Now Get This!
Councilman Holloway was Fired Up when he came to learn Gary Mackes & Co. were purchasing $23.00 Pens for Holiday Gifts at the Taxpayers expense. As if that wasn't enough, it goes on. They purchased the pens from a County Employee!
Mr. Holloway had seen enough and demanded that Wicomico County look into spending a whole lot further from here on out because NO ONE should have a $23.00 Pen!
Mr. Pollitt leaned over and asked Joe, where did that come from? He replied, Gary Mackes. There was an immediately look of disappointment from Rick right away.
Can someone explain to me how Gary Mackes gets away with what he does. He gets paid so much money and even gets an allowance for clothing I believe and he needs to spend our money on 23 dollar pens. When is that position going to be taken over by someone else and what can we do about it.
how do you get on his christmas list?
i need a good pen.
who is he giving gifts too anyway?
we all have to purchase our employer/ee gifts out of our own money.
Good job Holloway. I remember watching a council meeting on PAC 14 and they all were praising him (Gary) up one side and down the other. I would like a pen please. Nice reporting Joe. This is news you don't get every day.
Here's a pen for you -- just bend over, please.
I would like to Know the name of the county employee that sold the pen since he works for us! This screams of an ethics violation on Mackes and the "protected" employee and should be made public knowledge. Terminations are in order!!!!!!!!!!
Joe Holloway and Anon 3:42 just don't get it do they.
Gary Mackes runs the county and always has since he became Henry Parker's unofficial adopted son by him and the dumbocraps. Mack Daddy gets what ever he wants and the likes of General Mumbles Sarbanes and Lap Dog Dashiell from the last council allowed it. Let's see if it continues to be allowed with the new form of government under Rick Pollitt.
Rick will have to check with Mike Lewis to see what he should say or do about it.
Oh yeah it's very clear to me why we need to lift the tax cap, so more county lackey's can piss more of our money away~!!
That is nothing less than a disgrace and a smack in the face of hard working taxpayers.
mabey the money from the pen sales is going to the deputies retierment & disablity ha ha
Who is Chuck Anderson and how is he a friend of Mackes?
Don't any of you know that tourism money is not county tax money. Tourism brings so much money into the county..sounds to me like they were thanking County Council for their support. This cost NO county tax payer ONE PENNY.
Why are you complainging JOE!! Just give the pen back if you don't want it.
"I would like to Know the name of the county employee that sold the pen since he works for us! This screams of an ethics violation on Mackes and the "protected" employee and should be made public knowledge."
It's right there on the invoice, Charles Anderson, and again in the box with the pen, Chuck Anderson ...
Something is really screwed up with the County Exec. Mackes and Shea are still there and now Matthew Creamer is back at the public trough.
Think that Anderson guy and his wife (of Board of Ed)have a side gig of selling very fancy pens.
doubt if mackes ever knew about the pens ! you see sandy fulton from tourism ordered them so she should be the person accountable here. also i think i am correct that room tax money from the county is what they spend for the most part. keep up the birdoggin joe, but please dye and cut that 80,s fast times at ridgemont high hair style. also i find most hi dollar pens do not write worth a crap or feel good in your hand anyway please sandy go to staples and pic up some black bics for your party favors
First of all, I am of the belief that the pens came from Sandy Fulton, Director of the Visitor's Bureau which is not funded by tax dollars but by revenue generated by room taxes. Also that these pens were just a token of her thanks to the council for their support. I think that Salisbury, as well as the entire state of Maryland, needs a good watchdog but one must be careful before casting allegations. I would think that Mr Holloway should donate his pen to a needy youngster. By the way did not Mr Holloway receive a jacket of some sort recently which may have been paid for by tax dollars?????
Joe...Thanks for bringing my wonderful handcrafted pens to the attention of the public.. I also make pens from deer antlers, rattlesnake skin, exotic woods and beautiful acrylics, bowling balls and native woods...The orders are great!! I make wooden children's puzzles, toy log cabins and scroll saw poraits. I do several craft
shows a year and I occasionally attend and support our Salisbury flea market. Perhaps you have seen the piece Charlie did about me on 'Travel's with Charlie' Thanks again.....anchorclanker
besides not spending County money, you can not find a harder working group of people thyan those at Tourism
Don't they call that "double dipping?"
And how is giving away $23 pens to all your cronies creating more tourism? Butt munch~!
$500.00 for pens....OH MY GOD! The sin of it all. I think $500.00 is pale in comparison to the potentially huge amount of money spent to send all of the council people to the new Hyatt resort for the MACO convention several weeks ago.I was told the convention lasted several days and the council actually stayed at the hotel for 2 nights and ate every day on the public dole. I was also told that the food was expensive but not very good. Imagine....living 30 minutes away and staying overnight on our tax dollars. Why couldn't they carpool? I wonder what the cost of that was.
Hey I dont think I could write with a pen made from a bowling ball. Good thing they didnt buy those pens.
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