I just received a call from Wicomico County Roads. Here is the latest update on Rockawalkin Road.
Rockawalkin, from Crooked Oak to Nanticoke Road is now open.
They have ONE lane open from Nanticoke to Levin Dashiell Rd.
Rockawalkin from Levin Dashiell Road to Rt. 50 they are still working on right now.
As for Spring Hill Road/Lane, they are out there right now working on that road as well.
Folks, they are doing the best that they can to get things improved. When and IF you call them, try to remember the person answering the phone is NOT the person out there clearing the roads. Be kind and ask your questions but do not be rude.
Salisbury News is your go to place for the latest updates and information.
Yesterday I left a post stating the City didn't clear my street (Georgia Avenue). I called the City today and asked the Clerk with whom I should speak to get my street plowed.
The lady with whom I spoke was pleasant and told me she would take care of it. Within an hour, a plow was on my street and made a pass. I called the office back to say thank you. Thirty minutes later, two trucks came and plowed until the street was way more than passable. Kudos to the city plow drivers and the fine ladies in the Clerk's office.
Our County taxes at work, better late than never !
I called the city 3 times, Mon - Wed...and I didn't see a plow till Thurs night!! They did a terrible job. And we watched the salt truck go by - it never came down our cul-de-sac!! We called again, they were supposed to come back today...nope haven't seen them! :(
people have to remember that the man or woman behind the wheel of the plow trucks are just doing thier job!They have a boss who also has a boss telling them what to do so please dont critisize the low man on the pole,thier just trying to make a living and I have to give them credit. So its a big 2 thumbs up from me!!
5:52 was talking about the city, not the county.
A plow never came in our neighborhood. TX to the sun and temps, the roads are passable. By the way, this is EXCELLENT INFORMATION! Thank you!
Oh please, take your better late than never attitude and go south for the winter. It has only been two days since the snow stopped what the hell do you want dry clean roads with all signs of snow gone within 24 hours? While you sleep warm and dry these guys are out in the elements making every effort to get the roads cleared as quickly as possible.
You really need to check yourself.
Great post Joe! EVERYONE is doing their best considering these recent situations. Our county government is working with the resources that they have. I hope our county executive and council members publicly thank this entire community, soon.
Both city and county are doing as much as their resources can. With most things in life, I think the people who ask nicely and are patient will get helped. There are a few who think their neighborhood is more important than others. I heard one lady complain because her street was plowed only once during each storm.
Wow! I have friends who live on streets that got zero plowing.
It's not like this was 2 or 4 inches weeks apart. Some folks need to get real.
Everyone in the city really is doing the best they can. This is a storm of unusual magnitude. Be patient folks. Where do you really need to go that would put someone else's safety at risk to get there?
how about plowing the side streets of of Roger St. Our street hasn't been plowed at all since the first storm! They are horrible.
In 1979 the streets were worse than they are now. The streets were closed for days. The guys and gals are doing a hard job as fast as they can. I appreciate what they are attempting to do. It was just as pressure packed then as it is now. The economy wasn't too swift then either. I just think we have a more vocal and more negative society today. Hey, you people on the streets late at night plowing.....Thanks!
This is unbelievable -- the parking lot at the Civic Center is completely cleared, but for the piles of snow, including that land that Pollitt wants to buy for $300,000 per acre, while many County roads were untouched.
Unless someone spots a bunch of plow trucks parked at a bar for the afternoon, let's assume they're doing the best they can with what they've got to work with.
Seriously, this has been a big deal, and much more than they've had to contend with before now. Give them a break.
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