Joe, Here is part of the letter from GM.
Russ Barrett
(410) 641-0444
This morning I received a call from Russ Barrett insisting he has received a letter from GM stating they will stay open for business and they will not be closing their doors. In fact, Russ not only offered to show me the letter, he even offered to have his driver bring it to Salisbury for me to view. I told Russ, if he's anything like his Father, (may he forever rest in peace) I believe him.
Below are two letters from Courtesy Chevrolet. Mind you, they came in as comments, so it has yet to be confirmed they are authentic but for the sake of the benefit of any doubt, we'll trust that they are.
That being said, I waited until the most powerful time on this Blog, (9:00 am'ish) to offer an apology to both Dealerships and ask for their forgiveness. Mind you, if either of you close your doors in the near future to New Car Sales, we'll expect the same from you. Nevertheless, our sources are rarely, (if ever) wrong and we're going on YOUR WORD that they are.
So Folks, there you have it. Barrett Chevrolet and Courtesy Chevrolet will stay in business and we certainly apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused.
"Folks, I would like to inform you that this blog has it ALL wrong, we at Courtesy are NOT closing in two weeks, two months, or for that matter two years. We will be selling new Chevrolets and new Cadillacs to any customer who wants to buy one.
For those of you with Saturns, etc, you CAN get warranty work done at Courtesy Chevrolet by starting the conversation with "I have an emergency" which allows us (Courtesy) to do your work.
Thank you for reading this and we at Courtesy are looking forward to continue greeting our old customers and all of the new customers we are going to meet.
Phil Roath
Sales Manager
Courtesy Chevrolet - Cadillac"
"I don't know where you are getting your infromation but Courtesy Chevrolet is not closing!!! When Courtesy is still open six months from now, will you print a retraction?
I have $5,000 or $10,000 or whatever that says that you are wrong. Put your money where your mouth is.
Frankly, I don't think that Barrett is closing either. That would make you zero for two.
G. R. Nordstrom
Courtesy Chevrolet Cadillac"
Time will tell.
All it would take is a phone call to verify the info before you post it.
Instead of relying on your "sources" wouldn't it be responsible to go directly to the businesses to get the scoop before you post damaging information? You go on and on about businesses closing and lost jobs. Do you think your irresponsibility towards local businesses actually helps? You need to re-evaluate how you do some things Joe.
I still think Courtesy ought to close their doors. Their service is awful and they customer service is not great either.
So you know, we did make calls to each Dealership were unsuccessful in reaching anyone that could confirm or deny.
Like it or not, this is a Blog. As I stated to Mr. Barrett, No Press Is Bad Press. People are talking and quite frankly, (should everything they say is true) you would THINK many of you would come back here and share your relief that these Dealerships are not closing down and that you're pleased to see they'll continue to serve your sales and service wants and needs.
That being said, the negative comments are just that, negative. By the way, if I/we were perfect you'd be caling me God, not Joe.
Never mind what others say Joe. You faced your article like a man and asked for forgiveness. Time will tell.
Sounds like the Ole Eastern Shore two step to me.
Good on you, Joe. You acted like a gentleman and apologized.
As for G.R. Nordstrom, how can he be president of a company called "Courtesy" when his letter is so downright rude?
There is a difference in being rude and standing up for yourself
Barrett's should be closed.I would be surprised if they have more than a few repeat customers.
Ray Nordstrom is anything but rude. I have known his family since I was a wee little girl and think that Ray and Bonnie Nordstrom are two of the finest people I know.
This is a very misleading letter. All it says is that you are invited to participate in the G.M. new agreement, it says nothing about the length of time this dealership will be open.
I guess there are perfect people in the world, but who are they?Joe, you have certainly risen to the higher ground.
So maybe he's not rude in person, but the tone of his letter is. That's not standing up for yourself; it's being belligerant.
Maybe he's just tired of putting up with all the bull**** that people are saying when they really do NOT know what they are talking about. Give the man a break.
thank you!
Barrett's is terrific! Good deals, great service, friendly sales staff. What more could you want?
Well said (: He is just standing up for his company!
Ray Norstrom is a great guy, he worked for what he has and you do not buy and build a business like midway and then courtesy by not being up and up.
If he says it, you can take it to the bank, I know first hand.
I have from a trusted source that works at one of the dealerships that it is closing the NEW CAR.
Russ Barrett is NOTHING like his father. Total shame . . .
Since Government Motors has all that taxpayer money, I hope thay all go out of business.
Barrett Chevrolet is a fine dealership, they stand by thier customers 100%....however I had to take my vehicle to Courtesy to have some work done. WHAT AN AWFUL EXPIERENCE!!!! the service department was rude and very disrespectful. I would not take my wagon to them. Barretts will ALWAYS be my dealer.
Speaking of dealerships closing--since Saturn closed, I have been looking for another local business to take my vehicle to for basic service needs such as oil changes, etc. Any suggestions?
Put on your seat belt folks, Barrett and Courtesy will be swallowing their words here real soon!
Folks, tell these people what I think of people who LIE? Tell them what I do to people when they LIE.
I knew I smelled the Ole Eastern Shore two step.
I personally have had experience with Mr. Nordstrom and can only say that if he says the sun is shining
Well said, Anonymous 5:00. Worked for this man and you can not believe what he says. And I KNOW Courtesy did recieve a letter from GM telling them they will be closing the point. NOW eat your words.....Ray Nordstrom
harder to sell trucks or cars if they think you are closing got to try and sell as many as possible before that happens
Grannydragon, how would you feel if someone wrote something on this blog about you that would affect your livelihood? I think he had every right to take that tone and set this matter straight....he has always been a stand up guy who was honest with his employees and everyone else. My son works at Courtesy and I get tired of all the heresay and rumours....he has a mortgage to pay like everyone else...
anonymous 7:03, tell your son to tell you the truth. Not to worry though, I'll deliver his news for you tomorrow morning.
Well I can tell you as a family friend that I believe Ray Nordstrom's word, as a family man and a business man.
Shame on you anonymous people running your mouth about others. Its very easy to criticize and talk trash about a person when you don't have to reveal your name, isn't it?
I will say that I don't personally believe that was Mr Nordstrom that presented that comment... doesn't sound like his choice of words to me...
joealbero: Who do you think you are?? You aren't going to deliver any messages to Courtesy!
Price is making plans/room for Chevrolet and Caddy as I write this. Fact.
Well Tracy Parker.. Maybe you should have had some business with Mr. Nordstrom. Maybe you should ask the Oliphant family how he screwed them..
Then ask Lori Waugh, his trusted comptroller why she would have told people that Courtesy had INDEED received a letter terminating their GM franchises AND that Mr. Nordstrom intended to fight it ?????????????
UH OH, sounds like ther sh!t is starting to hit the fan!!!!
I told you people they were a bunch of liars.
Will they apologize tomorrow after my Post???????
As an employee there, they aren't closing Ray tells us everything & he is very trusting. We have had meetings since all of this has happened so everyone COURTESY CHEVROLET IS NOT CLOSING!
You're right, they're not closing. It's even worse Folks. More tomorrow.....
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