Word has it that someone actually cut one of the bricks out of the wall in the old Fire Station 16. Allegedly the one who did so might be in the photo above and had been witnessed by two individuals for doing such.
Chief See put out an internal letter to all Staff and RETIRED people who used to be related with the Fire Department demanding the brick be returned to the Fire Station immediately or action would be taken against them.
It didn't take long before the brick actually returned and was found behind a door in the building. I wonder why the other Blogger didn't report on this illegal matter?????? Need I say more? I'll leave the rest to the commenters on this Post as many of them know who vandalized the building and stole the brick out of the wall.
Holy Crap! A whole brick was stolen. What is the world coming to? Someone should be doing life for this one! I can't believe no one else is reporting this MAJOR BREAKING NEWS!
The brick is the least of the stolen goods from the department!
Is this the "Hole in the Wall Gang" in action right here in the 'Bury?
I heard it was Joe Perdue. The sob cut the brick right out of the wall and stole it while two others watched. A thief is a thief is a thief is a thief. Don't ever come back you pos.
It's just another brick in the wall...
The brick has been returned. In fact it may have never left. I found the brick behind a door in the first floor bathroom. To my knowledge nobody witnessed or knows who took the brick out of the wall. It can easily be motared back into place and its now in the Chief's custody. I have known Joe for many years and he would never steal anything. I feel it was probably a prankster just trying to get a rise out of someone. Firemen are notorious for practical jokes.
The fact that Chief See had to put out an internal message to all employees tells me there was no prank played here. Mr. Perdue was clearly trying to take a piece of history and was caught. I'm told there were two people who saw him do it. I'll also add that the brick didn't just fall out of the wall. I'm glad it was returned.
I would have thought it an act for a souvenir of remembrance, more than a prank.
But whoever did it, it's destruction of property.
Yet another mole hill turned into a mountain....
You might not think so IF it had happened to YOUR home. Oh, I guess you'd let someone do that to your home, right? I think NOT!
Come on, it was probably a joke like Brian said. You have no clue what type of jokes are played at the firehouse. Joe is a great guy and you are trashing a man I worked for for years and never had any issues with. He could write a book on some of the stuff that happened at the firehouse and I hope he does.
Besides, If the city wants to give the building away, then all of the past firefighters should take one brick at a time anyway, LOL!
I will be up to get mine next week, LMAO! You guys should worry about who the next mare is going to be...
Obviously some Firefighters live to a different standard.
A prank or a joke , is that all they do in their spare time?
A thief is a thief. This is not only destruction of property, but theft of public property. I don't care who took it, but they need to get the same reprimand that was threatened. Quit sweeping things under the carpet.
I agree. a THIEF is a THIEF. Read between the lines people.
Hey, the nuts fall close to the tree. What a greater thief than the two chiefs in what they have done with taxpayer money. Come on folks, whats the differance, maybe thats why the floor at the new firehouse is cracked, someone stole half that building, and no-one will do anything about it.
We don't need no education, we don't need no thought control,no dark sarcasm in the classroom, teacher leave those kids alone,,,
PLA Volleyball Club said...
I will be up to get mine next week, LMAO! You guys should worry about who the next mare is going to be...
10:16 AM
That's some funny shit Chuck. Hope to see you soon.
Anonymous said...
Hey, the nuts fall close to the tree. What a greater thief than the two chiefs in what they have done with taxpayer money. Come on folks, whats the differance, maybe thats why the floor at the new firehouse is cracked, someone stole half that building, and no-one will do anything about it.
5:02 PM
Yep it's the good ole boy system at it's best. Nothing will happen to him. Just another coverup. Correction for you it is 3 thieving chiefs not the two you mentioned.
Yep that thief stole the brick. He is so miserable he used to bash David Sea and now he defends him. He also hates volunteers.
Anonymous said...
The brick is the least of the stolen goods from the department!
7:01 AM
So that makes it ok?
records you need to stop being a cover up for everyone and stop lying, you always lie and try to make everyone think it went the way you see it, your wrong and have lied in your post, i'll just leave it at that, and i know that for a fact
Anonymous said...
records you need to stop being a cover up for everyone and stop lying, you always lie and try to make everyone think it went the way you see it, your wrong and have lied in your post, i'll just leave it at that, and i know that for a fact
10:35 AM
I was thinking the same thing.
The thief hasn't even bashed you about this on his anti-Albero website. I smell GUILTT!!
To Anonymous 5:23
"Anonymous said...
The thief hasn't even bashed you about this on his anti-Albero website. I smell GUILTT!!
5:23 PM"
One way to keep things stinking is to keep stirring the pot. Besides, regardless of how good your defense or your alibi, there will be those who chose to believe and repeat the worst.
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