Child's Name: Hannah Lynn Harrigan
Location: 5655 Telegraph Road Elkton, MD
Details: Maryland Child Abduction Emergency: Hannah Lynn Harrigan a 4-year old white female in the company of Peter Jyles Pelletier, a 32-year old white male, last seen at 5655 Telegraph Road Elkton, MD (Cecil County) operating a 1995 Ford Mustang, forest green in color, MD registration 9EFL19. Do not take action call #77 OR 911. The Maryland State Police, at the request of Cecil County Sheriffs Office, have issued a Maryland Child AMBER Alert for Hannah Lynn Harrigan. CHILD: Hannah Lynn Harrigan is further described as being 3 feet 0 inches and 42 pounds. The child was last seen wearing Pink coat, blue jeans, black "Hello Kitty" long sleeve shirt. LOCATION: The child was last observed at approximately 5:30 PM in the area of 5655 Telegraph Road Elkton, MD (Cecil County). The child is believed to have been abducted by the suspect. SUSPECT: Peter Jyles Pelletier, White Male is described as being 5 feet 8 inches tall and 160 pounds. The suspect may be wearing Dark coat and black hat. VEHICLE: A possible suspect vehicle is a 1995 Ford Mustang convertible, forest green in color with black roof. Damage to roof and several spots have silver and/or black tape bearing MD registration: 9EFL19. Anyone with information is asked to immediately call 911 or Cecil County Sheriffs Office at 410.996.5511. Do not take action which could endanger your safety or further endanger the abducted child. MEDIA INQUIRIES should be directed to call 410.996.5511.
My prayers go out to the family
I pray for a safe return of this little girl.
Praying for her safe return. Looked this guy up on the judiciary site. He has a rap sheet that goes to pg 2! Record of several assaults, domestic violence, violation of ex partes, malicious destruction of property, burglaries, theft, fugitive from DE. Have we not learned anything from the Sarah Foxwell case? If this poor innocent child was allowed to be in the presence of this fine upstanding citizen w/criminal records in MD & DE then history is repeating itself. Perhaps he did not know her and snatched her up. Either way, hits way too close to home again and these child abductions are becoming way too commonplace. We need action from Annapolis lawmakers now to get tough on crime and these bleeding heart liberal judges need to give harsher sentences!
Hannah was located and is safe around 3am. Suspect is in Custody. Amber Alert Cancelled.
Joe, Sorry to leave this here but couldn't open outlook.
We have found a dark tan pit bull. He is dark tan and appears to be full grown. Great personality, friendly but hungry. He has been here all night. Has a collar but no tag, well cared for. I live in the Mt Olive Rd area off Johnson Rd. Please contact me at 410-742-6257
Thanks for posting this
Penny Bradford
I hope she was found safe and unharmed. This guy has a major rap sheet and is an obvious flight risk. What the hell is he still doing on the streets to harm anyone much less a small innocent child.
You can thank the liberal morons that keep putting idiots in office that think criminals have just as many rights as the victims.
Vote Republican
Joe is it true shehas been located?
A little girl was missing and you guys are bring politics into it. Good work.
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