
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Nightly News At 6 PM


Anonymous said...

Ring of fire?

Anonymous said...

Joe: I believe every word you are saying about 5 Guys. When the other hamburger place opened several years ago on RT 13 near the police barracks (forgot the name), I could hardly wait to go there!! BECAUSE, I had been to the one by Annapolis Mall. Boy was I disappointed. I found the same thing you found at 5 Guys! I went 1 time only. The hamburgers as well as the condiments to go on them were nothing like the place in Annapolis. I have always said, they don't think we get out much here on the shore and give us second rate things. That is true for sure. I can name about 5 places that are in Annapolis that are really great and when you go in the same franchise in Salisbury it is disgusting. Signed. Lived here for ever, but do get off the shore !!!

Anonymous said...

Joe, I seen you out several times and your always wearing your wedding ring. Is there a reason your not wearing it tonight when you were on the news

J.Albero said...

anonymous 8:40, That's so funny that you noticed that. Yes, there's a very good reason. After I got home last night my finger was bothering me quite a bit. I went to move my ring and my finger was very swollen. Jennifer said, it must have been all the salt on the fries. This morning it was still the same way. It fits fine on my right hand for now but once it goes down it will be right where it belongs again.

J.Albero said...

anonymous 8:40, nice try but I kind of figured you were McGuire or someone else in that group. I answered your question with the truth. You, (or anyone else) is welcome to go back to ANY of the previous videos and you'll clearly see I am wearing my wedding ring. I know you guys are trying to spread a rumor that Jennifer and I split up. I know who I sleep with every night and of course that makes you jealous, why wouldn't it. Jennifer is the hottest woman on the Eastern Shore. You know it and every one else knows it too. She's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Nice try boys.

Anonymous said...

Joe you are a good man. You and Jennifer are both lucky that you have each other. Misery loves company. The boys need to take lessons.

J.Albero said...

anonymous 9:48, Thank You. We are very lucky. No matter what these nay sayers have to say, it drives them nuts to know two people can be in so much love and appreciate one and other. Jennifer Albero is my best friend and she always amazes me on a daily basis just how special a woman can be. ANYONE who has ever met her knows this to be true and again, that drives those guys nuts. They can only wish they had a partner like Jennifer. Instead, just watching what they do on a daily basis proves just how miserable their lives truly are.

Here's the funny part. I told Jennifer what was being said on the Blog and she just started cracking up. She also laughed at McGuire the other day when he was trying to say I had been to his home with another woman in my car. The funny part was, I left the house and went directly to McGuires house to take pictures of the tag. I returned home in 20 minutes and when Jennifer heard I was with someone else she couldn't stop laughing.

These guys have to be the most obsessed men I have ever seen in all my years. Jealousy is not something that can be taken lightly. I mean, just look at the guy who is so obsessed he will go out and pay for FUJA1 tags on his vehicle. He's the laughing stock of the Eastern Shore now. By the way Tom, the Bail Bonds people were laughing their heads off at your phone call to them today.

- WH said...

I've never really liked your approach and think you spend far too much time talking about "you vs. them" than I care to read. But you have my respect. I've seen you out here in the real world attending meetings and events over the years. Surely more than the "average joe" (scuse the pun). As you have stated in your opening comments, you have earned the right to your views.

I only wish more people would become contributors than bitchers in our community. We don't have to see eye to eye all the time, but as you demonstrate with your blog, there are ways we can express our ideologies.

If your "site stalkers" were to stop frequenting this site and utilized their time as you have, I believe they could obtain a site of their own where they could better express themselves. They shouldn't be wasting their time here.

Perhaps you could loan them some of your initiative? Or would that be asking too much? - lol

Ron Brawl said...

A lot people that sit on their duffs all day and only offer criticism, without ideas for solutions or any other form of engagement in our communities actually believe they are doing something good and worth while.

As the old saying goes, "it takes a man to build a barn, but any jackass can kick it down."

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Joe, I can't stand Joe Ollinger either. He is a RINO and the worst choice for County Executive. I believe I would prefer Pollitt over Ollinger.

Ben and Geri said...

Joe did you contact five guys web site?

They do have a customer satisfaction link to comment, vent or praise. If you did was any response given? This is the test of a true business to make a wrong right. Keep us informed.