That's right, your Bankrupt Council Vice President just formed a group to kick off his campaign to run for Mayor.
Now, let's see just how stupid the Taxpayers are in Salisbury. I want you to GO HERE and type in Gary Comegys. Check out Gary Comegys track record with Child Support and Bankruptcy and let's just nip this in the bud right away.
Gary may not like this Post and trust me, there are many more to come. However, he is a public figure and it is my right to expose everything I possibly can about this man to inform my readers just who they're considering.
I'm also informed that Barrie Tilghman will not run again. Thank You Barrie! Now get the hell out of the way, you've destroyed the City enough. Knowing Barrie though, she'll ride this all the way to the very end and use that money the Council passed to get a study to see if the taxpayers are actually willing to vote for her again. She's obviously delusional enough to think she's actually got a chance.
I'll tell you what Barrie. Try this out for size and that goes for you too Gary. Ask every person you know if they go to Salisbury News. Once you do you're going to realize just how popular this Site is now and you'll also come to realize that you can't win. That's right, I'm telling you right here and now, neither one of you can win, period. Gary, you were so lucky the last time, you almost got thrown on your rear end off the Council until you and Barrie pulled in the college students. They won't be naive a second time around.
So Folks, tell Bubba what you think of his wanting to run for Mayor. This should be really good!
Who, besides Gordy, is on that Bubba Be R Boy Committee?
Bubba's campaign slogan:
"a fire engine in every driveway, paid for by the taxpayers".
NO WAY! That is like going from the frying pan into the fire! My vote will not go his way. BUT, who else is going to be running. We need Carolyn Hall back in the run. The city would be in much better shape for sure!
Given the City's financial distress, his hand-on experience in nonpayment and bankruptcy could come in handy and keep those legal fees down.
I'm going to throw up.
No way, no way, no way.
We better hope the Daily Slime doesn't get behind his campaign. Watch out for the lawless SAPOA as well.
Hey Salisbury Saps:
Believe it or not you will wish you still had Barrie as mayor.
Happy Harry in Hebron
Why don't Salisbury solicit somebody with a brain like maybe Morgan Hazel
he said with a grin, as he wiped off his chin...
There is a good candidate waiting in the wings. Stand by, Salisbury, help is on the way!
This is the last thing we need in public office. I agree, we need Carolyn Hall running the ship! Someone on the caliber of Paul Martin. They are going to have their hands full, with all the damage and mis-trust that Gary and the Mayor have caused in this administration. It is a truly a disgrace to City.
Carolyn Hall for MAYOR!!!!
I think you can ask anyone in this city if they like the direction that the city is going? How many would actually say yes?
A very qualified and respected person will be running for Mayor. The announcement will be held for a while longer yet. No sense letting the Mayor and cronies know who it is just yet. I assure you, there will be a clear choices in this next election.
Barrie leaves behind a wide swath of destruction for the City taxpayers--as in EVERY undertaking in her life, she has done much damage. She is incapable of managing ANYTHING. Bubba is her anointed one; she will still be "mayor"; just not under her own name. We cannot allow this to happen. Bubba is totally incompetent.
I'm voting for the person 8:48 is referring to, and you all should too! The mayor and her SAPOA pals will undoubtedly launch a smear campaign, but don't fall for it. We need to play as hard as they did in the last election and realize that they will stop at nothing to try to win. If we all stick together and work hard, we'll get a new mayor, a new council, a new city attorney.
I want to work on this candidate's campaign....as soon as they announce I'm signing on!
AND, I don't even live in the city!
Anonymous said...
I want to work on this candidate's campaign....as soon as they announce I'm signing on!
AND, I don't even live in the city!
9:37 AM
This has got to be Bubbas wife, Debbie "the doorknob". Just ask around Pittsville those folks will be happy to explain the nick name.
Bwaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha this is a joke, right? He can't be that stupid or can he? Does he honestly believe he has a snowballs chance in hell of being R Necks Mare?
If this is true. Someone needs to be prepared to keep an eye on the votes, make sure no one from the neighborhood behind Gary's house votes. You know, neighborhood known as Parsons Cemetery.
Anyone who would vote for Bubba Comegys for Mayor has to be a complete idiot. He has no more qualifications for the job than a baboon. Can you possibly imagine him representing the City of Salisbury at any formal (or informal) occasion?
But we won't be able to see his facial expression and body language as much.
7:11 --
I want a Pierce, not an American-LaFrance. Only the best will do.
Vote "No" for Bubba for Mayor! I'll wait to see who is running against this fool. Got to be much better than the curent bunch and your right in saying keep a keen eye on Sapoa in this next election. They will stop at nothing to get their person in, whoever that may be.
A. Goetz
Now that Jim Ireton has thrown his hat in the ring there is no need for debates. Mr. Ireton will not be able to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed being.
Count on Mayor/Cronies/SAPOA to run another Trojan Horse like they did last time with Louweasle.
Bubba must have asked the Governor to clear his record of the Maryland Judiciary Case search because his deadbeat dad status and bankruptcy is not listed any more. Joe, check your archives because someone posted a copy of it before. The only thing listed for him is this.
Comegys, Gary A Plaintiff Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 10/07/1993
22C89000881 Comegys, Gary Defendant Wicomico County Circuit Court Divorce-Absolute Closed/Inactive 03/20/1989 Sharon Comegys Vs Gary Comegys
Hopefully the west siders that came to the council meeting a while back will find someone to replace Shanie. They didn't want rentals and I don't blame them. I think the one gentleman said his assessment was $190,000. I wouldn't want rentals either, I bet they didn't get NIMBY or C.A.V.E man letters or e-mails!
Mike Dunn for Mare'!!!!
Someone ought to tell bubba's boss, OweMowie, how he was riding around pimping for the competition Doug Duncan while on state time. Yep bubba was even pimping a Doug Duncan sign on his truck. Funny how things come around and now bubba is acting like he supported OweMowie the whole time.
Mike Dunn for mayor? Now theres a guy with no balls
if he runs, someone should move right beside his house and make him a miserable neighbor
944 if you buy the house I promise to move in and make his life so miserable he won't know up from down. I'll rent all of the rooms out to the hardest partying college kids in the state. Kegger night, everynight.
he'd trade the wifey for a six pack and a pizza
Bubba as mayor would be putting Barrie right back in office. She would continue to text him through meetings telling him what to say and do. It would be SSDD in da bury
If, by any small chance Gary Comegys should win the mayoral election I will put my house on the market the following day. They can keep the slum they have created and financed into oblivion. I just can't take anymore of their tomfoolery.
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