Monday's Salisbury City Council meeting was the most disgraceful display since Louise Smith mangle the oath of office. If there was ever any doubt, it is positively clear that the Tilghman Railroad is rolling through city. All who dare stand on the tracks do so at their own peril.
The conductor is the Mayor herself. Barrie Parsons Tilghman has an agenda. It may not be in the best

interest of the citizens and taxpayers of Salisbury, but who cares. The important thing is that Barrie has a plan; and that plan will be implemented ... or else.

The engineer is City Councilwoman Louise Smith. Regardless of the rules, regardless of her precious "Code of Conduct", regardless of the best interests of the senior citizens who voted her in to office, Louise WILL run that train down those crooked tracks. It is amazing how a little power will allow a person to totally give up their self respect.
The brakeman is City Councilman Gary Comegys. Gary wants to be Mayor and has somehow been deluded

into the belief that he must sacrifice his beliefs in order to get there. I probably give Gary the hardest time of all, because he is actually a pretty sharp guy. If he was actually willing to serve his constituents rather than the Tilghman agenda and the special interests which control her administration there is no telling how far he could go.

Councilwoman Shanie Shields is equivalent to a passenger. Her role on the city council is merely to do what she is told. It's truly a shame that when her West Side constituents are literally thrown from their homes thanks to the Tilghman-led gentrification plan they will have been represented on council by a woman who actually squeezed the trigger against her own constituents.
The citizens of Salisbury, in effect, are like the proverbial woman tied to the railroad tracks. Trust me when I say that that train ain't stopping, unless the citizens of Salisbury do something soon.
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Delmarva Dealings
Do you really think Comegys is pretty sharp? You have to be kidding. The name "Bubba" suits him just fine. His job with the SHA seems to be just to "stand around a lot" whenever you see him at all.
Bubba needs to utilize the dental benefits from the state that us taxpayers pay for.
Some teef he has thar....no self respect.
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