On February 12, 2010 at 3:10 am, A Trooper from the Salisbury Barrack of the Maryland State Police stopped to assist a vehicle stuck in the snow on Rt. 13 at the entrance of the Thrift Travel Inn. Upon contacting the driver, the Trooper noted a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the driver. After further investigation the Trooper arrested the driver for DUI and a search of his person incident to his arrest revealed a baggie of suspected marihuana. Lawrence Williams Jr., 27, of Salisbury, was taken to WCDC where he was charged with DUI and possession of marihuana.
Lawrence was looking for the trifacta of partying. Alcohol, drugs and sex . Someone should of told him they closed Thrift Travel Inn . ;)
HEHE to 9:14
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