U S Senate Republican Candidate Jim Rutledge has ripped up the old GOP playbook by releasing raw, unscripted video where the candidate talks from the heart about who he is and what he believes. Rutledge declares, “The age of machine politics run according to the establishment’s playbook has come to an end in Maryland.”
FOREST HILL, Maryland — February 11, 2010
Rutledge Rips Up GOP Campaign Playbook and Releases Unscripted Youtube Video Series.
United States Senate Candidate Jim Rutledge has thrown down the gauntlet in the Maryland Republican Party Primary in 2010. Rutledge has ripped up the GOP establishment’s campaign playbook by releasing raw, unscripted video where the candidate talks from the heart about who he is and what he believes.
Rutledge declares, “The age of machine politics run according to the establishment’s playbook has come to an end in Maryland. No longer will the citizens of Maryland be told that the party-bosses know best what is good for the people. No longer will elections in Maryland be tilted in favor of party insiders and professional politicians. The Senate seat in Maryland is not for sale and will not be bought. 2010 is the year of the people, and in the 2010 Republican primary, the people will have a choice to elect a citizen, who like them, has had enough of government run by professional politicians.”
Jim Rutledge, a Republican and a constitutional conservative, has launched the Jim Rutledge YouTube channel. http://www.youtube.com.jimrutledge2010/
Rutledge’s frank talk on American freedoms and rights is a welcome departure from the stale and politically cautious ad campaigns of the past. Rutledge explains, “Politics as usual will not cut it. Citizen political apathy has melted away; in 2010 the informed Maryland citizen will not stand for propaganda and empty labels. There is no sugar coating the dire threats this nation and state face. We must confront clearly such grave issues as unemployment, the global economic collapse, and the continuing threat to our nation’s safety. I am committed to creative solutions that will preserve our liberty and uphold the US Constitutional constraints on government power.”
The videos take the Rutledge’s campaign for the US Senate directly to the Maryland citizens. The links to Rutledge’s Youtube channel are shared nationwide and form part of the grassroots fire spreading across America. Rutledge boldly and with deep respect for his listeners outlines his positions on the critical issues in Maryland and America in 2010. The videos include Rutledge’s policies on healthcare, economic freedom, job creation, reckless spending, 2nd Amendment rights, government bailouts, property rights, national security, education, and energy independence.
Access the videos at http://www.youtube.com.jimrutledge2010/ or http://www.rutledgeforussenate.com/
1 comment:
Jim is a breathe of fresh air. He is sincere and is a man of immense integrity. His willingness to mount a campaign to offer Marylanders a great choice for the U.S. Senate is commendable.
On the few occasions that I have had the opportunity to be in his presence, each time, I have come away with increased respect and a growing positive impression. He cuts through all the political morass and expresses his views in a common sense manner.
I and my family will be doing all we can to help him with his campaign. At present we are planning a "fun raiser" for him at my farm on April 3, 2010
Don Coffin
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