While I may be guessing, I'd say this event brought in close to $10,000.00! I'm still awaiting the final numbers, (it could be more)
Fernando Guerrero brought in more money for his autograph than the big names in Professional Football Players with their autographs.
I have to give it to Pete Richardson, this guy worked that auction like I've never seen before. Oh, it was hot alright but Pete was sweating from working the crowd and really did a fantastic job raising money for John's campaign.
This event was held in Crisfield with numerous big names and politicians. The crabs were to die for as well as the catered food by Sysco. I don't care who you are, this guy is going to be tough to keep up with.
Joe, Thank you for all you do. I know you commended all the time for the work that you do, but I think you have gone way above and beyond here recently. The interviews for the candidates, Farm and Home Show, the Political Events, etc. You continue to show your commitment to the best news on the Eastern Shore. Our community is very grateful to have a voice. You certainly bring the news to us like no one else. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Beth
I personally am not interested in who raises the most money.
IMO this is one of the many things wrong with elections today.
It shouldn't be based on MONEY and who has the most.
It should be based on the BEST person for the JOB.
Unfortunately, unless you have MONEY, you'll not be in politics at any level past your local township.
How sad!
More pictures of the goodlooking girls and less of the doofus Rich Colburn. Congrats though to SBY News for the terrific coverage given to so many local office seekers. You have provided a great service to the voters this year.
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