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Friday, February 27, 2009

Response to the Response - by Two Sentz

I hope we are starting to see the point here.

For every "he said" there is a "she said". For every republican stereotype about democrats, there is a democratic stereotype about republicans. And for every stereotype there is factual evidence to both support it and equal evidence to disprove it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

If sunnyinoc has a right to do a post making fun of democrats that is only a “joke” and democrats are supposed to “accept” it as “free speech,” then shouldn’t twosentz be allowed to do a post making fun of republicans which they too should see is only a “joke” to be “accepted” as “free speech”?

I know the stereotypes I posted are NOT true and I know the stereotypes sunnyinoc posted are NOT true. But what we have to realize as a community and as a nation is that there are people who are like us, but that disagree with us. When we make hurtful statements, we should expect a scornful reaction.

Obviously politics gets people’s blood boiling. We all know this. That’s why sunnyinoc posted his/her post, that’s why I posted mine, and that’s why we all tune in to this blog to see the reactions.

I know SBY News is traditionally a haven for right-wingers but Joe is clearly taking steps to bring it toward the center, which I think is something to be commended. We are just experiencing some growing pains.

Here’s what I think would be VERY fruitful for this comment thread: let’s list all the things Republicans and Democrats have in common, whether good or bad. I’ll get us started.

Both Reps and Dems are Americans.

Both Reps and Dems serve in the Military.

Both Reps and Dems have died for this country.

Both Reps and Dems own firearms.

Both Reps and Dems pay taxes.

Both Reps and Dems cheat on their taxes.

Both Reps and Dems are rich.

Both Reps and Dems are poor.

Both Reps and Dems believe in God.

Both Reps and Dems break the law.

Both Reps and Dems up hold the law.

I could go on and on. Let’s see who can put petty differences aside for a minute and step up to the plate.

Two Sentz


G. A. Harrison said...

You are right. However, I do love to read those stereotypes. They make me laugh, and often times make me think about where things need to be improved on my side of the philosophical spectrum.

Anonymous said...

However, at the moment, it is the dem president and the dem congress that is rapidly moving us into socialism and about to tax everyone to death. Also, the only people in the middle are the ones who cannot make up their minds about anything. You believe in less governemtn or you worship government. That is basically the choices we have today.

Anonymous said...

Independents, Libertarians, Republicans and Democrats all have friends in common. They even have friends deemed to be Anarchist. All of these people interact fine in social settings. All of these people, when leaving the hate behind interact fine in conversation as well as heated debate. They walk away friends. That is what matters. The opinions of each is respected even if not agreed upon.

Anonymous said...

is it not the democrat cabinet that is having so many tax problems. It seems as though a lot of powerful democrats do not pay taxes.

Anonymous said...

10:21 = fail.

Reconciled1 said...

Its true. I have friends and family members that the last thing we would ever discuss is politics because we disagree that much BUT we love each other and respect each other decisions. That's what makes America the Greatest Country in the world .... FREEDOM!!! I pray it just stays that way.

Anonymous said...

Both parties are plaing a role in dividing this country along party lines. Some think it is part of the "checks and balances" that make our govt. work. Guess what's not working. As we tear at each other, politicians on BOTH sides of the isle are selling us out. No party is less culpable than the other. True reform is needed - from the bottom up.

Anonymous said...

I bet a lot of powerful republicans do not pay taxes either.

Moon Willow said...

I think this bears repeating: United we stand; divided we fall.

chuck said...


Please show us how we are going to be 'taxed to death'. The only taxes I see that are going up are on people making over $250,000 a year, and only by 3%. I'm pretty sure they can handle that, and no one is going to die.

also, you said: You believe in less governemtn or you worship government

That's a false choice. I can believe in less government AND still want government to provide essential services. Besides, I don't know of any Liberal that 'worships government'. In fact, every Liberal I know wants government to be as small as possible.

Anonymous said...

Except for the few days after 9/11, when has the American people ever been united? During the revolutionary war, most Americans were against the war and breaking away from England. Conservatives do not agree with Liberals, and to do something bipartisan, one party must lose and give up their ideals.

Anonymous said...

I was taking this seriously until I saw "I know SBY News is traditionally a haven for right-wingers but Joe is clearly taking steps to bring it toward the center"

Anonymous said...

Mr. Schick. "Spin Doctors" went out of style along with "Two Princes." Let your boy fight his own battles and defend himself if he wants to ruffle feathers, and try to have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

Taxes are going up for everyone:
families making over 250k per year, that includes almost all small businesses, prices will go up and people let go.
families who make over 200k--cannot deduct their mortgage interest Bush tax cuts expire--families making 40k per year have taxes raised. decreased deductions for charities, capital gains tax increases (taxes on 401k, wall street investments, all private investments and retirement packages) and so on. cap and trade which will affect ALL businesses. Tax those who produce, and those who consume will have to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

how about both democrats and republicans read sbynews.

Anonymous said...

1:27, It's called compromise.

You know, for the good of all?

Anonymous said...

Both Republicans and Democrats face their own mortality.

Anonymous said...

I was taking this seriously until I saw "I know SBY News is traditionally a haven for right-wingers but Joe is clearly taking steps to bring it toward the center".

If he wasn't Joe wouldn't allow TOO DENSE to post stuff here. He does so at his own risk.

chuck said...


where do you see policy changes that will raise taxes on families making $40k a year?


Is the name calling necessary? Does that do anything but make you feel bigger about yourself by putting someone else down?

Anonymous said...

If the Bush tax cuts expire, famlies making 40k per year will have their taxes raised.

the Bush tax cuts were NOT all for the rich, his taxes were progressive and the wealthy paid more under him than they did under Clinton. His cuts helped the middle class out more than anyone.

Anonymous said...

Chuck...are you Twosentz yourself; or are you an expendable shill figure promoting ANOTHER person's and flying wing-man to take the AA fire while the "other guy" gets two bites at the apple and a free pass on the six of the "other pilot"-well, let the "pilot" himself address these issues, and you shut the "f' up. You give the "blue squad" a bad name!!Digg!

Anonymous said...

3:40 PM You are the perfect example of someone that could never unite for the good of all people. If it isn't your way it is no way. You can't even comment to people without being rude. You don't have to have the same opinions but what is really lacking is respect for each others opinions and you have no respect for anyone and I would venture to say you don't have any for yourself.

Anonymous said...


You are calling names yourself. You are accusing people of doing what you are doing. Are you a liberal? Blame others for your problems?

Some people do not deserve respect...

those who are destroying America and have moved us into socialism and into a fanatic regime.

Anonymous said...

Sorry; in this hand I have this hand {I am touching you with} I DONT have Shinola. Save your "uppity" pious lecture for the lemmings from the make me sick.

chuck said...


that's demonstrably not true. I'm not sure where you're getting your information. Obama has explicitly stated which taxes he will raise, and families making $40k will not be affected. Instead of repeating rhetoric, can you provide a link to information (actual information, mind you) that supports your claim?

chuck said...

One more thing, 3:20, you said:

the wealthy paid more under him than they did under Clinton

That is an absolutely false statement.

Anonymous said...

Chuck, you are wrong. Do your own research and stop telling lies!!!

Look at the IRS website. I know for a fact families making 49k per year so their taxes go down under the Bush tax cuts, at that time my family was there.

You ae the one spewing out lies and liberal junk. Say thanks to yourself as you must be one of the idiots helping wall street crash and seeing peoples retirement go down the drain. it is people like you helping Obama destroy America.

Thanks Chuck, my kids thank you, and the rest of the world thanks people like you.

Anonymous said...

4:00 PM What names did I call? I believe I was talking about actions. What names did your guilty conscience come up with?

Two Sentz said...

Kudos to GA, Donna, Reconciled1, 11:16, grannydragon, Chuck, especially 2:04 and 2:08 for actually writing something we have in common, and 3:51.

As for the tax debate you guys started, that's for another thread if you ask me. I will say this though, you notice the first attacks of one party against another came from conservative against liberal. Why do you suppose that is? I'm not hatin, I'm just sayin'.

Is 3:40 actually 2:13 also? Was he trolling for me and got upset when he got Chuck defending me instead? We may never know.

At least now we know who are the real deal and who are more concerned with stirring the pot.

Anonymous said...

Sentz. wonderful name dropping while trolling for pity. I swear on my mother's eyes {you remember my direct email to you about stem cell research, upon which we seemed to agree to help those eyes and such before I evidently became your personal anti-christ, correct?} I am not 2:13; and YOU know how to reach ME directly if you want to talk. You might be surprised at how many independents {let alone the right wingers you are trying to court votes from while staying anonymous}you are alienating by acting like a choad. You have totally turned me off with your lack of candor; trust is an important issue in this pending election { despite pathetic showing of anonymous bleeding palms here at the last minute to get potential swing votes}. Consider how much of a tool YOU have been lately to actually make readers here confuse me as spokesman for the conservative right-wing/Comegys/Misc trolls of America campaign a few days prior to local primaries. Are you really that obtuse??

Anonymous said...


some of us conservatives are getting extremely tired of being attacked day in and day out with stuff that is just not ture.

So if we defend ourselves we are guilty, if we go on the ofensive, we are guilty.

I do my research, it is not my fault if liberals cannot do their own research.

The dems control everything, the things that are going on now, are all on the dems and no one else.

Anonymous said...

Obama aslo said the US created the automobile and that we now import more oil than ever before, both of those are incorrect. His double speaks only work with the ignorant, which has been proven to me most of his voters.

Anonymous said...

Can the liberals actually do any research on their own? Or do they just lay claim to all the facts without providing any links and then ask anyone who

Two Sentz said...

Let's see Resse, you tried to bait me in this thread so I responded. You got pissed/felt threatened, I don't know. You also have my direct email but chose to do your attacking here so I responded in kind. I really don't understand why you can dish it out but can't take bro.

As far as remaining anon, we both know Resse Bobby is not your real name.

6:31, You said:

"some of us conservatives are getting extremely tired of being attacked day in and day out with stuff that is just not ture."

I would say the same is true for me, just substitute "liberals" for "conservatives". This is the point of the post.

But if liberals repeat the actions of their conservative counterparts (which they would say was only in jest) then they are put down as being ________. You fill in the blank. The point of this and my last post was to hopefully show the futility of this negativity and blind attacking. I am not disparaging differing viewpoints or ideologies. I'd just like to see them expressed with more civility. I was hoping people would be more interested in finding common ground than expounding differences...but that doesent get the hits on the blog.

I guess thats what I get for being one of those "bleeding heart liberal idealists".