If the Daily Times thinks they can bribe people into a yearly subscription, well, if they're that stupid, go for it!
However, you have to wonder if there's anything more to this? Is there a connection between Bubba, Gordy, the upcoming Election for the Mayor's Office & the Daily Times? I mean, it could be said that, (depending on the agreement here) Gordy is trying to please the Daily Times just before an election, should the dots connect?
Nevertheless, just remember that this will only buy you around 5 gallons of gas and you're then stuck with a bill for the rest of the year! Did I mention it takes no gas to view Salisbury News? Paper is being wasted and they have to deliver it to you daily, that burns a lot of gas!
Oh well, like I have always said, desperate people do desperate things. The Daily Times is obviously desperate! Oh, by the way, I heard the actual date is the 16th, not the 15th. I could be wrong? LOL
sign the contract and get the gas fast , in Maryland you get 72 hrs. to get out of the contract.( I
think this applies here)
They were doing this same thing around the end of '07 whereas they gave out gift cards to WalMart, WaWa, etc. I fell for it and liked to have never received my card. I was told they weren't in yet, they were processing it, yadda, yadda, yadda. I ought to go get my thimble full of free gas and then cancel the damn paper the next day!
Wouldn't it be funny if everyone did show up on the 16th. Knowing how desperate they all are, they're probably planning for damage control now to add on a second day. Too funny! Keep up the good work Joe.
I'd like to know just how many people take the offer.
Here's a suggestion: cancel your existing subscription and spend the savings on gas. I stopped mine 2 MONTHS AGO. I'm still getting it! (got my refund too). Started a nice fire with it when power went out the other night. LOL
How nice the Daily Times can give away $20 in gas money for a subscription when they have yet to give their carriers an increase for delivering that rag. Carriers still get only $.08 per daily paper, Sundays is a few cents more. Not enough to cover gas at these prices. Cancel your papers, save the carriers some expense to their vehicle. It won't be long before they are paying to deliver the daily slime.
Why would anyone stop at a Gordy Tiger mart when there are superior WAWA's? Find out if upper management at places of business are loyal Americans. Boycott them if they, like upper general management of Gordy Tiger Mart, hate our Flag!
i am sure they appreciate your free advertising.
I can tell you one thing I always see the firefighters at WaWa and not Gordo's Tigger Mall.
The only time the firefighters go to his place is when there is a fuel spill or a false alarm.
I called the Times this week to place an ad for my home business for one week and they wanted $164.00 I told them they were nuts!! The same ad in the star democrat was only $ 84.00
How could Gordo benefit? They don't have to get the gas at the Tiger Mart. You get a gas card and can get your gas anywhere you wish.
Is it just me or are the B's upside down?
Gordy is a "Good Ole Boy" who is quick to work his employees to death, pay them nothing, and laugh.
New rule at TigerMart,if you have more than ONE ring on your hand, engagement ring and wedding ring, you have to remove them? If not you lose your job? And what's all this about the $2 million to refurbish firehouses, and suddenly he's got money to burn to rehab his STORES?
boy, let someone you don't like try to get ahead and you dump on them. what the hell is wrong with you?
Anyone who loves America, and knows about anti-American upper management at Gordy Tiger Mart wouldn't spend a penny there!
The B's are upside down. They can't even proof read a changeable copy board
I hope people aren't so stupid that they would pay hundred's of dollars for $20 worth of gas?
That sign does not say receive a GAS CARD, it says "receive $20 FREE GAS" it leads you to believe you will get your gas there at the pump. Gordy then bills the Daily Slime for the free gas. If that is not the way it works then they are falsely advertising.
Guess you were wrong about the date.
If you purchased a subscription to the Daily Times, the Daily Times gave you $20.00 in Tiger Mart Gift Certificates. They can be used for gas or inside the store. The gift certificates were purchased by the Daily Times.
They'll get the gas, cancel the subscription when they see the quality it is lacking and demand a refund on the balance of their subscription.
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