I called the police today and reported some idiot woman who left her children in the car while she went shopping in Lowe's. They were 7 and under 1. Her response: "Why didn't you just wait until I came out to say something to me?" Wait for how long? She was in there for 10 minutes. It was over 80 degrees out and the baby's head was soaked with sweat. 10 minutes or 10 hours - young children should not be left.
To top it off, she told me and another woman who witnessed this that she previously worked for an animal shelter, so she knew the effects heat could have on dogs left in cars. Amazing! Then she proceeded to say it was only 10 minutes. I told her I could have taken her children and been in Delaware in 10 minutes. Her response? "I don't like to think the world is like that" Where's she living? Do they have news there? I told her there was a jail just down the road filled with people who could acquaint her with what could happen to her children.
The first thing she said to the officer when he got there was she didn't know the law. The officer told her she didn't have to know the law to know common sense. By the way, the car was not running with air. It had 1 window open next to the 7 year old and was unlocked.
Still ticks me off. There are so many people who want children, then you have some jerk who treats hers worse than she would a dog.
UPDATE: I did ask if she was arrested and here was their reply.
"No. The officer is writing a report to submit to the SA office. Probably won't come to anything, but hopefully it scares her enough not to do it again."
Disgusting, pure and simple. There should be licenses for having children.
was she charged if not call ruark
What happen?
Did the police arest her?
If not then the call, the post are no good.
No worth printing.
Can you describe the vehicle?
The police did not arrest her but a report is being filed with the SA office. All I know is that the officer took all her info and my info for calling it in and said I may be called to testify if it goes to court. Probably won't.
For the record, whenever I see a child NOT in a proper seat I call the Police.
If you are one of those parents and you have been pulled over there's a good chance I made the call.
I can't stand people that will risk a child's life simply because they are stupid.
I am never afraid to leave my name with the Police either.
How sad, if you can not take your kids in with you, then hire someone to watch them. I see this and even knew of someone who left her daughter in a car and when she came back the baby had died. Mother just use your brain and think of the kids.
Thank God there are people like you who are willing to help those kids. God Bless
Wanda L. Disharoon
NOT good judgement
I called the police for a child that was left in the car about a month ago. She was about 2, crying and scared to death. The parents were in the store shopping, oblivious to the child's distress. I was relieved when the police got there. The scarey thing was he opened the door - it wasn't locked. Anyone could have taken her.
She ought to lose those kids for this kind of stupidity!
Bet she leaves them home alone to while she "runs to the store real quick"
Agree she shouldn't have left the kids, but come on, you could have just as easily paged her first.
How many Edith Bunkers do we have out there!What a ding bat!
In the future, call Child Protective Services and they will show up with a Detective I think. At least THEY may scare the Mom more than a Police Officer!
I am SO sick of the police NOT doing anything!
This woman is clearly a moron and she should be in jail!
I call and report losers who have children riding in their laps or who are not in a proper seat to Joe, so you're not alone there.
This is a very scary world that we live in.
Anonymous said...
In the future, call Child Protective Services and they will show up with a Detective I think. At least THEY may scare the Mom more than a Police Officer!
5:05 PM
You think wrong. Child Protective Services will tell you quick they have 5 Days to investigate.
5:01 - yeah and a kidnapper could easily page her instead of taking the kids.
Why should she be given the chance? Did she give the kids a chance when she risked their lives in a hot car where any stranger could abduct them?
I would call again in a heartbeat. The only thing I'm sorry for is that I forgot I had my camera in the car and didn't take pics.
Were running out of real grand parents.
Just a question...how do you feel about when you pull up to lets say...shore stop and you leave the kids in the car, but you can see the car thru the window? curious..
I too call the police when I see someone driving with young children not in proper seats..How hard is it to put the child in a car seat and strap them in?! And if I did see someone leaving there kid in the car whos younger than 9 Than I would call the police too!! If you can't or don't want to take your kids in than either don't go or wait until you can get someone to watch your kid.
Reminds me of "Pink Floyd" song MOTHER.
I have personally seen them show up within 20 minutes or less for leaving a child unattended in a different senerio.
Since it's against the law in Maryland to leave a child under 8 unattended in motor vehicle, I wonder why the officer didn't write the woman a citation. It's a must appear charge.
The awful thing is that these children are not making the choice to be in danger. If they are told to sit in the car while mommy runs in the store "real quick", they will. It burns me up to see a child bouncing around in a car while it is going down the road. Don't these parents know the danger they are putting their children in? I agree that something should have been done, the very least she should have been ticketed and made to take some parenting classes.
This is such a coincidence! I was just coming on this site to report something my kids and I watched tonight. We were at the Rite Aid on Mt. Herman Road at 6:05pm. My kids are 14 & 15 and thier friend is 15. The 14 and 15 year old went in to the store to buy some drinks for the night and I sat with my other son in the van. As we were sitting there, a teal blue, town and country van pulled in beside us. The woman got out of the car and went into the store. I thought nothing. My kids came out about 5 minutes later and I started to back out of my parking spot. I checked the sides and when I did, I noticed 2 young toddlers sitting in the back seat in car seats. I slowed down to a stop and asked my kids if they saw an adult in the very back seat. They looked and said "NO"!!! I wasn't sure if they looked well enough so I back around to the back of the other van to get a better view of the back seat. And to my dismay, there was no other person in the car besides the 2 babies. I pulled back in and was spitting fire! They boys were asking me what was I going to do? I told them to call the police while I went into the store to get the mother and give her a piece of my ass. As I walked up to the doors I thought that maybe I should get her tag number before I go in the store just in case she leaves. I went back to her car, wrote down the tag number and almost hit the ground. Not only was this car registered to a complete idiot but it had the tags of the Fruitland Fire Department!! Maryland tag FF 0080. I walked around the car because I could hear the kids hollering and there sat her pocketbook in the front seat. Tempting to the eye of a thief. As I was writing down the make of the car, the mother came out, went in the front seat to her pocketbook, said something to the kids, then went back into the store. I got back in my car and could not believe what I was watching! I asked the kids if they called the police and they said they were afraid. So our conversation went on about why and what do they think we should do. The mother came out, got in her van and pulled away. My sons' friend said "Oh my God. She left her kids in the car to get a pack of cigarettes!" We pulled up to the stop light and who was next to me?...the van with the wacked mom! I remembered that I had my camera in the car but before I could get a picture of this woman, the light changed and she pulled ahead. I was able to get the picture of the rear of the van.
I wanted to post this because I was unable to help those 2 babies that have no voice and I was extremely upset at what this woman had done. My son has recently been diagnosed with Leukemia and I am doing everything in my power to keep him alive and she is just taking her childrens' life for granted. How dare she! My life would never be the same if my sons' fight were to end in any way that takes him from me. I don't wish this feeling on any mother but sometimes I do wish it so they can feel the pain and maybe it would wake them up.
So if you know who owns a bluish-teal Town and Country van, tag number: MD FF 0080, Fruitland Fire Department, let her know that she is lucky that I did not get the police there in time and that someone is always watching. I hope the cigarettes were worth it!
Kerry Schoepf
Kerry, send me that picture!!!!!!
to 5:57, my kids were well over 8 years old before I ever left them in a car alone. If there was no adult to set with them I took them in the store with me. It is not safe to let your kids out of your sight. If you are doing that or even thinking about leaving your kids alone DON'T
Wanda L. Disharoon
Bet she was fat. Bet she watches EVERY Opra show. Bet she smokes. Bet there's Burger King Wrappers on the floor. Bet the kids were dirty. Bet she thinks out of wedlock childbirth with any thug who will have her is no big deal. Bet she thinks we all owe her because of her bad luck. Bet she voted for Obama because he was "cool". Bet she has had as many minimum wage jobs as her age. Bet YOU think this country is not in serious trouble. WRONG. The number of ignorant Americans is amazing.
You gotta have a license to drive,you gotta get a permit to build a deck but anyone who is fertile can have kids......
These stories really upset me me and my husband are trying to have a baby and would do anything to have one and there are women out there that dont give a damn about there children and If i ever see a child left in car unatented you better bet i will so be waiting on that mother when she comes out that door and i will also have the cops there cause i think people like this dont need kids, I think they need to be in jail and I also think the children should be taken away, If they do this stuff in public what do you think they do to these kids when they are home, SAD SAD to think about isnt it???????????May god bless all these little children that have to live in this kind of life.
5:26 you are one of those typical idiots that is quick to blame the police for everything. The officer DID do his job and took all the pertinent info and completed a report. It has been MY experience in my many years that these cases are RARELY prosecuted by the SAO unless there is some other egreious act. The reports are forwarded to CPS, DSS and the SAO (figure it out, you know everything already) and the determination is made by them how they would like to proceed.
This woman has no business with children or animals. When the temperatures are as hot as it was today she should of known it was too hot for those children.
More importantly, not a week goes by where you see on tv or read about it online where a child has been taken. You would think that would of crossed her mind more than the temperatures. Children those ages can't protect themselves from someone if that person wanted to harm them.
I hope today put a scare into her. One that she won't forget. I pray that those children will be safe and happy.
To whomever wrote this post, thank you for looking out for those children. I think you did the right thing.
as i stated earlier. a police officer pulled up to my car with my kids inside it, looked right at them, saw me and said nothing. Im a good mom, im just not going to be overy paranoid that someone is going to snatch my kids.
10:18- You are "just not going to be overly paranoid that someone is going to snatch your kids?" WOW. You are living in a fantasy world. Kids are kidnapped, raped, and murdered every day. Any of the above could happen quickly. You have been- I mean, your children have been lucky- that nothing has happened to them. No doubt, you did not leave your children alone only once. I hope you would not have to feel the pain of losing a child in order to see how dangerous it is to leave them without supervision.
A lot of comments, but don't miss the point. If you see something like this do something! Almost everyone has a cell phone these days so put it to good use. Don't look the other way, I would hate to be the one who didn't do anything only to read about the outcome later. Buxom Barbie, I commend and applaud your actions and i hope others will do like you have done.
When we see a child that is not in a car seat, what number are we to call? I realize this could be a potential life or death situation and 911 may be warranted, but is this the number we should be calling? Should we also be calling county, city, or state if the person is driving through these areas? Do police take this call seriously? Do they respond asap? Some of these questions may seem silly, but I want to start making these calls myself! What about parking in handicap spaces? Who should I be calling for that? I get so angry when I see someone just going into WaWa and parking in them because there are no other spaces. I am also aware of a perfectly capable individual who somehow got himself a handicap window hanger. I heard he has offered it to his friends when they travel to professional games or other types of travel that would have crowded parking. Who should I report that to?
ALL the numers you are looking for are on the new Crime Solvers link at the top right hand corner of this Blog. Try it, you'll like it.
I called 911 and was patched through to police dispatch.
What is a police officer's view on this? Any care to respond? What if I called about a handicap space at WaWa? Would you respond right away if you weren't dealing with another situation? How would you handle the car I pass by on Rt 13 that has children in it without car seats? Just curious...
anonymous 8:28, Clearly I'm not a Cop but I am someone who has called the Police/911 whenever I see a child or children not secured in a car seat and yes they do respond.
As for the handicap space, I'm sure they have more important things to do.
Looks like a room of tattle tales that used to get beat up and picked on in school...get a life and stay out of others
Hardly. I'm just a mother who thinks it is a greater responsibility to care for your children than go shopping.
I've always hated the whole "It takes a village" thing, but if a parent does not keep her own children from harm, someone should because the children are too young to do so for themselves.
To 8:46 am:
You clearly are not handicapped. Do you know anyone who is? Have you ever seen someone handicapped unable to park in a space due to people like you more than likely? And you call that tattle tales? How sad for you. I believe in charma. You may be the one someday that is handicapped with no where to park. As far as children left in the car while a parent goes into the store, do you realize how quickly the temperature increases in the car? Do you watch the news to see how the lives of children are lost due to the irresponsible parent who is too lazt to use a carseat? One phone call can save a life. It may be your grandchild... Just think about that. Use common sense if you have any.
It does take a village to raise a child, like it or not. There are idiots out there that procreate, and those innocent children need someone to intervene.
I'm not paranoid that someone might take my little one- but I would NEVER forgive myself if I did something stupid like this and that was the result! My little one is my life, hands down, and it is my job to raise her, protect her, and teach her.
Oh- and as for confronting the actual idiot that does something stupid like this- in this day and age, you never know how someone is going to respond. It is best to involve law enforcement. I always call people in for not having car seats, and I've always received a positive response. I've always called #77, though- it puts you through to the closest dispatch, I believe.
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