Even the Gillis Family can't get past this new Meter Technician, (or whatever their title is any more). It seems this vehicle is a habitual illegal parker and they finally have had enough. So as you can see, FOB or not, the tide is a changing in the City of Salisbury and Barrie is losing more and more power by the day.
Imagine waking up, going downstairs with all the confidence in the world that NO ONE would EVER tow their vehicle and seeing it gone! What I wouldn't do to get that shot! ROTFLMAO! Welcome to THE REAL WORLD!
I'm thinking it might be expired registration or something. I find it hard to believe they'd tow for just an expired meter, but who knows.
they tow for scofflaw vehicles.... too many unpaod tickets and thats every where.
That Meter Technician won't have a job by the end of the week. That was the first and last mistake they will ever make. All Gillis will do is call Barrie and not only will all the tickets disappear, but the car will be sprung for no cost. No, excuse me, it will cost the city taxpayers.
thats his junk car anyway. his new M3 BMW is his real toy.
And no doubt he will soon be appointed by Barrie to that appeal board that Richard Insley runs for her.
If you idiot's knew anything. You would know that Gillis and Tilghman are NOT FRIENDS! Palmer quit the City Counsel becuase of her!
anon 10:25
I thought that M3 was Mr. Church's. It is pretty sweet though.
I also heard that PG isn't fond of the witch. Then again with these crooks, what we see, might not be what we are getting. Could all be a ruse. I feel dirty when I leave the GOB anymore.
regardless of him hating her. he sure nailed them on the 10 mil swamp house.
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