Louise & Kim,
Here are the three photos I took last night. The first is with no flash. The second is with a flash and adjusted on the computer. The third is with a flash and not adjusted at all. Please note the details, (all on 800 speed) on the two using the flash.
I was not excessive in using the flash last night. In fact, Jonathan Taylor was using his flash time and time again last night, yet nothing was ever said to him. For what it's worth, as many of you know I used to play Professional Pool. While on Tour spectators were constantly using flash photography and video people always had their lights on. Quite frankly, while I was standing at the podium last night, Jonathan was taking picture after picture of me with a flash and it never once distracted me. This is something I personally believe ALL of you need to get used to. I did it, why can't you?
If you can be distracted by a flash, perhaps you're not concentrating on the subject at hand like a professional. We were not allowed to make excuses and we learned to move on. Trust me, there was a lot more money on the line on every shot than you people are making.
Louise, Kim, you asked me to take these photos to prove to you there was a difference. This is under your instructions and IF you continue to ask that no flash photography be taken, you are clearly biting off more than you can chew. I'll ask again that you reconsider as I, (and perhaps others) will take this to Court with these three samples and show the Judge that the Salisbury City Council is demanding something over the President, Congress and every other Government Body by removing flash photography. I will respectfully ask that you reconsider and assure you on my behalf that I would not abuse using the flash from my camera.
Ladies & Gentlemen, I sent this message to the entire City Council after last Monday nights City Council Meeting where Louise Smith stated while on PAC 14 I was no longer allowed to use Flash Photography. In the mean time, Mr. Taylor continued throughout the evening taking flash pictures and not a word was said. The photo below is clear evidence of such on Monday evening.
Louise, (similar to Mike Dunn and Barrie Tilghman, in the past) had been passed a message from Gary Comegys and the next thing we knew she immediately came after me and targeted me for using a flash. I politely waited until after PAC 14 was turned off and I confronted Louise about the matter. Hence the letter above.
Today I received a call from Louise Smith telling me she had received my e-mail and wanted to know if I would be available to meet with her to discuss it further and hopefully come to some kind of agreement. I of course agreed and we will be meeting in the near future.
The reason I share this Post/Information is because with any hope we're seeing/experiencing a change in local government and it should be recognized. GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE.
If you click on the three images above you will clearly see there is a major difference. Mind you, if I use a different lens, photos do tend to come out better without a flash. However, it's a telephoto lens and you have to be ready at all times to capture a certain moment and many times in a confined place/room, using this lens doesn't allow you to do so. Therefore I use the wide angle lens 98% of the time. Louise had mentioned to me on Monday evening that she minored in photograpy back in the day so she understood what I was dealing with speed wise and so forth.
In our telephone conversation Louise felt a lawsuit wasn't necessary and I wanted to set the record straight by saying I had no intention to sue. I would see judgment by a Judge on the matter at hand, not financially. Photographers have certain rights and using a flash is one of them. I never abuse the flash, seriously. The only time I use it is when it's necessary.
So my hat is tipped to Council President Louise Smith for allowing me this opportunity to sit down and come to a mutual understanding, (hopefully). For what it's worth, I believe Mr. Taylor has just as much right to use his flash when necessary. I'll keep you posted.
I hope you get everything straightened out! In the meantime can we leave Mr. Taylor out of it? He is poison to this blog, I thought he was not to be mentioned anymore....
If she starts doing the right things by the tax-payers we might have to start calling her "Loueagle".
Good Lord.
Use a basic program like Picasa (free from Google) to lighten and up the contrast of your shot without flash and it will be more pleasing than the flash shot. Try it (about 5-10 seconds is required), you'll like it.
Smith is more patient than I would be. I'd tell all present no lights or flashes while the council meeting is in session, and those in attendance not manning a camera, while actualling recording, from a reputable news organization must have a seat.
I thought you were moving to Florida.
Who is he (the large one) sitting between?
He always sits next to the cop, no one else wants him near them. The other person is his wife, April Byrd, shes a Crisfielder and well known down there.
Hi Joe. Why on earth do you continue to threaten to take things that are so trivial to court? It's utterly ridiculous to think that some judge would actually rule on such an issue. Perhaps you should excerise a little judgement once in a while. You're obviously an intelligent man but you make yourself look a lot less than that with some of this stuff. Your regular readers, like me happen to think you should knock some of this stuff off. Thanks Joe.
Joe,don't sweat the small stuff. and believe me, it's all small stuff.
I think the lawsuit thing is ridiculous, too.
But I think Smith calling you out by name on TV was ridiculous.
She's not changing, Joe. She's doing what she always does, puts on one face and acts another.
Good timing to catch his flash like that. But how funny to picture the two of you taking pictures of each other! Too bad someone doesn't have a picture of the "camera wars" taking place.
I'll give credit where it's due. Louise Smith LIED to get into office. She used her first two years to do Barrie Tilghman's bidding. Jesus, Joe, you just posted that she called you out by name after Gary Comegys slipped her a note!
She'll pretend she's changing for the next two years because after seeing Debbie Campbell whomp her boy Boda, she's got to do something to save her own skin.
You'll never know where you stand with Louise, Joe. She probably just wants to feel out a way to get you in trouble with the law again.
Louweasel - if the nickname fits, wear it!
Remember, Joe, don't sweat the small stuff.
thats a Good job, joe. you got louise to Respond to your Inquiry aNd Chances are she will see it your way.
Good Lord, he is so big I thought he was the Sun.
joe thats not a flash its the shine from the lights off his oily complexion and as for mrs smith all those pictures look like a pepto bismol commercial nausea upset stomach Diarrhea lol
Joe I thought the second picture came out the best. If that's the way she wants it never use a flash when taking her picture so she always looks like crap.
Save the batteries and flashes for Ladies Cohen and Campbell : )
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