It's well past noon on day-7 of the 7-day ultimatum from Dr. Daffy of Boss Hogg's Pocomoke City.
FYI Dr Daffy is demanding through counsel, that we publish a 1/4-page ad in a local tabloid about her or she will file a lawsuit. No response from Dr Daffy or Mr Cornflakes on the proposed content so we are going to have a contest 'Can you read Dr Daffy's mind?' There are two (2) categories website apology and FOUR 1/4 page tabloid advertisements
Lets play 'Guess what Dr. Daffy want's us to print' because all her lawyer said was to secure competent representation because the Daffy Clock was ticking... In my response to Ernie Corn_ _ _ _ _ _ (name the players is a new part of the contest) the statement "...It is very difficult to locate a competent attorney on the Eastern Shore..." has proven true because competent counsel would have written and provided the ad copy with the demand.
Pocomoke Tattler readers have not had this much fun since we played 'Lets find a tag on Cane's Used Cars' going on 3-years 7-cars last week but no tags on anything at 'Ground Zero' for Pocomokes Open Air Drug Market on Fourth Street... Honiss Cane is one of Boss Hogg's City Councilmen for you new readers here.
Possible subject matter: The election of officers for the Pocomoke City Chamber of Commerce was held last Wednesday at the Upper Deck with 17 members reported to be in attendance. It has been verified that Dr. Daffy took the ballots and instead of counting and announcing the winner as has been tradition she took the ballot box, by herself to go to the chamber building to "count ALL of the ballots" after having the locks changed on the building that morning.
It's not like she has Boss Hoggs collection of goat pictures to protect its the chamber of commerce who can't even afford to repair the furnace but new locks were the unilateral decision for election day by Dr. Daffy so she could lock out any nosey members and count the votes in private.
It's Pocomoke...

[See the attached file]
The rules of the contest are simple;
Submit anything you want your guess is as good as mine.
Copy - Pictures - Text or whatever?
No Profanity or Pornography
You may submit as many entries as you like but each entry must be separate.
e-mail entries to bosshogg@pocomoketattler.com
Or post using the comments feature
Really good one liner responses will qualify for runner up position so please don't be bashful
Winner will be treated to a Barbeque Feast with the Billy Burkes in Pocomoke City.
First Runner Up will win a seat with Billy Burke at Pocomoke City Hall for a City Council Meeting.
Second & Third Prizes have not been determined yet but they will be interesting.
Remember we need FOUR (4) 1/4 page ads tabloid size where you will
Then there is the find the comments to retract and guess what type of retraction should be published for 30-days on the Pocomoke Tattler.
Right about now I am guessing that Dr. Daffy is Russ Blakes favorite person in the world but don't worry Boss we have not forgotten you.
Let the games begin!
Let the games begin.
Dr Daffy is going to make Pocomoke famous yet!
Billy Burke
Why because he is a ass like you?
"It's Pocomoke..."
That's true, but it sure could be Sprawlsbury, Barrieland!
the, the, the tttthatsss all, folks
Wow, first the mayor of Salisbury makes headline news with catfights to the groin, then suing a nasty blogger, now this!
OMG, I've got tears in my eyes from laughing.
BTW, in a free country, ballots are counted by a committee with watchers present. It may only be a chamber election, but still, how smelly can you get!
What an embarrassment to the Eastern Shore they all are!
. . . Mr Cornflakes . . .
Dr. Daffy must be Dr. Janet Dudley-Esbachs sister-both are phony "doctors" , are fat and crazy,does Dr. Daffy have a cool MySpace page like Janet?
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