For some, however, safety concerns trump other attributes of hybrid
So it occasionally has a problem braking. And yeah, maybe there’s an acceleration issue with some, too.
Nobody’s perfect, right?
For many Prius owners, the recent recalls involving the iconic hybrid vehicles have raised some concerns — but not enough to make them fall out of love with the quirky-looking, gas-sipping car.
GO HERE to read more.
I, for one, applaud a company that finds its own faults by listening to customer complaints and offers to repair those faults on their own tab. This is done in an honest effort to listen to the customer, obeying the "customer is always right" rule, and shows the customers that this company is on their side.
Move aside Congress, the free market system is taking care of itself.
When you are notorious for producing good, reliable vehicles there will be few people that lose their loyalty to your name! I myself am one of the many that are still loyal to Toyota despite my Tundra being recalled. Why you ask? Because I know that Toyota will handle the problem with the upmost respect and consideration of the consumer and the consumer's safety.
Have you watch TV lately? Have you seen the Toyota commercials regarding the recent recalls? They aren't denying the problem nor are they trying to cover it up. They aren't trying to sell more vehicles or even trying to persuade consumers to stick with them. They are simply stating that they are doing everything possible to correct the existing problems and thanking consumers for their cooperation and patience. This says a lot coming from any major manufacturer! Toyota's public relations has been incredible during this mishap and for that I applaud them. Do you think that other manufactures (ie. Ford, Chevy & Dodge) would do the same? I can't say yes or no for certain, but if you have doubts in their means of handling a situation like this then that speaks for itslf.
Cngress will not move aside. This is exactly what they want-to cripple good carmakers so government motors and Chrysler will look more appealling. Personally, I will NEVER buy anything from a company that is run by the government. Ford or foreign are my only options from now on.
I read somewhere that this was all a conspiracy by the Obama administration, not a real thing. Does anybody here actually know anyone with a defective Toyota?
I don't.
Anon 10:17 AM,
Unfortunately, my Tundra is subject to the gas pedal recall. I hadn't really noticed a considerable problem with the gas pedal sticking after over 75,000 miles until this recall came through. After I knew of the recall and became more conscious of it, I did notice that the gas pedal wasn't rebounding as fast as it should. It was by no means accelerating out of control so is it as bad as the media is making it out to me? To me, not at all! But other consumers and/or models may be experiencing more of a problem than I. Had they not sent out a recall notice I probably wouldn't have even thought anything of it or even noticed it at all. I still love my Toyota though!
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