Photos Courtesy of Glen In OC.
On June 7, 2009, at approximately 11:20 A. M., Ocean City Police responded to the scene of a collision between a pedestrian and an Ocean City municipal bus. The victim identified as, Brett Patrick Dellomo -18 years old of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, was walking north on the sidewalk at 123rd Street when he struck the side of the municipal bus.
Witnesses observed Dellomo walk off the sidewalk and into the southbound bus lane as the bus was approaching from about 100 feet away. Preliminary investigation at the scene revealed Dellomo came off the sidewalk and walked into the bus as it passed him, causing Dellomo to come into contact with the bus on the passenger side. Dellomo’s impact into the moving bus caused him to be thrown to the ground, at which point his head struck the sidewalk. The bus driver immediately stopped the bus and contacted EMS and police.
Dellomo was taken to Peninsula Regional Medical Center in critical condition. Ocean City Police are continuing to investigate this incident. If anyone witnessed this incident, please contact OCPD, PFC C. Bean at, 410-520-5293.
Ocean City Police reminds visitors and residents to be very conscious of their activities in and around busy traffic ways. Please use the sidewalks and designated cross walks and obey all pedestrian traffic control devices. During the hours of darkness, pedestrians should where light colored clothing and allow for extra time when crossing busy roadways. Parents should always make certain that they hold their child’s hand when crossing roadways. Please walk smart and obey all pedestrian and vehicle traffic control devices.
Was he charged with failure to yield? (the pedestrian, I mean!)
So people from PA can't drive or walk? Still, I hope he's ok.
Who was the bus driver? I know one who drives those buses that I wouldn't trust not to be under the influence of a controlled substance (not alcohol).
Damn Pennsylvanian's
P-A-Holes! I wish that we could just build a beach in Pennsylvania so that they wouldn't come down and terrorize ours!
Hope hes OK but why would he just walk into a bus?
When I lived in OC, everyone I knew there complained about PA drivers.
Today I was on the Bypass in the left lane and a PA driver in the right lane cut in front of me only to pace the other car to the right of him, doing 60 moph in a 65 mph zone.
Oh, trust me, I found my way around that SOB and made sure he was only doing 55 mph and was he ever pissed.
Not that is applies directly here, but Ocean City needs to have a serious jaywalking law. They should strictly enforce the law and ticket anyone who attempts to cross Coastal Hwy. anywhere other than a crosswalk. People would be safer and moneyu raised through fines.
Well i guess the city councils thought of cutting the number of seasonal cops from 100 to 70 isnt gonna work now is it???
Stupid idea in the first place.
3:33 & 5:10, PLEASE go back and read the post, and then never comment again. Dolts.
This is 3:33. I realize that it was the fault of the guy. I'm only saying the particular driver I know that drives for OC is not a person i would want driving me or someone I love and the press release didn't mention the driver that was in the accident. I find that interesting.
Second week of June...I am far more inclined to think that any subtances involved were on the part of the teenager
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