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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bill Gordy Wants New Toys No Matter What

Debbie Campbell eluded to the question but didn't have the opportunity to ask it. Who is going to pay for all of these toys if the county decides to restructure the fire service in the county? Who is going to pay for these pieces of equipment if the county cuts the funding to the volunteer corporations? The city taxpayers, that's who. Now, where is the city going to get the money to pay for all of these pieces of equipment? How long will these pieces of equipment be in service before they are repossessed because the city can't make the payments? Will the council be forced to take Bill Gordys advise and cut the retirement plan for the volunteers? Does Bill Gordy or Gary Comegys care? Obviously not. We know David See doesn't care, he's retiring next year.

When Gordo said everyone at home watching doesn't know what transpired during the budget sessions he was right, unless you were there. That's about the only thing he is right about. All Bill Gordy wants to do is spend the taxpayers money on new toys. He was not open to compromise then and he is not open to compromise now.
Listen to the entire SFD segment of the budget session recorded in April. SFD Budget Session.mp3


Anonymous said...

The county should restructure the EMS service first then the fire service. When they do Salisbury will most likely be left to run as they are.

Anonymous said...

The public saw first hand what the SFD is all about. Spending everything they can get their hands on. Gordy does this in his personal life and the SFD is his playground for toys. He greases these ignorant council members and gets whatever he wants. Mrs Campbell and Cohen are to be commended for their intellegent questions. They had the crooks on the run, but the deal was already done. The trucks were surplused and checks were cut days ago.

The funniest part of the session was the fire Chief. He had no idea what to say and let Gordy sweep in several times to explain their plan. The Chief stood in the back and looked like a fool. A Chief should be leading the discussion and not a Volunteer. The fact is he doesn't know anything about it except for what Gordy has told him. Gordy is running the SFD and See is his puppet. This was a complete circus and the tent was City Hall. Salisbury is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Wicomico County isn’t going to cut out funding to volunteer fire companies to include Salisbury. The option however is always open to reduce the amount given each year. Now to address Restructuring County delivered EMS I am totally in favor of such a plan. EMS services in Wicomico County could be run much more efficiently than current operations. Your Wicomico County council is the one to blame for the inefficiently run operation today. Why? The typical track record of throwing money at a problem rather than deal with it head on continues to this day. Here volunteer fire companies here’s a check go hire someone to run your ambulance so we don’t have to deal with it. Volunteers are doing the best they can with what they have to work with but it’s as simple as this. Wicomico County funds the fire companies and they should be the ones who step up to the plate and wisely spend my tax dollars to provide this service. Stop throwing my tax dollars away.

Anonymous said...

First step -- separate the EMS from fire service because they are distinctly different. Upgrade the EMS, both in the equipment and capability.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Gordy could care less about the Volunteers. His focus in on controlling the Salisbury Fire Department which he does through his puppets See and Bubba. He is running over the City with his continual greed for more spending. Are the Volunteers really this stupid?

Anonymous said...

The county is afraid of the fire chiefs association. They wont do a thing.

Anonymous said...

Listening to that, and listening to last night, what a bunch of backpedaling bullsh*t Gordy did last night. Cohen kept saying thanks for the added explanation, but that was not what was said at the work session. Well, damn, she was right. Listen to this session!

Anonymous said...

The council majority is a trio of spineless puppets, bending to the will of whoever can get up there and stone-wall and bull-sh*t them into voting however they want. The mayors pipe dreams and these 2 from the fire dept. are the worst.
Cohen and Campbell continually call out about all the things that come before the council as a done deal. WHERE IS THE INTEGRIY-Louise, Gary, Shamie, Barry,
What is it with See and Gordy? What is wrong with being cautious in today's climate as asked by Mrs. Cohen? And finally, if I bought a piece of eqipment that was supposed to have a viable life of 10-15 years and before 6 years it is requiring ridiculous repair bills I would want either my staff accountable for the treatment--OR the company accountable for the lemon.
The mileage was very low, so it has to be one of the other?
So the next equipment that is proposed, how long will it last---what percentage of its life expectancy?
How much more callousness do we have to put up with?
Last nights little display was just another example of the hubris of our city government and its buddies.
I am still PO'd about the cost of the new fire dept.

Anonymous said...

I listened to the entire adenda, they are financing the city right untill they are broke. AND, here they go to build another station DAMM, you guys are lead buy the worst bunch of fools..... FD and Council. Financing in these times, your right.... those leaders that filed personel bankrupcy, See has NO fiscal responsibilty!

Anonymous said...

Dam, Joe do you hear what the Chiefs have done, they have bought (or leased) all NEW replacements, how crazy, how stupid, they would never spend thier money that way!

Anonymous said...

AS stated by Gordy last night truck 2 was purchased during a difficult time between volunteers and the fire chief. Truck 2 a 2000 was purchased by station 2 volunteers on a very tight budget where every corner that could be cut was. Today the department is dealing with those cuts as this truck continues to fall apart. Truck 2 wasn’t built to be run like it has been therefore it continues to break.
E210 the 2002 demo fire engine is a plain Jane fire truck that again wasn’t built to run the amount of calls it’s running. SFD apparatus specifications far exceed Truck 2, E210 standards.

Anonymous said...

Just face it gordy and see are trying to get rid of the volunteers and leave the city with a huge bill for an all paid department!

Anonymous said...

I believe the company that made truck 2 uses it as an example of what not to build with their salesmen.

Anonymous said...

We need a paid county department. Its time to do away with the Jolly Volllies that pick and choose what they want to and hire people that will do what has to be done.

Anonymous said...

The moron Gary Comegys said we already budgeted the money for the trucks. BFD Gary. Just because it's in the budget doesn't mean you have to spend it.

I truly hope Gordy, See, Hoppes and all members of Station 16 truly enjoy their time there and the new equipment. How long you will have it is another story. SFD will probably go down in history as the only fire department in the country to be foreclosed up and their equipment repossessed due to the city going bankrupt or near to it.

Good job there Comegys. Do you really believe Bill Gordy when he tells you that you can win a mayoral election? You both need your head examined.

Anonymous said...

YO! You may be wrong, you may be right but you seriously need a spell-checker. Your ineptness in this area makes you look like a buffoon.

Anonymous said...

I agree that there needs to be a paid county fire system. Look at what the county gives to the volunteer companies, and something could be put together.

Anonymous said...

The paid system is what they want! They want to steal the money in the 2 Volunteer Companies and then, trash them. Once they get the money, they will have no more use for them. Why pay for something, when there are plenty of citizens willing to donate their time and efforts to this public need? Think about it. How do you save money at home? You do some of the housework yourself. We have citizens who are willing to dontate their time, and some of you are suggesting we pay for the service instead? And what about all the money these folks have raised? They have worked hard to raise this money. Now the crooks are going to steal it and trash their public service? Everyone should listen to Gordy's words on that recording.