On June 8, 2009, at approximately 1 a.m., a Harrison Group carpet cleaning van was parked outside the Hilton Hotel & Suites, located at 33rd Street and Atlantic Avenue. In order to operate the vans carpet cleaning equipment, the van was left running by the cleaning crew who was inside of the Hilton Hotel.
A subject, later identified as Jesus J. Vasquez, 26, of Burtonsville, MD, entered the van and stole it while Harrison Group personnel were cleaning. OCPD Officers spotted the stolen van driving south on Philadelphia Avenue, dragging the cleaning hoses which were still connected to the equipment inside the van. Marked OCPD patrol cars attempted to stop the van on 16th Street at Baltimore Avenue. The van immediately fled from OCPD officers. When the van got to 15th Street and Baltimore Avenue it reportedly continued south on Baltimore Avenue against one way northbound traffic at speeds in excess of 60 miles per hour. Vehicles traveling North on Baltimore Avenue quickly swerved out of the way of the fleeing van in order to avoid a collision.
The van continued south on Baltimore Avenue until 10th Street, when the driver made an abrupt turn across Baltimore Avenue, through a driveway. The van crashed through the wooden fence at 1002 Baltimore Avenue. The van did not stop and continued to through a vacant lot at 10th Street, and Baltimore Avenue.
The driver, Vasquez, jumped out of the van while it was still moving and attempted to flee. The van continued moving until it hit the side of house located at #6 10th Street. OCPD Officers pursued Vasquez on foot and took him into custody after a brief struggle.
Once in custody, Vasquez was given a breath test which determined Vasquez to be intoxicated. Vasquez has been charged with over 25 charges related to the theft of the van and subsequent pursuit by police.
There are additional charges pending for the damage to the stolen van, damaged wooden fence and the damaged residence at #6 10th Street.
Vasquez was seen by a court commissioner and was held on $35,000 bond. He was transferred to Worcester County Jail.
Anybody have video of this?
What a maroon.Dragging hoses down Coastal Hwy is not inconspicuous.
For all the danger this guy put everyone in, $35,000 bond is not enough. Lock his tail up for a long time. Ocean City sure doesn't sound like a family vacation spot to me.
You know I was reading all the posts about houses being broken into, stupid people driving with open beer and fussing at the police, fights breaking out all over the place. This one takes the cake. This one actually made me laugh. The visual is just to funny.
Just proof crimals are NOT the smartest people on earth.
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