Technology has certainly come a long way. However, Blogs have absolutely pushed the Daily Times into having to respond and put up stories as fast as they can because they know Salisbury News is in fact blowing them away when it comes to stories and the delivery of such. Having a Staff of more than 200 people and Salisbury News only being GA Harrison and myself, they chose to purchase Blackberries and type away at meeting to get the scoop.
Now I'm not so sure it's the quickness of the stories getting out there verses the different styles. Would you agree?
It's simple to me. I'm NOT selling ad space but when and if I do, OMG! They'll be lining up at Salisbury News because we're the Bomb and The Daily Times, well, they're The Daily Times.
In the mean time, I'll be opening at 300 W. Main Street soon and if that won't be quick enough to deliver stories I don't know what else to tell you. I'll change up to a Blackberry when I start charging to view this Site. LOL
You just had to see Joe G. pecking away at this thing like he had Bionic Fingers! It was too funny!
From the looks of it is the most exercise he had in a while also.
Reminds me of Fatty-R-Buckle.
Did you get permission to post this mans picture on your site?
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