Reasons to Consider Running for Mayor of Salisbury...May 13, 2008....
1. No Salisbury Police/Fire/Code Compliance employees recommended in FY 09 Budget (Each Department head asked for positions...6 in Police). No new police positions funded in the last 10 years
2. Water and Sewer Rates to go up 25% by recommendation of the administration. Water and Sewer Surplus fund - 2007 (14 Million) to 2013 (-6 Million)...how do you loose 21 Million dollars in 6 years?
3. Legal budget for the city up 97% in 10 years
4. Mayor's budget up 120% in 10 years
5. Taxes up 25% in 10 years
6. Long Term Obligation Debt up 308% in 10 years
The tax levy (what we collect in taxes) is up 10 Million dollars since 2000...
Citizens - Salisbury has collected more money due to higher taxes and property rates and assessments. Salisbury has bonded to the credit limit, and the administration has spend every last dime collected. Salisbury's "Financial Health" by overall debt per capita is considered "weak" by financial institution standards.
Yes, today I consider once again running for Mayor of Salisbury...solely to ask this question for our citizens....WHERE HAS ALL OUR MONEY GONE?
Jim Ireton
GO HERE to see his Official Website.
I certainly hope so!!
I hope so to, although I would miss him at our school. He is a great teacher, kind to kids and his colleagues.
I hope so also, ready and willing to help
Wanda Disharoon
Go Jimmy, Go Jimmy, Get your campaign on, Go Jimmy.
YEEEEEE HAAAAWWWWWWWW finally an honest, hard working, upstanding citizen comes forward.
I don't even know who he is , and I hope so!
Boy, the cat got out of the bag quicker than I expected! Now watch as the Mayor and cronies go on the attack and the smear campaign begins. Just remember. You really did hear anything negative about this gentlemen until it was announced he MIGHT consider running for Mayor. Hey, wouldn't it be funny if the Mayor and cronies spent the next few months attacking him only to find five other equally qualified and highly respected people also running for office? They'd have to start spreading the smear campaign pretty thin going after that many.
Jim Ireton is a man of high integrity and honesty. He is considering the run, based on what is in that post.
He has not declared, so let's not count on it until it's a declaration.
But he's likely letting this much cat out of the bag because SO many people have asked (begged) him to run for mayor.
He's got the right heart. He's got the right head. Put them together, and he'd make a terrific mayor.
If he didn't run, I wouldn't blame him. Because the Tilghman-Comegys axis will attack and smear their opponents, as we have already seen.
And it will take the VOTERS to SEE THROUGH the pool of mud and make the right choice.
I voted for him when he ran for city council. I will vote for him as mayor. My only hope is that he will not leave again.
Did he leave or was he run out by Barrie, like so many others?
I will vote for you Jim. Please run.
Jim would make a mayor...Go Jim Go...We need someone to restore faith and confidence back to this city, not tax and spend us to death...
Bubba Comegys says "WWWWAAAAHHHHHH!
. . .I ain't gonna B R Necks Mare."
Where and how should we send contributions for Jim's campaign?
It's going to take a lot to compete with SAPOA-Bubba Comegys, assisted by Barrie Tilghman & Paul $$$ Wilber in the dirty tricks department.
fBarrie will try again her old tactics--but you can only try that so many times; we know her now. We are so tired of her and her devious and vicious ways--she's a witch.
Go, Jim!!
It's time for someone to get the ball rolling so we have plenty of time to get to work!
We all have been young once. Jim is a honerable person and he's got a good head on his shoulders. This city is a mess and we really need someone that wants to put the longtime residents in a mindset to stay here and not have to live in fear out on the streets.
There are a few that would make good candidates and we are lucky that anyone whould want to look into the crystal ball and care enough to accept the mess and take the mess head on. On time, can you imagine, audits and budgets on time long before an election? You know, so voters have facts to make the judgement of a vote?
It's time for someone to get the citizens of this city out of the darkness and into the light. Fact is though it is a mess and it may cost to restore our city due to so much neglect. At least if we would have some kind of hope the costs of restoring our city will be worth it.
This city is so far in the hole and everyone knows it I doubt any kind of smear campaign would work. Those who live in glass houses on London better not start throwing stones because the citizens are armed with facts.
This is who I was referring to earlier--Jim's got my vote!
Yes Indeed...........just who we need........you can lead.....God Speed.......
Jim has the intellect required to help bring Salisbury back. He is also a man of integrity. Should he decide to run, he already has a person in place to handle the campaign funds that is Jim's equal in intellect and integrity. I am ready to write a check.
what about mr. spies? or is he not interested.
what about ms. cohen? she'd make a good candidate for president.
what we don't want is too many throwing a hat into the ring.
witness the dems races for just a candidacy.
So name your campaign treasurer already. We want to fund this campaign now.
It would be a good thing for several bright candidates to run in the primaries, so all of them can put Bubba back where he belongs. At the bottom of the heap.
Yes have a slew of people running to put the weight on Bubba and squash him like a cock roache right out of the shoot. We can put so may people out there that they won't know who to smear. Let's give them what they gave us last year, "A Trojan Horse."
You all know what I mean.
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