Obama has "rammed through" many of the major initiatives that he ran on (healthcare, stimulus, green energy, education, infrastructure spending).

Anonymous said...

Of course you lefties think it's okay, free speech is only allowed if it's approved by the socialist government. Unfortunately, the 1st Amendment was primarily given to us to protect exactly this kind of speech, criticism of the powers-that-be. No-one was trying to shut down ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or even MSNBC when they were trying to get Bush and Chaney jailed, impeached, and were wishing them dead.

Daddio said...

The senator is a total idiot. The FCC does not regulate cable channels, only over-the-air broadcasters.

Anonymous said...

8:44, whats funny is that while those stations are now considered "liberal MSM" they were cheerleading Bush for the better part of his first term. No indepth reporting on prewar intelligence or any other issues in the administration. It was only until Bush's re-election that they woke up. I expect the same will occur with Obama.