We stopped into Chick-fil-A last week and as usual the crowd was huge. We patiently waited in line until it was our turn to order and the Manager came up to us and gave us the above card, apologizing for the long wait.
We thanked them and tried to tell them it was fine but they insisted on making sure we were satisfied. As many of you know, Chick-fil-A is one of the busiest businesses in town with fantastic consistency and very courteous Staff.
So tell me, when is the last time you went into a Fast Food Restaurant and they provided a complimentary slip because of a long wait, or whatever reason?
I've been given the coupon for a long wait at the drivthru before.
Only ever happens to me at Chick-fil-A. Everywhere else they act like it's not their problem.
I think it's wonderful that they are closed on Sundays too. And guess what? They still do a hell of a business. Kudos to them.
Shows that a Christian run company that obeys the sabbath and closes on sundays can be hugely successful!! ever listen to the music they play in there? Contemporary Christian music!!
absolutely joe, chick fil a is a great restuarant with a quality product. My kids love the play area, and we love the food.
Sabbath is Satur(n)-day not Sun-day. Learn your celestial body worship! ha
Seriously, Chick-fila is an excellent restaurant. The staff is simply exceptional. They have hired and trained the best people in local business.
Only Chick fila, has happened two or three times in the last five years to me. With that record I consider them the best, food is allways top notch and customer service is allways the best.
Regardless of when their sabbath day is, it is good that they take the time off for a day of rest.
It's also rare to see a corporation that stays true to the spiritual principals of it's founder. They close all of their stores on Sundays rather than capitalizing on potential sales. Although this is quite commendable, ¿Yh8? sure wishes a Chick-fil-A salad could be enjoyed on game day during Football season, lol.
Also quite enthused with their marketing campaign of a cow campaigning for chicken consumption. Quite ingenious.
I have received several of those coupons for long waits before. They are great... the only place I know of that does that.
Always nice ambiance and good service.
Chick Fil A is the only fast food place we go to. Consistently good food and outstanding staff!! I just wish they were also open on Sundays. But this has been their policy for as long as I can remember.
Chick Fil A is the only fast food place we eat at. Their food is consistently good and their staff is consistently polite!
Love their chicken strips too :)
i think everyone has already voiced opinions that are similiar to mine. chic-fil-a is always willing to helping other area community events.
Good christian business. Wish there were more of those around.
let's give kudos to outten brothers furniture on rt 13. they have christian inspirational sayings on their outdoor marquee everyday.
Just last week I met a friend at the Chick Fil A in Easton b/c I was in the area for work. Not only did it seem like 5 seconds after ordering did we receive our food with a smile, but as we were sitting there eating an employee who was wiping down tables came up to our table and asked if "he could refresh our beverages". My friend I was with was pretty slow to react b/c neither one of us have ever experienced that in a fast food place. It was a great experience and that was the first thing we said walking out the door. Chick Fil A is a gold mine and it's b/c of practices such as that (and the food!!). The Gibsons are a wonderful family...I know b/c I went to school with Gibby.
I got the same thing in drive Thur for waiting. But it wasn't even that long. LOVE Chick-Fila
Unlike the Bagel Bakery where the staff acts like it is an imposition to wait on you and the person that rings you up is extremely unpleasant.
I wish the Taco Bell at RT 50 would take a hint from all of the comments above. On several occasions I've had to wait 20+min for food without an apology. Once I walked in the the girl at the counter told us it would be a 30min wait for food- at that rate I could go to La Tolteca and have a full sit down meal. And the people behind the counter don't ever seemed rushed even though its the middle of lunch time and several customers are waiting! Now I go out of my way across town to go to Taco Bell on 13 or to the new Chipotle!
Red Door once messed up a pizza that I had ordered so they refunded my money, gave me a coupon for a free pizza next time, and gave me a drink while I waited on my order. Above and beyond!
3:31 bagel bakery has THE WORST Service ive ever experienced in my life...great food..i would go there more but i dread the women that work behind the counter..so instead i get chik filet breakfast and it is amazing!
Glad somebody's commenting!!! The mickey d's across the way? Went there ONCE. The people don't know the words, "thank you" after they've taken your money. Slammed the bag in my hand, gave me change, and didn't look back. I haven't been there since. Chick fil-A is top shelf. ANd the people act like it. Drop dead, Mc Donald's.
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