Look around Ladies & Gentlemen! I told you this guy was a nut job! The announcement came today where Chiefy thinks that he, Barrie Tilghman and Gordy can get the taxpayers to fall for anything and everything.
Oh well, if you continue to give, give, give to these people, NOTHING will be good enough. I'm going to bite my tongue any further and leave the comments to all of you. Check out what WBOC & WMDT have to say.
instead of spending money on a new boat, maybe they better take lessons on how to dock one.
10,000,000.oo (and counting) for a firehouse, additional nearly a million more to replace a truck, now 800,000 for a fireboat to service the rich on the river? Now how much better fiscal sense would it have made to spend say 6 million on a new firehouse and have 4 million leftover for all the new equipment? There are definite improprieties in this whole stinking fiasco, why can't anyone get to the bottom of this boondoggle?
With the amount of money that was spent on the new firehouse, they could have built a new one on the north end of town, remodeled both, sta. 16 and 2. and purchased all the equipment that needs to be replaced.
Looks like Joes alter ego is back
Very little of their equipment needs to be replaced, so don't let them con you.
Good post -- keep it up Joe.
9:52 pm:
the bottom of this boondoggle appears to be the taxpayer wallet, aka the bottomless pit.
Maybe the Chief in Cambridge that we just saw "in action" to be very good at the job, could be recruited and See and Gordy turned loose.
Its time for PEOPLES HEADS to go in the CITY OF SALISBURY and WICOMICO COUNTY.$23.oo pens,10 MILLION buildings,and rumor only that inmate funds pay for xmas parties at the local jail.
Tell Bill Gordy to foot the bill for his new boat, he is the one that wants it and he can well afford it. He has more money than the city of Salisbury.
By the way, who paid for the county Christmas party that took most all of the county employees away from their job on a Wednesday in December? I think we know the answer. The same group that paid for the $23 pens. If we are expecting heavy state tax money cuts, why are we even thinking of such things as a 10 million dollar Fire House and an $800,000 boat? Time to make some big changes in this town and county!
A. Goetz
First of all how did this vessal sink ? Second it surley could be rehauled for less than $400,000. Didnt they just get turned down for a new boat in the last year ? Sort of strange isnt it ? Our City #$%%*^%*&
just so you know, they aren't asking the city to foot the bill for the fire boat. they are applying to the fed for a grant. if the fed agrees that salisbury is in need of a "fire" boat they will issue a grant to cover the bill. i'm not sure if they have already applied or not, but it was stated that the only way to make that purchase would be with grant money. so get some facts before you try to represent your opinions as fact.
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