For a fire that started at 11:00 AM, it sure does make one wonder why a Fire Department from Delaware would finally show up at 1:15 PM??????
OK Guys, I'm awaiting your response to this one? Not knocking anyone. I'd just like an explanation as to why a Fire Company all the way from Delaware would burn all that gas just to show up at a fire they weren't INVITED to?
If they werent invited they would not of been there.
Your such a hose sniffer
stations 3,74,9,5,12and16 were on the alarm that wicomico struct out to assist Cambridge. The alarm was struck out a little after 12:30pm. How long do you think it takes to get from Delmar to Cambridge. 45 Minutes maybe?
Yeah, OK, they invited them an hour and a half later when the fire was completely under control and almost out. A fire isn't out until Delmar puts it out. Now that I'll believe more than they were invited.
20 MINUTES!!!!!!!
Oh, unless you're driving at Hebron Speed, then it's 10 MINUTES!
A fire isnt out until Delmar puts it out and the roof isnt ventilated until Salisbury does it even if its a day later
Thats some funny stuff
Picking on Delmar FD is fine. It means your leaving Salisbury alone for the time
They were dispatched by Wicomico Central and if you had a scanner you would know that the fire was not put under control until 4:30pm, and each fire department from Wicomico except of station 14 was requested for man power. There are not alot of people around during the day so they needed more help for the extensive overhaul that would be needed on this building. Fire departments don't just get to go to fires because they want to, they have to be called. You have a thing against Delmar FD and I can understand that, I don't like them very much either but they were invited along with several other fire departments like Mardela, Hebron(who took their truck and weren't asked too, maybe you should look into that) Salisbury, Fruitland and Westside were all requested. I think you need to check the facts on this one Joe, I usually agree with you but you just don't know what you are talking about on this one.
You can believe whatever you want to believe in your little world however, anon 4:17 is right. The six departments from Wicomico County were infact dispatched at the request of the Incident commander in Cambridge. Judging from the raw footage that Chopper 16 had I dare say there was more fire there than you claim. This battle you wont win because you REFUSE TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW FIRE GROUND TACTICS.
Joe, come on man you have a scanner I am sure you heard them get invited to Cambridge. How else would you have known they had a fire there. Since you got such early pictures of it. We really don't just show up uninvited to fires that we are 40-50 miles away.
I myself am not in the fire service but most of my family is and I read your blog all the time and wonder why it is you pick on Salisbury FD and I can understand some of it and it does not offend me that you do. But I have came to the conclusion that the reason you pick on them is because you have no clue, to say that Delmar wasn't invited to the fire is retarded! You obviously know nothing about how going to a fire works, fire companies just don't go to fires because they want to or feel like it at the time, they are called by the fire department in who's district the fire is in or in this case with the fire being so large and the chief himself having such a large responsibility dealing with the massive fire that the dispatchers at the dispatch center look for next due companies and they call them when the chief says he needs more help and how many companies he wants help from. You can say whatever you want to about this one, but you are WRONG! call Wicomico Central and you can ask them when delmar was dispatched, what time they got there, and if you wait long enough they can tell you what time they return home from the call. LOL I can't believe you think fire departments can just go to whatever calls they want to...lol that is too funny.
Hey, Joe, here you go again showing you knoe nothing of the fire service. Don't you think those initial crews might get tired after a while and need relief? I still have the call recorded on my fire pager calling out stations 3,74,9,5,12 and 16. Would you like me to stop by and play it for you. Don't hide in the bathroom. I won't hurt you.
Just an observation. I would suggest that more funding is need for schools in the Sharptown area. It's needed for grammar lessons and dictionaries! Maybe a spell check and grammar check can be added to the blog comment section.
if its only 20 mins away why are you b+++hing about them being "ALL THE WAY FROM DELAWARE
Joe, respectfully, your a FUCKING IDIOT. Can I make it any more clear than that?
What no coverage of Mardela Springs FD losing there hose along the way to Cambridge? Gee, they must have been driving too fast for somethng like that to happen, right??? Comon', Joe- this is a big chance for you to piss off even more firefighters!!
I have a good one for you Joe the man that WBOC interviewed David Christiansen who said he was a retired firefighter from Dover, he is no such thing, he once stole a ladder truck from a shop in Hebron saying that he was a member of Dover Fire Dept. WBOC did alot of checking into who they interview. He nothing but a piece of $hit firetruck chaser trying to act like he knows something.
Gotta love those Fire Fighters.
Sorry guys but IMO Delmar shouldn't have been there. We have emergencies here and I don't care if it's Delmar or Salisbury, they had more Fire Trucks there than ANY fire I have ever seen in my entire life. I don't even want to think of the gas alone and money spent across the Eastern Shore for one building on fire.
You know what it reminds me of? It reminds me of New Orleans and everyone looting. It's human nature once it gets started, everyone joins in thinking if everyone else is doing it, why not.
I think Fire Fighters have that same emotion, addition, adrenaline, whatever you want to call it.
I spoke directly with the Chief involved and he said it was a 6 alarm fire. SIX, not SIXTY! Delmar would have been #60. Yes, I am exaggerating but you know what I mean.
Then again, I could see if local Fire Fighters wanted to get in their PERSONAL vehicles, drive out there and assist wherever necessary. However, to spend all that money with NO ACCOUNTABILITY, (and that's why you guys hate me) is complete bullshit!
Super Chief Joe- disputing whether a dept was needed is a completely different issue that if the went as you said, uninvited. Once again you were proven completely wrong, and instead on admitting fault and learning something, you just get more arrogant. There is plenty of accountability in the fire service. We follow national standards that have been developed thru years and years of research. Somehow, you, with your gradeschool education, and not one day in the fire service or one fire training class under your belt think you know better how to manage fires than those who have trained for it and done it for years and years. Your ignorance is absolutely astounding. You should volunteer in Delmar for a while. You actually might learn something.
Yeah I bet you got time to speak with Chief Jeff Hurley, he was probably not even the one the actuatlly called Delmar. He didn't have time to name off which companies he wanted to respond. But truth is in this story they were dispatched to assist for manpower by wicomico central along with other companies, why do you just say delmar wasn't invited. They were invited and your wrong now you are just trying to make up some lame excuse for saying what you did. As far as you saying they had more fire trucks than any fire you had ever seen you must have missed the even bigger building fire they had last year. That many fire departments were needed to keep the fire from taking out the whole street and you REALLY talked to the chief he would have told you why he called for all those companies.
I spoke directly with the Chief involved and he said it was a 6 alarm fire. SIX, not SIXTY! Delmar would have been #60.
Guess what, Joe! Delmar is in Cambridge's 6th due for a structure fire!
actually Hebron was due on the fourth alarm assignment with the truck and an engine just as Sharptown was. However in all the radio traffic and confusion at Dorchester operations center they did not let Wicomico know all the equipment due. Hebron SOP's were followed with the equipment that was already set up to respond on the alarm per the chiefs of Cambridge and Hebron. Dont believe me call Chief Hurley @ RFC
"Then again, I could see if local Fire Fighters wanted to get in their PERSONAL vehicles, drive out there and assist wherever necessary."
OK, Joe the firefighting genius, please explain how firefighters could assist without the turnout gear, SCBA, tools and exuipment that is in the fire trucks.
Also, fire safety Joe, please explain how it is safe and reasonable thing to do to have dozens of cars driving to Cambridge, getting to and parking near the fireground.
Firefighters get to take credits for mileage on their POV's off their income taxes. Please explain, tax expert Joe, how this is a better use of tax dollars to pay for all these vehicles to drive to Cambridge than to drive together in fire apparatus.
Who could or would believe Cambridge would be called into a 6 alarm fire?
Bottom line is, I could believe they'd want these professionals there, that's understandable. However, how many Fire Departments are in-between Cambridge and Salisbury, EAST and then how many to Easton, WEST?
To call in Delmar Delaware should be a surprise to anyone. That is, if you believe they were even called in?
Bottom line is, you guys have your heads UP YOUR ASSES and are CLUELESS on how to run a business. Like I said earlier. If you got in YOUR OWN vehicle and went up there to VOLUNTEER your time, cool! If, (like the 50 Fire Trucks that were there or so) you were PAID and simply showed up, BULLSHIT!
Nevertheless, there are 200 of you out there who believe they know more about business than I do, (know that I'm laughing my ass off at that) then so be it. You'll NEVER agree anyway because many, (NOT ALL) of you are a bunch of losers anyway who couldn't get a job in the real world anyway.
Yes, you are needed in all communities but your accountability is bullshit and you are clueless when it comes to saying no or making rash decisions.
Obviously hits must be down today at the neverland ranch...Keep running your mouth fucko...your clueless..
In a large scale incident like this you will see stations called in different stages. This particular fire was at seven alarms when I last heard. Can you imagine if all the equipment needed showed up at the same time ? The Chief had a staging area away from the scene and called the help in as needed.
Todays fire wasn't the largest I ever went to, but it did have the most companies by far. From Talbot County to Wicomico and then some. There were guys from DCFD and PGFD helping out. The spirit of the fire service was alive and well today. All those units worked together and you never heard a cross word. Everyone did their best to help Cambridge in their time of need.
I didn't hear of anyone getting hurt and alot of property was saved. Its very hard to get help in the daytime for alarms and todays turnout was massive. Chief Hurley did a great job and everyone worked together.
Joe is an idiot..
Joe is a dumbass.
Joe don't know shit..
Accountability you can't even pay your taxes or water bill..
Joe couldn't put the fire out in his cigar!!LOL
Joe your best bet is to stop commenting cause your making yourself look like a "IDIOT" with every post you make
Joe did you do the speed limit to get there?Cause I can almost bet you were speeding to get there.
So which fire department is next on you list Joe,for next week Ocean city maybe willards.
You really need to take the time to sit down with a chief officer of whatever station and look at a little book called S.O.P.'s, or standard operating procedures. This "book" lays out in black and white exactly who responds where for each alarm. I'm not bashing you, but your ignorance of the fire service and how we operate is generating alot of tension that should not exist. All fire departments have S.O.P.'s & these guidelines have been set forth to maintain accountability, something you made a formal accusation of Delmar not having. Fighting a fire is physically demanding and NFPA regulations state that each firefighter has to take a predetermined break for rehab after a certain time period of active firefighting. With a fire of this magnitude, there is a great strain on the men/women fighting this fire if there's not enough people there to rotate out. That's how people get hurt or killed. If you want to bash anyone about the way this operation was conducted take it up with the NFPA. We set our guidelines following their standard. Instead of spending all of your free time bashing the fire service, why don't you spend it reading the NFPA guidelines at nfpa.org? Then you will actually have some level of education when you decide to target us.
Just to touch on your first reply:
"Yeah, OK, they invited them an hour and a half later when the fire was completely under control and almost out. A fire isn't out until Delmar puts it out. Now that I'll believe more than they were invited."
4:17 PM
That statement there shows exactly the lack of education you possess about the fire service. The situation is not under control until the fire is out. Now the next step is overhaul & yes it may uncover "hotspots", but as long as there is fire actively burning you don't place it under control. lmost out can become a full blaze again in the blink of an eye, change in wind/velocity, gas lines, combustibles properly or improperly stored are just a few possibilities that could take an "almost" under control to out of control. That's why until active fires are extinguished it's not "under control".
Salisbury Fire
Fire expert Joe says-
Bottom line is, you guys have your heads UP YOUR ASSES and are CLUELESS on how to run a business.
Mr. Obvious says-
Fighting fires IS NOT a for profit, traditional business. There are time that things are done that might cost a few extra bucks, to insure that lives and property are saved.
I've got an idea, Joe. How about setting the example? How about sending a letter to the Delmar FD and Sussex Dispatch stating that, if the Albero compound ever catches fire, you absolutely only want 1 FIRE DEPARTMENT to respond. Tell this is unconditional and additional units will be considered trespassing. Make a stand instead of just running your mouth.
"Who could or would believe Cambridge would be called into a 6 alarm fire?"
So now you are saying Cambridge shouldnt be called to their own fire??? HUH????!!!
I spoke directly with the Chief involved and he said it was a 6 alarm fire-Joe
The only person you spoke to was your alter ego.
"Who could or would believe Cambridge would be called into a 6 alarm fire?"
You're right, sorry. I meant to say who could believe DELMAR would be called into Cambridge for a 6 alarm fire.
The Cambridge fire is now up to 16+ alarms, with over 36 departments from over 11 counties now involved, due to extensive overhaul required and relief of exhausted f/f's.
16 Alarm Fire, LMAO!
Wicomico county FD's are often called to extensive fires in Dorchester county. It generally happens once or twice a year.
I am confused by what your saying Joe, the fire was under control sometime between 1 and 2 pm this afternoon. But...WBOC and what I heard come across the radio tell me something diffrent. The fire was NOT under control untill 430pm. Everybody is talking about the fire last year. What about the massive fire that took place almsost 5 or 6 years ago up there when just about every Fire Co. in Wicomico county was called alnog with Ocean City. Joe, Purely simple here... Other than the intial alarm that is made for a fire, help( other Fire Co.) maybe called at diffrent times so everything is not jammed in somewhere on a scene and so that fresh people will be coming to the scene ready to work. I know you build light bulbs and thats fine. That is not that stressing of a job. There is no heavey lifting, battleing heat and smoke conditions there. In firefighting you have all those conditions and more. People need a break to rehab themselves and yes this is an NFPA standerd. You can't push people on a fire for mulitble hours with out a break or for that long of time period without fatigue setting in and someone getting hurt or killed. Yeah Delmar was called, so what they were called along with West Side, Salisbury, Friutland, Hebron, Mardela, Sharptown and multible other Companies from talbot and Dorchester. Durring the day you need man power unlike you Joe most volunteers have a job and have to work durrning the day so you don't alwways have the staffing you would like at your station and surrounding area to battle a blaze of this ones size. But hey the IC asked for more help and he got it. The fire got put out. From what I saw Everyone did a great job. Oh and Joe by the way. The fire ground is not a party... You don't get invited... You get called for Mutal Aide. Just a little FYI there for you. Have a nice day. and I wish a speedy reovery for any that got hurt and the one firefighter that I hear suffered from a heart attack I'll keep you on my prayers.
You should really STFU. Everytime you open your ignorant piehole, you validate what everyone already thinks of you...a clueless jackass idiot. Stick to your expertise of photographing overflowing dumpsters and burned out street lights. Two things your small mind can comprehend.
I stand corrected. I was not aware that anyone got hurt. It was kept really quiet and you would have never known it by just being there. The EMS personnel did a great job of handling these emergencies while the troops faught on. I hope the injured recover quickly.
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