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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Very Fine Letter From Ryan Ewalt


Would you please post this response (to Fridayʼs articles) on your website? I really do appreciate you maintaining a sense of fairness and pursuit of truth by posting responses from those you and your contributors write articles about, and I sincerely hope this case is no different.

As you know, I grew up in the area, left to go to college and to work, and returned in May. My time back home has been humbling to say the least. I came back wanting to give back to a place that has been so instrumental in who I am today. As I sat down with various people in both of the city's political camps (including yourself) and tracked your website, it became apparent that the city had some serious challenges. So, I wanted to help any way I could.

I have never cared about sides, and I still don't. I care about faith, family, service, and problem solving. I was trained as an engineer and worked with local, state, and federal government agencies as a management consultant prior to moving back to Salisbury. I enjoy identifying problems, developing potential solutions, and helping implement them.
Even before I moved home, it was clear from your website and police data that the level of crime back home was worrisome. Then multiple murders happened in a short span of time this spring/summer, and a dead body was found close to where I now work in the industrial park. Based on multiple indicators (including Jim Ireton asking the city to make the reduction of crime a top priority at a Council meeting), it was clear that many citizens, including myself, were worried about the level of crime.

I asked the mayor to consider a crime task force. My idea was to take a community approach toward a community problem. Although I didn't know much about crime, I thought putting law enforcement together with concerned citizens would be an effective way to develop solutions to address the problem. I also asked the mayor to include both sides of City Council as well as the Sheriff on the task force. I don't know exactly why the mayor agreed to the idea (I had never met the mayor before I moved home), but she did. Since the formation of the task force, based on imperfect information, some have tried to undermine its credibility. To try to provide more context for your readers, let me provide the following statements:

1. For personal reasons, I will not run for any elected office this spring. I also will not work on anyone's campaign for office this spring, and I have no interest in an appointment to serve on the City Council this spring.

2. Debbie Campbell, Carol Smith, Jonathan Taylor, and others have worked very hard and delivered impressive results to the task force. As Debbie has acknowledged, her original subcommittee worked very effectively together and accomplished an amazing amount of work during the first two weeks by obtaining crime maps, walking the streets, taking photos, and creating a great website ( with the help of Jonathan. Debbie also proposed the idea of focusing on a coordinated effort across law enforcement agencies to fight an anticipated spike in theft/shoplifting/robberies this holiday season. Carol and Jonathan worked to identify Dover as a city comparable to Salisbury with much less crime. My subcommittee focused on pulling together quantitative and qualitative data for the task force to get a better context for crime in the city, and Sheriff Lewis and Mark Tyler from SPD have done a good job pulling that information together.

3. After the first meeting, the task force agreed as a whole that it should develop new subcommittees, and Ed Cowell assigned all task force members to those committees without my input. I was assigned to Debbieʼs subcommittee, and, when I met with her subcommittee, I was very impressed by the website that shows the distribution of crime geographically. I did express to Debbie and Jonathan that SPD and WCSO might be surprised by the showing of the website at the task force meeting, but I told them I thought the website would be an effective tool for informing citizens and should be used. I have enjoyed working with Debbie and her subcommittee, and I look forward to continuing to help her subcommittee and the task force any way I can.

4. I was informed half an hour before last week's meeting that Ed wouldn't be able to make the meeting due to an emergency at Salisbury University, and he asked me to facilitate. During the meeting, I did verbally support and reinforce both Debbie's proposed holiday crime fighting effort when she presented it again as well as the crime mapping website (, but I should have made it clear that Debbie originally developed and proposed both ideas. I believe that this website as well as the crime reports website ( should be evaluated.

5. Chief Webster is not on the task force, so he has not been assigned to any subcommittees.

I hope this information is helpful to those trying to discern both the context and the happenings of the crime task force. Most importantly, I sincerely hope this task force is not a political ploy, and I hope that the findings of this task force are acted upon quickly. Reducing crime really is a goal that I think both political camps in Salisbury (and those not in one of the two camps) can agree upon, so let's not let political agendas get in the way of the community trying to come together around a common problem. Let's not remain divided around an issue that requires a unified and comprehensive effort of the whole.

Thanks again for posting my response; I really appreciate it. Hope you're doing well!


Ryan Ewalt"


Anonymous said...

They haven't delivered any results yet. While the website, maps, pictures, etc. are good; real results are lower crime.

Anonymous said...

This is a cute political stunt to, nice try.

Anonymous said...

Ryan - stop worrying about political sides - you look like a do-gooder trying to please everyone. Nothing gets done that way, Ryan. Stand up and stand for something. Stop regurgitating your history...we know it already. Decide what you believe...not who you want to believe in. If Barrie doesn't like something you do...consider yourself seasoned and lucky. How you deal with that will be a key indication to who you are on the inside.

Anonymous said...

Political stunt or not, at least they're getting it. They have to address the issues, the gossip, the suspicions and prove themselves. I'm glad he's willing to face all these issues and address them head-on. Now if he'd just get the Daily Times to publish this response.

Anonymous said...

Before the next mayoral election every candidate must be THOROUGHLY vetted, no more Louise Smith type bait and switch! All connections to the mayor or her cronies must be exposed, we WON"T BE FOOLED AGAIN!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ryan will gain the trust of Salisbury's citizens when, and if, he takes one major position different from the mayor's. Maybe something she thinks is going great that he criticizes or a plan she proposes that he opposes, really anything that shows he has a mind of his own.

Anonymous said...

Nice letter Ryan. However, I'd like to know why this entire project needed to be formed considering we already have a police chief and in my own opinion, isn't this his job? I agree with many others. It's time to make changes in the mayors office as well as the police department. We don't need more of the same.

Anonymous said...

1. Nice that he wrote that, but it would be nicer if he would write the Daily Times and correct the article where HE was given all the credit for Debbie Campbell's work.

2. 8:16 a.m., the crime task force is NOT the body that can produce lower crime, certainly not this soon. The ONLY people doing anything on that task force are Debbie Campbell and the people on her subcommittee. The ones to reduce crime are the cops, the courts and us. But Debbie's subcommittee can produce the data and the to-do list because...


Anonymous said...

Mr Ewalt is getting a good intro to the perils of local politics. Here's my advice: don't worry about whose side you should be on--don't be on a side! Take a principled stand on the issues that matter to you--in the local arena, people can tell whether you genuinely are interested in the issues and are knowledgeable. Don't try to be the mayor, don't try to be Debbie--just be Ryan, the guy who is willing to work hard (not grandstand) on solving issues).

joe albero said...

The ONLY time the Daily Slime will correct anything is IF the Mayor, (a Democrat) suports the person or candidate, like they did with Frank Kratovil. Remember the two QUOTES they printed a few weeks ago from Frank Kratovil and then changed ON LINE a day later. That is, AFTER the Kratovil Campaign realized Frank made a fool out of himself by making such statements and they changed them.

So don't expect the Daily Slime to change a thing. It realy doesn't matter at this point. Yesterday's numbers clearly showed we're getting three times their visits anyway.

Anonymous said...

We've solved the crime problem with those 4 new fire engines!


Anonymous said...

Forgive the skepticism, Ryan, but until you came on the scene the Mayor was adamant that there “WAS NO CRIME IN SALISBURY”. She repeatedly dismissed pleas made by Council Minority and concerned citizens for action against city crime. Now suddenly because you say there needs to be something done about the crime she sees the light? Gotta admit it is kinda fishy.

joe albero said...

Now Ryan, I have to agree with the last comment. Since you wrote this leter and you've taken your stand by joining this group, you should reply to such a statement. The Mayor and Chief did deny there was high crime in the City and they ran like a bat out of hell when it came to Gangs. There was no real crime and there were no Gangs, according to them.

Anonymous said...

He's not running because Tilghman is.

Anonymous said...

Ryan has no authority whatsoever as far as enforcing the law in this city. The task force can meet as many times as they want to talk about what everyone else already knows. We know where the crime is happening and why it is happening. I just dont get the point of this crime task force. And yes, it should be the job of the Chief of Police of the Salisbury Police Department who isnt on the crime task force??????? WTF?????????

Anonymous said...

How can a Crime Reduction Task Force be expected to produce any thing positive, when the very person responsible for the City's crime rate is not on it.

Chief Webster and the Mayor are singular responsible for the proliferation of crime in Salisbury.
No Chief of Police worth his salt would allow his/her agency to function like SPD does. So there must be a reason the Mayor and Chief are in collusion to allow SPD to crumble into a dysfunctional unit. What might that be?
You have to applaud the persons who agreed to serve on the Task Force and devote their time to an empty outcome. The Task Force should demand the Chief be on the TF and provide input or the TF should disband realizing they are spitting into the wind.

Anonymous said...

It's all in the timing Mr. Ewalt, all in the timing. That's why I don't trust your motives or that of the Mayor.
The same mayor just 2 short years ago, was having a FIT because poeple had the audacity to bring forth the crime problem in the city. What did she find jesus all of a sudden??
You state you did not know her, never met her, and yet you just walked into her office, proposed something, and bang here it is. Pray tell us your secret.
As I said timing is the clue to everything here.

Anonymous said...

If you sleep with the dawgs, you will wake up with fleas. Aligning yourself in any way with the Tilghman administration, it is just plain political suicide.

Anonymous said...

If Ryan Ewalt was smart and I don't mean book smart, he would run as far from Barrie Tilghman as he could. Run as if she had the plague. Thats not going to happen because it's obvious he is her golden boy.

Sorry Ryan, it's going to take a lot more than a letter to the blog to convince me.


The original skeptic